Title | Series | Speaker | Date | Tags | Description |
All in the Synagogue Were Filled with Wrath | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 02/02/2025 | ||
Hard Words | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 02/02/2025 | ||
1 Peter 3:15-4:19 – Surrender and Suffering | 1 Peter | Josiah Maddux | 01/26/2025 | ||
Jesus Returned in the Power of the Spirit | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/26/2025 | ||
Christ’s Love: The Love that Saves from Sin: 1 John 3 | 1 John | John Gray | 01/19/2025 | ||
You Have Kept the Good Wine Until Now | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/19/2025 | ||
The Unity of Word and Spirit | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 01/12/2025 | ||
Jesus also Had Been Baptized | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/12/2025 | ||
1 Peter 3:8-14 | 1 Peter | Josiah Maddux | 01/05/2025 | ||
I Must Be in My Father’s House | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/05/2025 | ||
1 Peter 2:12-3:7 – Honor, Suffering, Healing, and Submission | 1 Peter | Josiah Maddux | 12/29/2024 | ||
Christ Transforms Suffering Into Glory: The Birth of Jesus Christ | Single Message | John Gray | 12/22/2024 | ||
1 Peter 2:1-11: Directing Your Heart, and God’s Chosen People | 1 Peter | Josiah Maddux | 12/15/2024 | ||
Joy of the Lord is My Strength | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 12/15/2024 | ||
1 John 2:12-28: Abiding in the Father | 1 John | John Gray | 12/08/2024 | ||
Prepare the Way | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 12/08/2024 | ||
1 John 1:5-2:6 – Mercy Seat | 1 John | John Gray | 12/01/2024 | ||
The Day of the Lord | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 12/01/2024 | ||
1 Peter 1:13-25: Get Ready for the Future | 1 Peter | Josiah Maddux | 11/24/2024 | ||
Calendars, Culture, and Discipleship | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 11/24/2024 | ||
1 Peter 1:1-12: The Greatness of God’s Blessing | 1 Peter | Josiah Maddux | 11/17/2024 | ||
These Are but the Beginning of Birth Pains | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 11/17/2024 | ||
How Jesus Brings Us Back to Our Father | 1 John | John Gray | 11/10/2024 | ||
Principles for Powerful Worship Meetings | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 11/03/2024 | ||
Practicing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 11/03/2024 | ||
Hope Rising Presentation 2024 | Single Message | Robin Robbins | 10/27/2024 | ||
Son of David, Have Mercy on Me! | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 10/27/2024 | ||
Arguments for Paedo-Baptism | Unity in Baptism | Josiah Maddux | 10/20/2024 | ||
The Rulers of the Gentiles Lord It Over Them | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 10/20/2024 | ||
Overview of Covenant Theology | Unity in Baptism | Josiah Maddux | 10/13/2024 | ||
What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life? | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 10/13/2024 | ||
Arguments for Credo-Baptism | Unity in Baptism | Josiah Maddux | 10/06/2024 | ||
It Was Not So from the Beginning | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 10/06/2024 | ||
My God Will Supply All Your Need in Christ Jesus: Philippians 4 | Philippians | John Gray | 09/29/2024 | ||
If Your Hand Causes You to Sin | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 09/29/2024 | ||
My Peace I Give to You | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 09/22/2024 | ||
Christ’s Submission to the Father | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 09/22/2024 | ||
That I May Know Him – Philippians 3 | Philippians | John Gray | 09/15/2024 | ||
The Great Confession | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 09/15/2024 | ||
Church Planting International Update 2024 | Single Message | Steven Shepard | 09/08/2024 | ||
Who Will Enter the Kingdom of Heaven? | Single Message | Matthew Shepard | 09/08/2024 | ||
Rejoice in the Lord Always | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 09/01/2024 | ||
All These Evil Things Come From Within | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 09/01/2024 | ||
Christ’s Example of Humility — Philippians 2 | Philippians | John Gray | 08/25/2024 | ||
You Have the Words of Eternal Life | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 08/25/2024 | ||
Hastening the Day | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 08/18/2024 | ||
Abide in Me - John 6:51-58 | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 08/18/2024 | ||
My Affection for You – Philippians 1 | Philippians | John Gray | 08/11/2024 | ||
I Am the Bread that Came Down from Heaven | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 08/11/2024 | ||
The Helmet of the Hope of Salvation | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 08/04/2024 | ||
Forgiveness: When Heaven Meets Earth | Single Message | John Gray | 07/28/2024 | ||
Praying for Your Children Well | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 07/28/2024 | ||
Leading Your Children by Example - Part 2 | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 07/21/2024 | ||
Leading Your Children by Example - Part 1 | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 07/07/2024 | ||
Miracles I Have Seen - Part 5 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 07/07/2024 | ||
Empowering Your Children Well | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 06/30/2024 | ||
Miracles I Have Seen - Part 4 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 06/30/2024 | ||
Miracles I Have Seen - Part 3 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 06/23/2024 | ||
Miracles I Have Seen - Part 2 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 06/23/2024 | ||
Miracles I Have Seen - Part 1 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 06/16/2024 | ||
He Washed My Feet | Single Message | John Gray | 06/16/2024 | ||
Equipping Your Children Well | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 06/09/2024 | ||
False Obedience | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 06/09/2024 | ||
The Usefulness of Testimonies | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 06/02/2024 | ||
The Sabbath was Made for Man | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 06/02/2024 | ||
Discipling Your Children Well | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 05/26/2024 | ||
That Which is Born of Spirit is Spirit | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 05/26/2024 | ||
Do You Want the Holy Spirit? | Single Message | John Gray | 05/19/2024 | ||
You Also Will Bear Witness | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 05/19/2024 | ||
Evangelizing Your Children Well | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 05/12/2024 | ||
God and Mothers | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 05/12/2024 | ||
Disciplining Your Children Well – Part 2 | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 05/05/2024 | ||
That Your Joy May Be Complete | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 05/05/2024 | ||
Disciplining Your Children Well – Part 1 | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 04/28/2024 | ||
Whoever Abides in Me Bears Much Fruit | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 04/28/2024 | ||
I Am the Resurrection and the Life | Single Message | John Gray | 04/21/2024 | ||
Loving Your Children Well – Part 3 | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 04/21/2024 | ||
Loving Your Children Well – Part 2 | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 04/14/2024 | ||
He Opened Their Minds to Understand the Scriptures | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 04/14/2024 | ||
Loving Your Children Well – Part 1 | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 04/07/2024 | ||
As the Father Has Sent Me, So I am Sending You | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 04/07/2024 | ||
Resurrection | Single Message | John Gray | 03/31/2024 | ||
New Beginnings | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 03/31/2024 | ||
Triumph and Lament | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 03/24/2024 | ||
The Arrival of the King | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 03/24/2024 | ||
Understanding Your Assignment | The Essentials of Effective Parenting | Josiah Maddux | 03/17/2024 | ||
Now Will the Ruler of this World Be Cast Out | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 03/17/2024 | ||
Just as Moses Lifted up the Serpent | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 03/10/2024 | ||
Being a Relational Church | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 03/10/2024 | ||
Understanding God’s Delight in You | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 03/03/2024 | ||
Jesus Cleanses the Temple | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 03/03/2024 | ||
Being Too Concerned About Sin | How to Be Legalistic | Josiah Maddux | 02/25/2024 | ||
Take Up Your Cross! | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 02/25/2024 | ||
Omniscience and the Cross | Single Message | John Gray | 02/18/2024 | ||
GCF Foundational Book List Revised & Revisited - Part 2 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 02/18/2024 | ||
Holding to Standards that God Doesn’t Command - Part 2 | How to Be Legalistic | Josiah Maddux | 02/11/2024 | ||
The Height of Epiphany: The Transfiguration | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 02/11/2024 | ||
Holding to Standards that God Doesn’t Command | How to Be Legalistic | Josiah Maddux | 02/04/2024 | ||
Christ, the Great Physician | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 02/04/2024 | ||
Finding God’s Love in the Wilderness | Single Message | John Gray | 01/28/2024 | ||
The Demons Testify | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/28/2024 | ||
Believing that Separation Will Sanctify You | How to Be Legalistic | Josiah Maddux | 01/21/2024 | ||
GCF Core Values | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 01/21/2024 | ||
GCF Foundational Book List Revised & Revisited | Reviewing GCF Resources | Greg Weis | 01/14/2024 | ||
Believing that the Law Will Justify You | How to Be Legalistic | Josiah Maddux | 01/14/2024 | ||
Responding to Your Sins and Failures | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 01/07/2024 | ||
The Baptism of the Lord | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/07/2024 | ||
4 Priorities for 2024 | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 12/31/2023 | ||
God’s Ordinary, Everyday Miracles | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 12/31/2023 | ||
A Father’s Song of Delight | Single Message | John Gray | 12/24/2023 | ||
Summary Overview of the GCF Vision | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 12/17/2023 | ||
The Charismatic Movement - Part III | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 12/17/2023 | ||
Reasons for a Victorious Eschatology - Part 2 | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 12/10/2023 | ||
Peace on Earth | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 12/10/2023 | ||
Reasons for a Victorious Eschatology | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 12/03/2023 | ||
Advent: Rend the Heavens | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 12/03/2023 | ||
Problems with Pessimistic Eschatology: 2 Thessalonians 2 | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 11/26/2023 | ||
Childrearing: Raising Boys and Girls | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 11/26/2023 | ||
Childrearing: Instruction & Discipline | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 11/19/2023 | ||
The Charismatic Movement - Part II | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 11/19/2023 | ||
Problems with Pessimistic Eschatology: Revelation | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 11/12/2023 | ||
Thoughts on Congregational Worship | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 11/12/2023 | ||
Problems with Pessimistic Eschatology: Matthew 24 | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 11/05/2023 | ||
Family Basics: Family Worship | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 11/05/2023 | ||
Family Basics: Dinner | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 10/29/2023 | ||
The Charismatic Movement - Part I | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 10/29/2023 | ||
Introduction to Eschatology | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 10/22/2023 | ||
Childrearing: Creating Culture | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 10/22/2023 | ||
A Call to Seek God Expectantly | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 10/15/2023 | ||
Jesus Gave Shepherds | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 10/15/2023 | Discipleship, pastor, elder | |
Childrearing: You Can’t Save Them | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 10/15/2023 | ||
A Season of Seeking, Prayer, and Fasting (2023) - Part A (10:30) | Single Message | Greg Weis | 10/08/2023 | ||
A Season of Seeking, Prayer, and Fasting (2023) - Part B (9:30) | Single Message | Greg Weis | 10/08/2023 | ||
A Vision for the Potential of the Church | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 10/01/2023 | ||
The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 10/01/2023 | ||
The Meaning of Christian Brotherhood | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 09/24/2023 | ||
Introduction to Childrearing | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 09/24/2023 | ||
The Foundations of Baptisms: Meaning and Purpose of Baptisms | Single Message | Greg Weis | 09/17/2023 | ||
Staying in Fellowship | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 09/17/2023 | ||
Missions Update: Church Planting International | Single Message | Steven Shepard | 09/10/2023 | ||
Fellowship with Jesus | Single Message | Steven Shepard | 09/10/2023 | ||
The Responsibilities of the Wife | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 09/03/2023 | ||
The Pentecostal Latter Rain and Healing Revival Movements in the U.S. | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 09/03/2023 | ||
The Christian’s Church Responsibilities - Part 2 | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 08/27/2023 | ||
The Role of the Wife | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 08/27/2023 | ||
The Christian’s Church Responsibilities - Part 1 | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 08/20/2023 | ||
The Responsibility of the Husband | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 08/20/2023 | ||
The Role and Relevance of the Church | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 08/13/2023 | ||
Billy Graham - America's Pastor | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 08/13/2023 | ||
Why Christians Need the Church | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 07/30/2023 | ||
Federal Headship | Foundations of Marriage | Daniel Williams | 07/30/2023 | ||
How God Describes the Church – Part 2 | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 07/23/2023 | ||
Husband and Wife Distinctives | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 07/23/2023 | ||
How God Describes the Church – Part 1 | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 07/16/2023 | Bride, temple, family, chosen people, treasured possession | Josiah starts examine the role of the Church by looking at the ways God describes the Church in the Scriptures. In this sermon we looked at four word pictures that the Scriptures use to describe the Church: God's chosen people, the bride of Christ, the temple of God, and the family of God. |
Defining Marriage and Its Purpose | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 07/16/2023 | ||
Covenant - My Life For Yours | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 07/09/2023 | ||
The Assemblies of God - Billy Sunday and Aimee Semple McPherson | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 07/09/2023 | ||
The Strengths of Being Reformed and Charismatic | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 07/02/2023 | In this sermon. Josiah reviews the strengths of reformed churches and the strengths of charismatic churches, and then he examines four areas that a church will do even better in if it is both reformed and charismatic than it would if it were only reformed or only charismatic. | |
The Gospel Proclaimed as Marriage | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 07/02/2023 | ||
Having a Culture of Worship, Prayer, and Expectation | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 06/25/2023 | Wrapping up the section "The Strengths of Charismatic Churches," Josiah emphasizes the importance of having a culture of regular worship, regular prayer, and confident expectation that God will do great things. | |
Foundations of Marriage: Introduction | Foundations of Marriage | Steven Leopold | 06/25/2023 | family | In this introduction to our new series "Foundations of Marriage," Steven introduces us to what we'll be talking about and what to expect from this series. |
Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare - Part 2 | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 06/18/2023 | ||
Acts 28: Christ Over All Other Gods | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 06/18/2023 | ||
Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare - Part 1 | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 06/11/2023 | ||
The Salvation Army and The Church of God in Christ | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 06/11/2023 | ||
Components of All Biblical Covenants - Part 4 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 06/04/2023 | ||
Acts 27: “I Told You So” | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 06/04/2023 | ||
Pursuing the Gifts of the Spirit | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 05/28/2023 | ||
Components of all Biblical Covenants - Part 3 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 05/28/2023 | ||
Components of All Biblical Covenants - Part 2 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 05/21/2023 | ||
Acts 26: Paul's Witness to Agrippa | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 05/21/2023 | ||
Acts 25: Missional Integrity | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 05/14/2023 | ||
The Sunday School Movement, the YMCA, and Dwight L. Moody | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 05/14/2023 | ||
Receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 05/07/2023 | ||
Acts 23: The Conspiracy Against Paul | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 05/07/2023 | ||
Holding to Continuationism Rather Than Cessationism | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 04/30/2023 | ||
The Power of Testimony | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 04/30/2023 | ||
Church Membership Commitment | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 04/23/2023 | ||
How to Tend to Your Garden | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 04/23/2023 | ||
Prioritizing Biblical & Theological Studies | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 04/16/2023 | ||
Acts 21: Christian Obligation | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 04/16/2023 | ||
The Power of His Resurrection | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 04/09/2023 | ||
Christ's Fulfillment of Three Feasts | Single Message | Catherine Weis | 04/09/2023 | ||
Difficulties with Dispensationalism | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 04/02/2023 | ||
An Overview of Covenant Theology | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 03/26/2023 | ||
Acts 20: Paul – A Pastor of Pastors | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 03/26/2023 | ||
Lent & Seeking Repentance - Part 1 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 03/19/2023 | ||
A Talk on Giving | Single Message | Greg Weis | 03/12/2023 | ||
Charles Spurgeon, Prince of Preachers | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 03/12/2023 | ||
Having a Biblical View of Predestination and Election | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 03/05/2023 | ||
The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 03/05/2023 | ||
Acts 19: This Town ain’t Big Enough for the Two of Us | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 02/26/2023 | ||
Having an Emphasis on the Five Solas | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 02/26/2023 | ||
GRG Presentation 2023 | Single Message | Keith Spurgin | 02/18/2023 | ||
Ned Berube's Testimony | Single Message | Ned Berube | 02/18/2023 | ||
Responding with Responsibility | Single Message | Keith Spurgin | 02/19/2023 | ||
Bible Study on Suffering | Single Message | Ned Berube | 02/19/2023 | ||
Being Grace-Based | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 02/12/2023 | ||
The Holiness Movement and the Pentecostal Movement | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 02/12/2023 | ||
Acts 18-19: Revival in Ephesus | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 02/05/2023 | ||
Having a Biblically Complete Presentation of the Gospel | The GCF Vision | Josiah Maddux | 02/05/2023 | ||
Do Not Be Silent for I Am With You: Acts 18 | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 01/29/2023 | ||
A Gospel of Authority | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 01/29/2023 | ||
Acts 17 | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 01/22/2023 | ||
Thankfulness | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 01/22/2023 | ||
Time Management & Spiritual Disciplines | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 01/15/2023 | ||
Acts 16: Timothy, Increasing in Numbers, and Philippi | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 01/15/2023 | ||
Pursing Intimacy with God | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 01/08/2023 | ||
Dispensationalism: J.N. Darby and the Plymouth Brethren | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 01/08/2023 | ||
Goal Setting for the New Year | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/01/2023 | ||
Christ the Reigning King | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 12/25/2022 | ||
God Desires Intimacy with Us | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 12/18/2022 | ||
God’s Everlasting Love | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 12/18/2022 | ||
Acts 15: The Jerusalem Council - Part 2 | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 12/11/2022 | ||
Making the Most of Prayer | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 12/11/2022 | ||
Acts 15: The Jerusalem Council | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 12/04/2022 | ||
The Purpose and Power of Prayer | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 12/04/2022 | ||
Now is the Time for Worship | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 11/27/2022 | ||
The Fundamentalist/Modernist Controversy - Part I | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 11/27/2022 | Darwin | |
Paul’s Church Planting Modus Operandi: Acts 14 | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 11/20/2022 | ||
Godly Living Requires Supernaturally Empowered Effort | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 11/20/2022 | ||
Examining Your Faith | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 11/13/2022 | ||
Slothfulness, Economy, and Christian Community | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 11/13/2022 | ||
Communities Creating More Communities: Acts 13 | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 11/06/2022 | ||
Being Sold Out for God's Kingdom | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 11/06/2022 | ||
Series Conclusion: How to Lead Your Heart | How to Lead Your Heart | Josiah Maddux | 10/30/2022 | ||
Psalms 51: Repentance and Restoration – Part II | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 10/30/2022 | ||
Acts Chapter 12: Prayer in Christian Community | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 10/23/2022 | ||
American Christianity after the Civil War | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 10/23/2022 | ||
Spiritual Power for Leading Your Heart | How to Lead Your Heart | Josiah Maddux | 10/16/2022 | ||
Overcoming Strongholds of Wrong Thinking | How to Lead Your Heart | Josiah Maddux | 10/09/2022 | ||
Psalm 51: Repentance and Restoration | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 10/09/2022 | ||
The Necessity of Church Membership | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 10/02/2022 | ||
The Church is a Generational Family | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 10/02/2022 | ||
Remembrance as a Means of Grace: Acts 11 | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 09/25/2022 | ||
Split Between North and South: Methodists and Others | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 09/25/2022 | ||
The Church Is a Family | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 09/18/2022 | ||
The Holy Spirit Says: “Outcasts Are Now Part of the Family of God” | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 09/18/2022 | ||
Miraculous Healings: Acts 9:32-43 | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 09/11/2022 | ||
Changing Your Thinking Will Change Your Heart | How to Lead Your Heart | Josiah Maddux | 09/11/2022 | ||
Saul Repents: Acts 9:1-31 | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 09/04/2022 | ||
Resisting Bad Desires & Emotions | How to Lead Your Heart | Josiah Maddux | 09/04/2022 | ||
Preaching: God’s Means Towards Salvation | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 08/28/2022 | ||
Baptist Churches and the American Civil War | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 08/28/2022 | ||
Understanding Emotions - Part 2 | How to Lead Your Heart | Josiah Maddux | 08/21/2022 | ||
A Primer on Church Membership | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 08/21/2022 | ||
God’s Extravagant Exhibitions of Grace | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 08/14/2022 | ||
Understanding Emotions - Part 1 | How to Lead Your Heart | Josiah Maddux | 08/14/2022 | ||
Stephen's Speech: When the Righteous are Taken Away | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 08/07/2022 | ||
Heart Issues to Watch Out For | How to Lead Your Heart | Josiah Maddux | 08/07/2022 | ||
Stephen's Speech: The Gospel IS Blessing Your Enemies | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 07/31/2022 | ||
A Christian's Call to Suffering | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 07/31/2022 | ||
Christians Are the Solution in a Crumbling Society | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 07/24/2022 | ||
Learning to Judge What's in Your Heart | How to Lead Your Heart | Josiah Maddux | 07/24/2022 | ||
Acts 6: The First Deacons | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 07/17/2022 | ||
Further Developments in American Religious Life Before the Civil War | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 07/17/2022 | ||
You Are Called to Lead Your Heart | How to Lead Your Heart | Josiah Maddux | 07/10/2022 | ||
Nepal & France Missions Presentation | Single Message | Jessica Venegas | 07/10/2022 | ||
Faith of the First Christians: Acts 5:12-42 | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 07/03/2022 | ||
Repentance, Covenant, and Bearing Fruit in Community | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 07/03/2022 | Repentance, Conversion, the Law of God, and covenant is foundational to the individual Christian's life and is a grace from God to be able to walk it out in community. | |
Church Planting International | Single Message | Steven Shepard | 06/26/2022 | ||
I Will Build My Church | Single Message | Steven Shepard | 06/26/2022 | ||
Despair, Repentance, and the Zeal of Grace | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 06/19/2022 | ||
On Loving God | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 06/19/2022 | ||
Unsolved Mystery | Single Message | John Gray | 06/12/2022 | ||
19th Century Developments in American Religious Life | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 06/12/2022 | ||
Mercy to a Thousand Generations | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 06/05/2022 | ||
Horticulture, General Revelation, and a Decadent Culture | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 06/05/2022 | ||
Making Accountability Less Difficult | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 05/29/2022 | Accountability is often more difficult than it needs to be. One of the biggest reasons for that is because a lot of us haven't learned how to handle confrontation and correction without taking it personally. | |
The Blood of Christ as a Better Way of Life | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 05/29/2022 | ||
They Recognized That They Had Been with Jesus | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 05/22/2022 | ||
Christianity and Slavery in America - Part II | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 05/22/2022 | ||
Acts Chapter 3 | The Book of Acts | Steven Leopold | 05/15/2022 | ||
At the Home of Mary and Martha | Single Message | John Gray | 05/15/2022 | Luke 10.38-42 | Like Mary, we devote ourselves to habits of study of the Scriptures, which is part of "devoting ourselves to the apostles' teaching," following the pattern of the disciples in the book of Acts, and building the kingdom in the same way they did, with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. |
Mother's Day Special | Single Message | Greg & Catherine Weis | 05/08/2022 | ||
Implementing Accountability | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 05/08/2022 | ||
The Person and Works of the Holy Spirit | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 05/01/2022 | ||
Desiring Accountability | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 05/01/2022 | ||
Apostolic Hermeneutic & The Lavish Love of God | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 04/24/2022 | ||
The Importance of Balance in Relationships - Part 3 | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 04/24/2022 | ||
On the Love of God | Single Message | John Gray | 04/17/2022 | ||
The Exodus as Easter | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 04/17/2022 | ||
Palm Sunday: The King on a Donkey | Single Message | John Gray | 04/10/2022 | ||
The Holiness of God | The Attributes of God | Steven Leopold | 04/10/2022 | ||
Acts 2:1-13 | The Book of Acts | Greg Weis | 04/03/2022 | ||
The Importance of Balance in Relationships - Part 2 | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 04/03/2022 | ||
Authority, Apostleship, and the Apostolic Hermeneutic - Part 1 | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 03/27/2022 | ||
Christianity and Slavery in the American Colonies, 1619-1863, Part I | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 03/27/2022 | ||
Author, Themes, Purpose of Acts | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 03/20/2022 | ||
The Importance of Balance in Relationships | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 03/20/2022 | ||
Introduction to Acts | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 03/13/2022 | ||
The Eternity of God | The Attributes of God | Steven Leopold | 03/13/2022 | ||
Sanctifying Christ as Lord: Why We Need to Be Fully Surrendered to God | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 03/06/2022 | ||
Godly Grief: 2 Corinthians 7:8-10 | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 03/06/2022 | ||
Open Our Minds: Luke 24 | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 02/27/2022 | ||
English and American Baptists | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 02/27/2022 | ||
Your Grief Will Turn to Joy: John 15-16 | The Book of Acts | John Gray | 02/20/2022 | ||
Dealing with Depression | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 02/20/2022 | ||
How God is Building His Kingdom on Earth Through Each of Us - Part 2 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 02/13/2022 | ||
God's Immutability | The Attributes of God | Steven Leopold | 02/13/2022 | ||
How God is Building His Kingdom on Earth Through Each of Us | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 02/06/2022 | ||
Dealing with Your Struggles with Motivation | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 02/06/2022 | ||
The Heart of the Master and the Heart of the Servant: Romans 15 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 01/30/2022 | ||
Protestant Church Music and Charles Wesley's Contribution | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 01/30/2022 | ||
Welcoming Our Brothers as Christ has Welcomed Us: Romans 14 | The Book of Romans | Daniel Williams | 01/23/2022 | ||
God's Prime Attribute, His Independence | The Attributes of God | Steven Leopold | 01/23/2022 | ||
Jesus, Bright Morning Star Romans 13:8-14 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 01/16/2022 | ||
The Simplistic Church | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/16/2022 | ||
How to Get the Most out of Your Bible Reading Routine | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 01/09/2022 | ||
Jesus, King of Kings Romans 13:1-7 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 01/09/2022 | ||
Mercy, Peacemaking, and the Wrath of God - Romans 12:14-21 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 01/02/2022 | ||
John Wesley & the Methodists, Part 2 | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 01/02/2022 | ||
Grace, Gratitude, and Gifts - Romans 12: 1-13 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 12/26/2021 | ||
First Sunday after Christmas - Christ, the Man on a Mission | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 12/26/2021 | ||
Transformation by Renewal: Romans 12:2 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 12/19/2021 | ||
Sanctification is Simple: Understanding Spiritual Growth Through Biblical Imagery | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 12/19/2021 | ||
How God's Mercy Changes Us: Romans 12:1 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 12/12/2021 | ||
Third Sunday in Advent: Christ Our Joy | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 12/12/2021 | ||
God Made the World to Show You Mercy for His Own Glory | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 12/05/2021 | ||
John Wesley Part 1: 18th Century Evangelist & Founder of Methodism | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 12/05/2021 | ||
The Wonderful Mercy & Wisdom of Our God: Romans 11 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 11/28/2021 | ||
1st Sunday of Advent: Christ the Righteous Branch | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 11/28/2021 | ||
Through Faith We Believe in Christ and Call Upon Christ: Romans 9-10 | The Book of Romans | Daniel Williams | 11/21/2021 | ||
How to Fight Pride and Pursue Humility - Part 5 | Pride & Humility | Josiah Maddux | 11/21/2021 | ||
As God, Christ Has the Authority to Judge and the Right to Have Mercy - Romans 9 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 11/14/2021 | ||
How to Fight Pride and Pursue Humility - Part 4 | Pride & Humility | Josiah Maddux | 11/14/2021 | ||
Identity in Relation to Abba Father: Romans 8, Part 4 | The Book of Romans | Daniel Williams | 11/07/2021 | ||
18th Century Evangelicalism: England and America | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 11/07/2021 | ||
How to Fight Pride and Pursue Humility - Part 3 | Pride & Humility | Josiah Maddux | 10/31/2021 | ||
You Did Not Choose Me, But I Chose You. Romans 8, Pt 3 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 10/31/2021 | ||
The Three-Legged Stool of Romans 8 | The Book of Romans | Greg Weis & John Gray | 10/24/2021 | ||
How to Fight Pride and Pursue Humility - Part 2 | Pride & Humility | Josiah Maddux | 10/24/2021 | ||
Christ Condemned Sin in the Flesh: Romans 8, Part 1 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 10/17/2021 | ||
How to Fight Pride and Pursue Humility - Part 1 | Pride & Humility | Josiah Maddux | 10/17/2021 | ||
Takeaways from Romans - Part 3 | The Book of Romans | Greg Weis | 10/10/2021 | ||
17th Century Christianity in British Colonial America | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 10/10/2021 | ||
Three Takeaways from Romans - Part II | The Book of Romans | Greg Weis | 10/03/2021 | ||
Psalm 24: The King of Glory | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 10/03/2021 | ||
Celebration of Catherine’s 50th Spiritual Birthday & Some Takeaways from Romans | The Book of Romans | Greg Weis | 09/26/2021 | ||
Resources To Help You Grow: Bible Studies | Resources to Help You Grow | Steven Leopold | 09/26/2021 | ||
Romans 7: From Death to Life | The Book of Romans | Daniel Williams | 09/19/2021 | ||
You Can Make a Difference, and God is Calling You To | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 09/19/2021 | ||
Romans 6: Proclaiming Liberty for the Captives | The Book of Romans | Daniel Williams | 09/12/2021 | ||
The Age of Reason: Further Developments of the Enlightenment | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 09/12/2021 | ||
Romans 6: Salvation, Identity, and Dominion | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 09/05/2021 | ||
Resources to Help You Grow: Foundational Book List | Resources to Help You Grow | Steven Leopold | 09/05/2021 | ||
The Grace of God Has Appeared in Jesus Christ (Romans 5) | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 08/29/2021 | ||
Having an Eternal Perspective | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 08/29/2021 | ||
God Loves to Justify Sinners (Romans 4) | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 08/22/2021 | ||
Resources to Help You Grow: Foundational Articles | Resources to Help You Grow | Steven Leopold | 08/22/2021 | ||
Our Lack, God's Supply (Romans 2:11 - 3:31) | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 08/15/2021 | ||
The Enlightenment: Descartes and Pascal | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 08/15/2021 | ||
The Purpose of the Law in Romans | The Book of Romans | Nathan Hager | 08/08/2021 | ||
Dealing with Your Struggles About the Church's Love for You - Part II | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 08/08/2021 | ||
The Book of Deeds (Romans 2:6-10) | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 08/01/2021 | ||
Dealing with Your Struggles About the Church's Love for You | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 08/01/2021 | ||
Christ Who Saves from Wrath (Romans 1:16-2:11) | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 07/25/2021 | ||
Resources to Help You Grow | Resources to Help You Grow | Steven Leopold | 07/25/2021 | ||
The Gospel: It's All About Jesus (Romans 1:1-7) | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 07/18/2021 | ||
The Scientific Revolution: Developments in Medicine, Biology, and Chemistry in the 16th and 17th Centuries | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 07/18/2021 | ||
How We Find Identity, Belonging, and Righteousness in Him | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 07/11/2021 | ||
Worship in Heaven and on Earth | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 07/11/2021 | ||
Christ's New Society | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 07/04/2021 | ||
A Biblical View of Our Need for Knowledge | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 07/04/2021 | ||
Remembering as a Spiritual Discipline | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 06/27/2021 | ||
What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible in Our Lives? | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 06/27/2021 | ||
Fatherhood with No Condemnation - Romans 8 | The Book of Romans | John Gray | 06/20/2021 | ||
The Scientific Revolution: Challenging Western Christendom (1543-1687) | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 06/20/2021 | ||
Logos, Life, Light of Men - Part 2 | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 06/13/2021 | ||
Godly Curiosity in Reading and Study | Single Message | Deanna Perumalla | 06/13/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, June 9th 2021 | Wednesday's Word | John Gray | 06/09/2021 | ||
Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series Chapter 4 | Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Revisited | Daniel Williams | 06/06/2021 | ||
A Primer on Worship, Part 2: Biblical Pattern of Worship | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 06/06/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, June 2nd, 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 06/02/2021 | ||
Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series Chapter 3 | Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Revisited | John Gray | 05/30/2021 | ||
The Great Commission and Your Role in It - Part IV | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 05/30/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, May 26th 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 05/26/2021 | ||
Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series Chapter 2A & 2B | Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Revisited | Nathan Hager | 05/23/2021 | ||
Pursuing the Power of God | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 05/23/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, May 19th 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 05/19/2021 | ||
Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series - Chapter 1 | Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Revisited | Daniel Williams | 05/16/2021 | ||
A Primer to Worship, Part 1: Worship & the Kingdom of God | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 05/16/2021 | ||
YWAM Presentation | Single Message | Jessica Venegas | 05/09/2021 | ||
The Great Commission and Your Role in It - Part III | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 05/09/2021 | ||
The Shepherd and the Mocker | Single Message | John Gray | 05/02/2021 | ||
The Great Commission and Your Role in It - Part II | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 05/02/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, April 28th 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 04/28/2021 | ||
Logos, Life, Light of Men | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 04/25/2021 | ||
The Great Commission and Your Role in It - Part I | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 04/25/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, April 21st 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 04/21/2021 | ||
Maturity in the Family of God | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 04/18/2021 | ||
Spain and Portugal: Roman Catholic Empires in the Old and New Worlds - Part II | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 04/18/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, April 14th 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 04/14/2021 | ||
Miami Valley Women's Center Presentation 2021 | Single Message | Jennifer Pett | 04/11/2021 | ||
Homily on the Scriptures (04-11-2021) | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 04/11/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, April 7th 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 04/07/2021 | ||
Celebrating Jesus' Resurrection | Single Message | John Gray | 04/04/2021 | ||
A Broken Covenant Made Unbreakable | Single Message | Sam Chien Poon | 04/04/2021 | ||
Finding Peace | Single Message | John Gray | 03/28/2021 | ||
The Coming of the King | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 03/28/2021 | ||
Don't Miss the Opportunity - Now is the Time to Humble Ourselves Before God | Single Message | Greg Weis | 03/21/2021 | ||
Homily on the Scriptures | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 03/21/2021 | ||
Pursuing Deeper Worship | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 03/14/2021 | ||
See the Scriptures Series - Part 4: "Sabbath and Rest" | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 03/07/2021 | ||
The Roman Catholic Church and the Counter-Reformation: 1500s-1600s | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 03/07/2021 | ||
City of God: Creating Christian Culture | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 02/28/2021 | ||
The World's Systems: An Insurmountable Enemy | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 02/28/2021 | ||
See the Scripture Series - Part 3: How God Clothes Us: the Theme of Nakedness/Shame and Clothing in the Bible | Single Message | John Gray | 02/21/2021 | ||
Dealing with Your Own Objections About God's Love for You - Part II | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 02/21/2021 | ||
Loving God by Loving Your Brother: Laying Down Your Life to Gain a Brother | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 02/14/2021 | ||
Spain and Portugal: Roman Catholic Empires in the Old and New Worlds | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 02/14/2021 | ||
Priest-King-Prophet: From Bread to Wine | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 02/07/2021 | ||
Grace Christian Fellowship: A Look at Who We Are | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 02/07/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, February 3rd 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 02/03/2021 | ||
Seeing the Scripture Series part Two: “The Tale of Two Curses” | Single Message | John Gray | 01/31/2021 | ||
The Church is the Solution to the World’s Problems | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/31/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, January 27th 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 01/27/2021 | ||
Loving God by Loving Your Brother: Jesus as Our Elder Brother | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 01/24/2021 | ||
Dealing with Your Own Objections About God's Love for You - Part I | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 01/24/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, January 20th 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 01/20/2021 | ||
The Unshakable Kingdom | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/17/2021 | ||
Resources, Testimonies, and a Commendation for Scripture Memorization | Single Message | Daniel & Christiana Williams | 01/17/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, January 13th 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 01/13/2021 | ||
Why Does GOD Only Get Ten Percent? | Single Message | John Gray | 01/10/2021 | ||
Deliberate Hospitality | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/10/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, January 6th 2021 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 01/06/2021 | ||
Loving God by Loving Your Brother: Receiving Rebuke as a Prerequisite for Giving Rebuke | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 01/03/2021 | ||
Being Intentional About Spiritual Growth - Part II | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 01/03/2021 | ||
Wednesday's Word, December 30th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 12/30/2020 | ||
Search the Scriptures Series Chapter 4A: Setting Annual Bible Study Goals | Single Message | Greg Weis | 12/27/2020 | ||
Patterns of Authority and the Spirit of Jezebel | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 12/27/2020 | ||
Jonah Part Three: "Jonah Under His Vine" and, Seeing The Scriptures Part One: "Vine and Fig Tree" | Single Message | John Gray | 12/20/2020 | ||
Expansion of the Reformation in Europe and the rise of Pietism | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 12/20/2020 | ||
Wednesday's Word, December 16th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 12/16/2020 | ||
Making Kingdom Centered Decisions | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 12/13/2020 | ||
Emphasis 11Ag: Jesus: On Prayer & “The Lord’s Prayer” Pattern (Part 7) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 12/13/2020 | ||
Emphasis 11Af: Jesus: On Prayer & “The Lord’s Prayer” Pattern (Part 6) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 12/06/2020 | ||
Being Intentional About Spiritual Growth | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 12/06/2020 | ||
Wednesday's Word, December 2nd 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 12/02/2020 | ||
Knowing Our Father’s Heart, Part Two | Single Message | John Gray | 11/29/2020 | ||
The Nonconformists: Puritans and Other Dissenters in England - Part III | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 11/29/2020 | ||
The Prodigal King | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 11/22/2020 | ||
Emphasis 11Ae: Jesus: On Prayer (Part 5) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 11/22/2020 | ||
Wednesday's Word, November 18th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 11/18/2020 | ||
Emphasis 11Ad: Jesus: On Prayer (Part 4) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 11/15/2020 | ||
Knowing Our Father’s Heart | Single Message | John Gray | 11/15/2020 | ||
Wednesday's Word, November 11th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 11/11/2020 | ||
Emphasis 11Ac: Jesus: On Prayer (Part 3) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 11/08/2020 | ||
A Kingdom of Priests | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 11/08/2020 | ||
Three Takes on Halloween | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 11/01/2020 | ||
The Nonconformists: Puritans and Other Dissenters in England - Part II | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 11/01/2020 | ||
Wednesday's Word, October 28th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 10/28/2020 | ||
Jesus: On Prayer (Part 2) | Single Message | Greg Weis | 10/25/2020 | ||
Stewarding God's Money | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 10/25/2020 | ||
Wednesday's Word, October 21st 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 10/21/2020 | ||
Jesus: On Prayer | Single Message | Greg Weis | 10/18/2020 | ||
Why Start A Bible Reading Plan Today? | Single Message | John Gray | 10/18/2020 | ||
Wednesday's Word, October 14th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 10/14/2020 | ||
A City Set on a Hill – Psalm 48 | Single Message | John Gray | 10/11/2020 | ||
New Covenant Holy of Holies | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 10/11/2020 | ||
A Time to Sow and a Time to Gather | Single Message | Greg Weis | 10/04/2020 | ||
The Nonconformists: Puritans and other Dissenters in England - Part I | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 10/04/2020 | ||
Wednesday's Word, September 30th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 09/30/2020 | ||
Psalm 84: Being Near God | Single Message | John Gray | 09/27/2020 | ||
Self-Sufficiency: A Rejection of God's Daily Bread | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 09/27/2020 | ||
Wednesday's Word, September 23rd 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 09/23/2020 | ||
GCF Appreciation Sunday Message, 2020 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 09/20/2020 | ||
Me, Myself, and My Pride | Single Message | John Gray | 09/20/2020 | Spirit, revival, worship | |
Visitation: When God Comes Down | Single Message | Greg Weis | 09/13/2020 | ||
Die Your Deaths and Suffer Well | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 09/13/2020 | ||
Wednesday's Word, September 9th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 09/09/2020 | ||
Emphasis 11?c: Fasting (Continued) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 09/06/2020 | ||
The Anabaptists: Radical Reformers of the 16th Century and Their Legacy – Part II | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 09/06/2020 | ||
Church Planting International | Single Message | Steven Shepard | 08/30/2020 | Church, missions, missionaries, peru, mexico, uganda | |
The Power of the Gospel to Preserve | Single Message | Steven Shepard | 08/30/2020 | Grace, gospel, salvation, predestination, election, saved | |
Wednesday's Word, August 26th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 08/26/2020 | ||
Emphasis 11?b: Fasting | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 08/23/2020 | ||
Sozo, What is It? Why You Need It! | Single Message | Amber Poon | 08/23/2020 | Sozo, inner healing, emotional healing, healing, deliverance | |
Wednesday's Word, August 19th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 08/19/2020 | ||
Emphasis 11?a: Take Another Biblical Look at Fasting | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 08/16/2020 | ||
Faith is a Key to Corporate Anointing | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 08/16/2020 | faith, anointing, prayer | |
Wednesday's Word, August 12th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Greg Weis | 08/12/2020 | ||
Unity Is a Promise | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 08/09/2020 | Church, unity, john 17 | |
The Anabaptists: Radical Reformers of the 16th Century - Part I | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 08/09/2020 | Anabaptist, church history | |
Wednesday's Word, August 5th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 08/05/2020 | ||
Wrestling with God | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 08/02/2020 | Commentary | |
Anxiety and the Presence of God | Single Message | John Gray | 08/02/2020 | Anxiety, fear, worry, trust, faith | |
Wednesday's Word, July 29th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 07/29/2020 | ||
Emphasis 5Dg: Brief Intro. Survey of the Pentateuch w/ Focus on Exodus (Continued) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 07/26/2020 | ||
How We Think About Time | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 07/26/2020 | Time, management, stewardship | |
Wednesday's Word, July 22nd 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 07/22/2020 | ||
Emphasis 5Df: A Brief Introductory Survey of the Pentateuch w/ Focus on Exodus | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 07/19/2020 | ||
The King and His Kingdom | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 07/19/2020 | King, kingdom | |
Wednesday's Word, July 15th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 07/12/2020 | ||
Emphasis 5De: A Brief Introductory Survey of the Pentateuch w/ Focus on Exodus | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 07/12/2020 | ||
John Knox, Scottish Protestant Reformer | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 07/12/2020 | John, knox, church, history | |
Wednesday's Word July 8th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Daniel Williams | 07/05/2020 | ||
Emphasis 5Dd: Brief Intro Survey of the Pentateuch w/ Focus on Genesis (Continued) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 07/05/2020 | ||
Daniel 9: Longing to See the Face of God | The Book of Daniel | John Gray | 07/05/2020 | Daniel, 9, revelation | |
Reading and Commentary for July 5th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 07/01/2020 | Wednesday | |
Emphasis 5Dc: Brief Intro Survey of the Pentateuch w/ Focus on Genesis (Continued) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 06/28/2020 | ||
The Altar of Calling and Promise | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 06/28/2020 | Alter, Calling, Promise | |
Reading and Commentary for June 28th 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 06/24/2020 | GCF, bible, reading, weekly, wednesday, commentary | |
Emphasis 5Db: Brief Intro Survey of the Pentateuch w/ Focus on Genesis | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 06/21/2020 | ||
Reading and Commentary for June 21st 2020 | Wednesday's Word | Steven Leopold | 06/17/2020 | GCF, bible, reading, weekly, wednesday, commentary | |
Priests and Heirs: Through the Righteousness of Faith | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 06/21/2020 | GCF, bible, reading, weekly, wednesday, commentary | |
Emphasis 5Da: A Brief Introductory Survey of the Pentateuch w/ Focus on Genesis | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 06/14/2020 | ||
Family Worship & Catechism | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 06/14/2020 | Catechism, family, worship, gcf | |
Emphasis 5C: The Infallible Effectual Living Word of the Living God | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 06/07/2020 | ||
John Calvin - Part 2 | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 06/07/2020 | Calvin, church, history, reformation | |
Emphasis 5B: Jesus Teaches About Scripture | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 05/31/2020 | ||
The God of Peace Will Soon Crush Satan Under Your Feet | Single Message | John Gray | 05/31/2020 | Daniel, government, sovereignty, God | |
The Called Out Assembly Not the Called Out Few | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 05/24/2020 | Work, church, commitment, service, involvement | |
Emphasis 5A2: Intro to Rediscovering & Restoring All the Scriptures as the Word of God | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 05/17/2020 | ||
John Calvin - Part 1 | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 05/17/2020 | John, Calvin, church, history, calvinism | |
Emphasis 5A: Intro to Rediscovering & Restoring All the Scriptures as the Word of God | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 05/10/2020 | ||
Tethers of Grace | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 05/10/2020 | Grace, Tether, Christian, God, good | |
Emphasis 4J: Christ Gave Gifts to Mankind: The Seven Service Gifts & Offices: Apostles | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 05/03/2020 | ||
You Reap What You Sow: Sow Life | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 05/03/2020 | GCF, reap, repent, sow, life | |
Emphasis 4I: Christ Gave Gifts to Mankind: Seven Service Gifts & Offices - Prophets | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 04/26/2020 | ||
Solomon Receives the Anointing and Then Loses it All | Single Message | John Gray | 04/26/2020 | Solomon,gcf,loss,losing | |
Thoughts on COVID 19, Quarantine, LockDown, and Social Distancing | Single Message | Greg Weis | 04/19/2020 | Covid, corona, virus, quarantine, christian, fellowship, gcf, grace | |
Ulrich Zwingli and the Reformation in Switzerland | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 04/19/2020 | Ulrich, Zwingli, Reformation, Switzerland | |
Emphasis 4H: Christ Gave Gifts to Mankind: Seven Service Gifts & Offices - Evangelist | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 04/12/2020 | Grace, Christian, Fellowship, restore, biblical, Christianity | |
The Need for Christian Community | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 04/12/2020 | Community, fellowship, grace, relationships, church | |
Emphasis 4G: Christ Gave Gifts to Mankind: Seven Service Gifts & Offices | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 04/05/2020 | ||
A God Who Speaks: Divine Accomidation | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 04/05/2020 | God, accommodate, divine | |
Emphasis 4F: Christ Gave Gifts to Mankind: Seven Service Gifts & Offices | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 03/29/2020 | ||
Walking in the Light - Pathway to Deliverance | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 03/29/2020 | Confession, confess, walk, walking, light | |
A Contrast of Kings, Part 2 | Single Message | John Gray | 03/22/2020 | Daniel, kings, God | |
Martin Luther, Reformation Giant - Part II | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 03/22/2020 | Martin, luther, reformation, church, history | |
India Report | Single Message | Greg Weis | 03/15/2020 | Report | |
A Contrast of Kings | Single Message | John Gray | 03/15/2020 | Daniel, kings, God | |
Worshiping When Everything Goes Wrong | The Book of Daniel | John Gray | 03/08/2020 | Daniel, worship, martyr, faith | |
Our Heart Towards Work | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 03/08/2020 | Work, diligence, Bible, proverbs | |
Miami Valley Women's Center Guest Presentation | Single Message | Jenny Shoup | 03/01/2020 | MVWC, Miami, valley, women, center, abortion, pregnancy, dayton, ohio | |
Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 03/01/2020 | Kingdom, heaven, hand | |
Basic Hamartiology | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 02/23/2020 | sin, hamartiology | |
Emphasis 4E: Christ Gave Gifts to Mankind: Seven Service Gifts & Offices | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 02/16/2020 | ||
02-16-2020 Readings and Commentary | Single Message | Greg Weis | 02/16/2020 | commentary | |
Martin Luther, Reformation Giant - Part I | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 02/16/2020 | History, reformation, luther | |
Emphasis 4D: NT Leadership: Roles, Titles, Models, Qualifications, and Development | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 02/09/2020 | ||
Love, Obedience, Fruit | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 02/09/2020 | Obedience, Christian | |
02-02-2020 Readings and Commentary | Single Message | Greg Weis | 02/02/2020 | Reading, Scripture, GCF, calander | |
Emphasis 4C: More About NT Leadership Terms, Functions, and Offices | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 02/02/2020 | ||
What Was David's Secret? | Single Message | John Gray | 02/02/2020 | Samuel, David, Saul, humble | |
Emphasis 4B: More About NT Leadership Terms, Functions, and Offices | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 01/26/2020 | ||
Filling Your Life with the Scriptures | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 01/26/2020 | Scripture, bible, word, God | |
Emphasis 4A: Introduction to NT Leadership Terms, Functions & Offices | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 01/19/2020 | ||
From William Tyndale to King James | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 01/19/2020 | Bible, history, church, tyndale, kjv, king, james | |
An Introduction to Resources for Growth from Grace Christian Fellowship | Single Message | Greg Weis | 01/12/2020 | GCF, books, resources | |
Chapter 3Ce: Introduction to Understanding the New Testament - Part E | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 01/12/2020 | ||
Chapter 3Cd: Introduction to Understanding the New Testament - Part D | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 01/05/2020 | ||
Resolutions, Goals, Discipline, The Dominion Mandate, and Practical Steps | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 01/05/2020 | Goals, new year, resolutions | |
An Advent Meditation | Single Message | John Gray | 01/05/2020 | Christ, Christmas, incarnation | |
Chapter 3Cc: Introduction to Understanding the New Testament: Part C | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 12/29/2019 | ||
Chapter 3Cb: Introduction to Understanding the New Testament: Part B | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 12/29/2019 | ||
Chapter 3C: Introduction to Understanding the New Testament: Part A | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 12/22/2019 | ||
About My Father's Business | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 12/22/2019 | Parenting, Father, leaving | |
The Incarnation of Christ | Single Message | Anvesh Perumalla | 12/15/2019 | Christ, Christmas, incarnation | |
William Tyndale, God's Outlaw | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 12/15/2019 | William, Tyndale, Church history, Bible | |
Chapter 3B: Thirteen Word Pictures of Christ's Church from the Church at Ephesus | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 12/08/2019 | ||
The Feet of Christ | Single Message | Nathan Hager | 12/08/2019 | Feet, images, Christ, imagery, word, pictures, GCF | |
Chapter 3A: An Introduction to Word Pictures of Christ's Church | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 12/01/2019 | ||
Spiritual Authority in Your Life Comes from the Authority of Christ | Single Message | John Gray | 12/01/2019 | Submission, authority, leaders, gcf | |
Chapter 2D: Grace Delivered | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 11/24/2019 | ||
Thanksgiving | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 12/01/2019 | Thanksgiving, thanks, Gratitude, gcf | |
Chapter 2: Grace-Based vs. Performance-Based Approaches from Start to Finish - Part C | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 11/17/2019 | ||
John Wycliffe, Morningstar of the Reformation | Church History Lectures | Catherine Weis | 11/17/2019 | GCF, John Wycliffe, reformation | |
Chapter 2: Grace-Based vs. Performance-Based Approaches from Start to Finish - Part B | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 11/10/2019 | ||
The Necessity of Prayer | Single Message | Josiah Maddux | 11/10/2019 | Prayer, GCF, need | |
Chapter 2: Grace Based vs. Performance Based Approaches from Start to Finish | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 11/03/2019 | ||
An Opportunity for Offering | Single Message | Daniel Williams | 11/03/2019 | gcf, offering, opportunity, worship | |
Chapter 1: Loving God | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 10/27/2019 | ||
Rediscovering (Rethinking) & Restoring (Rebuilding) His Pattern - Part C | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 10/27/2019 | Rediscovering (Rethinking) & Restoring (Rebuilding) His Pattern - Part C: A survey of 15 emphasis for rediscovery and restoration | |
Rediscovering (Rethinking) & Restoring (Rebuilding) His Pattern - Part B | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 10/27/2019 | Rediscovering (Rethinking) & Restoring (Rebuilding) His Pattern - Part B: Rediscovering His Pattern | |
Rediscovering (Rethinking) & Restoring (Rebuilding) His Pattern - Part A | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (19 - 23) | Greg Weis | 10/27/2019 | Rediscovering (Rethinking) & Restoring (Rebuilding) His Pattern - Part A: Why we need to do a rethink. | |
Operation Reconciliation 2019: Lesson 2 | Operation Reconciliation 2019 | Greg Weis | 10/09/2019 | RCF | |
Operation Reconciliation 2019: Lesson 1 | Operation Reconciliation 2019 | Greg Weis | 10/02/2019 | RCF | |
In the Midst of Us | Single Message | John Gray | 10/13/2019 | Midst, Presence, God | |
Meekness and Mercy | Single Message | John Gray | 10/06/2019 | Mercy, meekness | In this sermon, we're going to take a closer look at that most beautiful and precious character trait of our beloved God: mercy. And with it, the meekness of Christ. |
The Example of Mary - A Deeper Look into John 12:1-8 | Single Message | Christy Shepard | 09/28/2019 | Mary, John | |
Church Planting International | Single Message | Steven Shepard | 09/29/2019 | Church Planting, international | Guest speaker Steven Shepard gives a presentation about the missions work that Church Planting International is doing. |
The Five Solas | Single Message | Steven Shepard | 09/29/2019 | Solas, reformation, Christ | Guest speaker Steven Shepard gives overview of the five solas of the reformation. |
Eight Psalm Genres - Part B | Guide to the Psalms | Greg Weis | 09/22/2019 | Psalms | Chapter 7B of the "Guide to the Psalms" series |
Eight Psalm Genres - Part A | Guide to the Psalms | Greg Weis | 09/15/2019 | Psalms | Chapter 7 of the "Guide to the Psalms" series. |
Living Well; Ending Well | Single Message | Eric Meyer | 09/08/2019 | Philippians | |
To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain | Single Message | Eric Meyer | 09/08/2019 | Death | |
The Nature of Hebrew Poetry - Parallelism Categories | Guide to the Psalms | Greg Weis | 09/01/2019 | Psalms | Chapter 6 of the "Guide to the Psalms" series. |
The Nature of Hebrew Poetry - 8 Literary Devices in Biblical Imagery | Guide to the Psalms | Greg Weis | 08/18/2019 | Psalms | Chapter 5 of the "Guide to the Psalms" series. |
The Nature of Hebrew Poetry - Parallelism | Guide to the Psalms | Greg Weis | 08/11/2019 | Psalms | Chapter 4 of the "Guide to the Psalms" series. |
The Nature of Hebrew Poetry | Guide to the Psalms | Greg Weis | 08/04/2019 | Psalms | Chapter 3 of the "Guide to the Psalms" series. |
Introduction to the Wisdom Literature & the Nature of Hebrew Poetry | Guide to the Psalms | Greg Weis | 07/28/2019 | Psalms | Chapter 2 of the "Guide to the Psalms" series |
The Gospel Overflowing into Giving | Single Message | John Weis | 07/21/2019 | Giving, Generosity | Because of the grace of God, the Corithian saints joyfully give to support the saints in Jerusalem, all by the transformation brought about by the gospel. Therefore, as those who have received freely from the Lord, let us lay hold of His promises, and cheerfully aid our brothers in Christ. |
The Use of Psalms in the New Testament | Guide to the Psalms | Greg Weis | 07/14/2019 | Psalms | Chapter 1 of the "Guide to the Psalms" series. |
Overview of "Follow Me" by David Platt | Single Message | Greg Weis | 07/07/2019 | Follow, me | An overview of the book "Follow Me" by David Platt. Presented by Greg Weis. |
The Freedom of Walking by the Spirit | Single Message | John Weis | 06/30/2019 | Spirit | Those who are called to freedom through Jesus Christ must not please themselves, nor walk in the flesh, but walk according to the Holy Spirit of God. Therefore, as those called to walk by the Spirit, let us crucify the flesh and fulfill the law of loving our neighbors as ourselves. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 50, Lord's Day 52) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 06/30/2019 | Praise | Lord's Day 52 - Our Protection and Praise |
Rejoicing in All Things in God | Single Message | John Weis | 06/23/2019 | Salvation, grace | Because of God's grace, all those who trust in Christ can rejoice even in the midst of great suffering, because the Holy Spirit has poured out His love in their hearts. Therefore, as those who have been justified by faith, let us praise God in all circumstances, for He will sustain by His Spirit even until the day of Christ Jesus. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 49, Lord's Day 50-51) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 06/23/2019 | Prayer, forgive, forgiveness | Lord's Day 50-51 - Provision and Pardon |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 48, Lord's Day 48-49) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 06/16/2019 | Prayer | Lord's Day 48-49 - The Kingdom Coming |
The Opportunity of Offense | Single Message | Greg Weis | 06/16/2019 | Forgive, forgiveness, bitterness, bitter | |
God Sends the Spirit to Gather the Nations | Eastertide 2019 | John Weis | 06/09/2019 | Holy Spirit, Pentecost | In the outpouring of the Spirit, God fulfills His covenant promises and sets apart His people to witness to the present reign of Jesus Christ upon the earth. Therefore, as those called by Christ, let us repent of our sins and continually receive the gift of the Holy Spirit that we might be His faithful people. |
The Ascension of the Lamb of God | Eastertide 2019 | John Weis | 06/02/2019 | Lamb, slain | As those redeemed by the Lamb - called to be His kingdom and priests to Him - let us worship and adore Him continually, trusting that His reign is perfect. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 47, Lord's Day 46-47) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 06/02/2019 | Praise, adoration | Lord's Day 46-47 - Praise and Adoration |
The Triune God Dwelling with Us | Eastertide 2019 | John Weis | 05/26/2019 | Trinity | As Jesus goes to the cross, He promises to ask the Father to send another Helper - the Spirit who will fill His disciples' lives with all the fullness of God. |
The Worthiest of Servants | Single Message | John Gray | 05/26/2019 | Humility | In this passage, which you may find offensive, we find out how the disciples discovered a new identity--on the other side of the cross. |
The New Commandment in Christ Jesus | Eastertide 2019 | John Weis | 05/19/2019 | Love | As Jesus was glorified on the cross, He obediently loved the Father, that this very same love would transform His disciples, bringing them out of darkness and into light. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 46, Lord's Day 45) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 05/19/2019 | Prayer, pray | Lord's Day 45 - Teach us to Pray |
The Good Shepherd and the Father | Eastertide 2019 | John Weis | 05/12/2019 | Shepherd | Jesus testifies that His works reveal Him as the Good Shepherd sent by the Father to gather His sheep into His fold. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 45, Lord's Day 44) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 05/12/2019 | Covet, envy | Lord's Day 44 - Coveting or Contentment |
The Resurrected Christ Restores Peter | Eastertide 2019 | John Weis | 05/05/2019 | Restoration | As Jesus reveals Himself in the miracle of the fish and the meal on the shore, He restores Peter from his fall to follow Him again. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 44, Lord's Day 43) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 05/05/2019 | Honest, true, truth, lie | Lord's Day 43 - Being Truthful |
The Risen Christ Proclaims Peace | Eastertide 2019 | John Weis | 04/28/2019 | Risen | As the disciples cower in fear of the Jews, Jesus enters to proclaim His peace, commission with the Father's purpose, and anoint with the Spirit's power. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 43, Lord's Day 42) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 04/28/2019 | Generosity, stewardship | Lord's Day 42 - Generosity and Stewardship |
Christ's Resurrection and Our Witness | Eastertide 2019 | John Weis | 04/21/2019 | Easter | Because Christ has been raised from the dead, God's people can live in confidence that as Christ reigns over His enemies, we too will rise in His final victory against death. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 42, Lord's Day 41) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 04/21/2019 | Chastity, purity, lust, sex | Lord's Day 41 - Chastity |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 41, Lord's Day 40) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 04/14/2019 | Murder, hate | Lord's Day 40 - Not Murder but Caring |
The Triumphal Entry Unto Defeat | Lent 2019 | John Weis | 04/14/2019 | Palm, Sunday | As Jesus enters Jerusalem, He comes as Prophet, King, and Priest, calling His people to return, conquering all of their enemies, and offering up His own blood. |
God's Sovereign Plan in the Cross of Christ | Lent 2019 | John Weis | 04/07/2019 | Sovereign | As the Passover approaches, Jesus draws near to Jerusalem, even as the Pharisees and Judas conspire to kill Him, in order to gather the children of God scattered abroad. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 40, Lord's Day 39) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 04/07/2019 | Authority | Lord's Day 39 - Authority |
The Perfect Kingdom Pt. 2 | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 03/31/2019 | Revelation, Jesus, Christ, Millennial | |
God's Grace for Prodigals and Legalists | Lent 2019 | John Weis | 03/31/2019 | Prodigal, son, legal, legalism | Jesus warns those who grumble at God's gracious reception of sinners against presuming that they are not likewise in need of mercy. As those who have both played the part of the younger and elder brother, let us renounce our wanton living and legalism and delight in our presence through Christ with the Father. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 39, Lord's Day 38) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 03/31/2019 | Lord's Day, Sunday, Sabbath | Lord's Day 38 - The Lord's Day |
Drinking of Christ, the Living Water | Lent 2019 | John Weis | 03/24/2019 | Samaritan woman, well, water | Jesus Christ calls the Samaritan woman to ask of Him a drink of the Living Water, He alone who will quench her thirst. Let us come to drink from the source of life, Christ the Living Water, that we may never thirst again. |
They (All) Bear Witness About Me | Single Message | John Gray | 03/24/2019 | Psalm 110 | While all of the Hebrew Scriptures are about Jesus, this psalm is one of the most clear and complete passages that explains the roles of Jesus as King, Priest, and Son of Man. |
Jesus Warns on His Way to Jerusalem | Lent 2019 | John Weis | 03/17/2019 | warning | As He sets His face toward Jerusalem to be crucified, Jesus warns the people of Israel to repent lest the nation be destroyed. |
How to Pray When We're Afraid | The Book of Daniel | John Gray | 03/17/2019 | scared | This psalm doesn't teach us how to be fearless. It teaches us how to be afraid in the right way. It teaches us how to come to God with our troubles. David was not focused totally on fixing the problem in his life. Rather, hope in God was the driving force in his life. |
Christ Defeats Satan with the Scriptures | Lent 2019 | John Weis | 03/10/2019 | bread, wilderness | Filled with the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures, though weakened by fasting Jesus powerfully overcomes the temptations of the devil to reject God's authority. As those called to imitate Christ, let us learn from Him how to defeat the temptations of our enemy through treasuring God's word. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 38, Lord's Day 36 and 37) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 03/10/2019 | Name, vain, second, commandment | Lord's Day 36 and 37: Our Attitude in Worship |
The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ | Epiphany 2019 | John Weis | 03/03/2019 | Transfiguration | In the Transfiguration, Jesus Christ is shown as the divine Son of God and Messiah, the Prophet to whom we must listen and obey. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 37, Lord's Day 35) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 03/03/2019 | commandments, 10, ten | Lord's Day 35 - The Second Commandment: No Images |
The Commandments of Jesus Christ | Epiphany 2019 | John Weis | 02/24/2019 | Commandments, love, enemies | Jesus teaches His disciples what holy living requires; transformation that bears the fruit of sanctification, all flowing from God's redemption of our lives. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 36, Lord's Day 34) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 02/24/2019 | first, commandment | Lord's Day 34 - The Law and the First Commandment |
Jesus Christ, Greater than Moses | Epiphany 2019 | John Weis | 02/17/2019 | Christ, Moses | Recapitulating the Exodus, Jesus Christ shows Himself as greater than Moses, calling forth His apostles, healing the people, and teaching the law of God. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 35, Lord's Day 33) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 02/17/2019 | Good, works | Lord's day 33: Good Works |
Jesus Christ, Lord of the Sabbath | Epiphany 2019 | John Weis | 02/10/2019 | Christ, Lord, sabbath | As God's redeemed people, we must resist legalism, but likewise must recognize the significant blessing of God's plan of restoration in each Lord's Day. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 34, Lord's Day 32) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 02/10/2019 | Catechism | Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 32 |
Jesus Christ, Our Healer and Savior | Epiphany 2019 | John Weis | 02/03/2019 | Heal | By His miraculous power, Jesus Christ gloriously healed the sick, that all of God's people might know He has authority to forgive sins. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 33, Lord's Day 31) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 02/03/2019 | Keys, kingdom | Lord's Day 31: The Keys to the Kingdom |
Jesus Christ, Lord over the Deep | Epiphany 2019 | John Weis | 01/27/2019 | Christ, fish | As Jesus calls His disciples, He reveals the greatness of His power through the miracle of the great catch of fish, showing forth His lordship and glory. Seeing the power and sufficiency of Christ, let us joyfully forsake all other things in order to follow Christ, even as we call others to trust in Him. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 32, Lord's Day 30) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 01/27/2019 | Supper | Lord's Supper Part 3 - Who ought to partake of the meal? |
Jesus' Rejection in Nazareth | Epiphany 2019 | John Weis | 01/20/2019 | Christ | Despite the violent rejection from his countrymen, Jesus manifests His glory in Nazareth, showing God's sovereignty in giving grace to His people. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 31, Lord's Day 29) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 01/20/2019 | Table, supper | Lord's day 29: Holy Supper, Pt. 2 |
The Baptism of Jesus as Forerunner of Christian Water Baptism | Epiphany 2019 | Greg Weis | 01/13/2019 | Baptism, new, testament | As in all things, Christ is the pattern that we as Christians are to follow. His baptism was to be an example for us as believers. |
The Blessed Wedding at Cana | Epiphany 2019 | John Weis | 01/06/2019 | Wedding | As Christ has cleaned His people and given them unceasing joy, let us be filled with His Spirit as we celebrate His redemption. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 30, Lord's Day 28) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 01/06/2019 | Table | Lord's day 28: Holy Supper, Pt. 1 |
Devoting Ourselves to Good Works in Christ | Advent & Christmas 2018 | John Weis | 12/30/2018 | Titus | |
If You Pray Like Moses... | Single Message | John Gray | 12/30/2018 | Psalm, 90 | This psalm invites us to consider God; though we don't have long to live, He never changes; it calls us to pray like Moses prayed, and to be satisfied by the love and favor of the Lord when we seek Him in prayer. Think about that. |
God's Providence over the Messiah | Advent & Christmas 2018 | John Weis | 12/23/2018 | Christmas, Christ | Though Herod attempts to slay the Messiah, God preserves the True King of Israel who will reign in righteousness forever. Though our adversary still rages against God's people, we can trust only what God has ordained may come to pass. |
The Reign of the Shepherd of Bethlehem | Advent & Christmas 2018 | John Weis | 12/23/2018 | Christ, Micah | In the midst of God's seeming absence, He will bring forth a Ruler from Bethlehem who will shepherd His people, causing them to dwell with Him in peace. |
What It Means That God Is With Us | Single Message | John Gray | 12/23/2018 | John, Christmas | Our invisible God has come in the flesh in the Man Christ Jesus. The Spirit of Jesus is with us today. Because of His Presence among us, we may have special fellowship with God and with fellow Christians. Here are two common barriers that limit our fellowship with our God and with one another. |
Sing for Joy, for God Will Save His People | Advent & Christmas 2018 | John Weis | 12/16/2018 | Christ, advent, Christmas, salvation, joy | Despite the judgment against Israel's sins, God Himself will take away her judgments and restore her with His love. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 29, Lord's Day 27) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 12/16/2018 | Catechism, heidelberg. baptism, pedo, credo. infant | We take a look at questions 72 - 74 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
Preparing for the Day of the Lord | Advent & Christmas 2018 | John Weis | 12/09/2018 | Christ, Christmas, Advent | In the blindness of our sin, we trivialize the coming of Christ because we don't recognize the depth of our need for healing, which God desires to accomplish. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 28, Lord's Day 26) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 12/09/2018 | Christ, catechism, heidelberg, baptism | We take a look at questions questions 69 - 71 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
God's Promise of the Righteous Branch | Advent & Christmas 2018 | John Weis | 12/02/2018 | Christ, advent, Christmas, | Despite their manifold sins, God will raise up a righteous Branch for David who will restore His people, multiplying them into a great host that cannot be measured. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 27, Lord's Day 25) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 12/02/2018 | Christ, catechism, heidelberg | We take a look at questions 65 - 68 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
The Reign of the Son of David | Single Message | John Weis | 11/25/2018 | Christ | The Lord has fulfilled His promise to David by raising up His Son, Jesus Christ, to the throne over all things - powers, rulers, authorities, and nations. Seeing the glory of the Anointed King in His Reign, let us shout for joy as we obey His rule, that one day we would reign with Him. |
"Thank You for Your Steadfast Love!" | Single Message | John Gray | 11/25/2018 | Psalm 100 | This Psalm is a how-to manual for meeting God in your quiet time, when you think of Him through the day when you're at work. It reminds us how to go through the gospel every day, because it is when we put everything on hold and turn our attention to the Son who was crucified on our behalf that we see and know God. Loud praise and thank you's for His steadfast love is the fitting response. |
Thessalonians - Building Up the Body of Christ | An Exposition of Thessalonians | John Weis | 11/18/2018 | Thessalonians, fellowship, community, encouragement, support | As God has formed the Thessalonian church, Paul urges them to continue building one another up in holiness and good deeds, encouraging one another as they follow Christ. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 26, Lord's Day 24) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 11/18/2018 | Christ, catechism, heidelberg | |
Three Core Values of the Ministry of Jesus | Single Message | Ned Berube | 11/11/2018 | Christ, GCF, Future, vision | |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 25, Lord's Day 23) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 11/11/2018 | Christ, catechism, heidelberg, righteous | How are you righteous? Today we examine questions 59 - 61 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
Ordination of John Gray and Anvesh Perumalla | Single Message | Tom Kelby | 11/11/2018 | pastor, elder, shepherd | Tom Kelby gives a special message at the ordination of John Gray and Anvesh Perumalla |
We Need Our Feet Washed | Single Message | Tom Kelby | 11/11/2018 | Love, community, church | We as the Church need to be united in a practical and not merely theoretical way. We need to love one another by living life together and admonishing one another in the Lord. |
Thessalonians - Called to Sanctification | An Exposition of Thessalonians | John Weis | 11/04/2018 | Thessalonians, hope, simplicity | As those called to new life in Christ, Paul urges the Thessalonians to walk in purity and holiness, loving one another and waiting with hope of Christ's return. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 24, Lord's Day 22) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 11/04/2018 | Christ, catechism, heidelberg, life, death | We continue to take a look at questions 57 and 58 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
Thessalonians - Communion in Christ's Church | An Exposition of Thessalonians | John Weis | 10/28/2018 | Thessalonians, fellowship, love, suffering, affliction | Even in the midst of afflictions, our God is able to cause His people to abound in love for one another, that we would be a holy people. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 23, Lord's Day 22) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 10/28/2018 | Christ, catechism, heidelberg, life, death | We take a look at questions 57 and 58 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
Thessalonians - Godly Marks of Ministry | An Exposition of Thessalonians | John Weis | 10/21/2018 | Christ, Thessalonians, Paul, series | Seeing the fruit which attends Godly ministry, we must be all the more eager to diligently obey our leaders as they charge us to walk in a manner worthy of God. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 22, Lord's Day 21) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 10/21/2018 | Christ, catechism, heidelberg | We take a look at questions 54-56 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
Thessalonians - The Power of the Gospel | An Exposition of Thessalonians | John Weis | 10/14/2018 | Christ, Thessalonians, Paul, series | Because of the powerful work of the Spirit in the gospel, Paul urges the Thessalonians to continue serving God as they await Jesus Christ's return. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 21, Lord's Day 20) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 10/14/2018 | Christ, catechism, Holy Spirit | We take a look at question 53 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
The Reign of God and His Anointed | Single Message | John Weis | 10/07/2018 | Christ | Though Israel rejected the Messiah, God vindicated His Son and set Him as King over all things, for the blessing of all those in His Church. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 20, Lord's Day 19) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 10/07/2018 | Christ, catechism | |
The Blessed Man in Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 09/30/2018 | Christ, psalm, one, 1, Bible, word | Knowing how Jesus Christ defeated His opponents, by making God's word His joy, let us give ourselves to discovering that same well of joy to overcome the sin which so easily entangles. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 19, Lord's Day 18) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 09/30/2018 | Christ, union, dual, nature | We take a look at questions 48 and 49 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
The Testimony of the Lord Jesus | Single Message | John Weis | 09/23/2018 | Christ, creation, fulfillment | God has graciously put forth His glory in both His creation and in His word so that His people would know Him and faithfully keep His covenant. Knowing the fulfilment of God's word brought about by Jesus, Christians should wholeheartedly cling to the Gospel promise, treasuring them above every other earthly thing. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 18, Lord's Day 17) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 09/23/2018 | Christ, death, benefit, question, catechism | We examine question 47 of the Heidelberg Catechism and questions 51 and 52 of the Westminister Larger Catechism. |
Preaching the Power of God | Single Message | John Weis | 09/16/2018 | Christ, gospel, power, save, weakness | Through the preaching of the word of the cross, the glad news that Christ was crucified in the place of sinners, God powerfully saves sinners. Because God has chosen His people, though they were despised by the world, they ought to gloriously boast in Jesus Christ, for through Him they have redemption. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 17, Lord's Day 17) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 09/16/2018 | Catechism, question, 45, Christ | We go through some review and then we examine question 45 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
God Instructs Sinners in the Way | Single Message | John Weis | 09/09/2018 | Christ, David, prayer | Because of God's steadfast love, David faithfully asks for direction and deliverance in the midst of his distress and trouble. Because Christ trusted God in the midst of violent opposition, we too may call upon Him, no matter the circumstance, for He is the God who redeems His people. |
Jesus is Praying This for Us | Single Message | John Gray | 09/09/2018 | Christ, prayer, high, priest | |
The Lord's Beautiful Dwelling Place | Single Message | John Weis | 09/02/2018 | delight, joy, presence, God, worship | Being in the dwelling place of the Lord is a delight to the soul and refreshing to the heart, for in it, we meet with God Himself. Seeing the benefits, those who are in Christ must not neglect the great privilege of meeting through His people, His Church in which He dwells. |
Orthodoxy Must Become Orthopraxy | Single Message | John Gray | 09/02/2018 | Practice, apply, application, live | |
How to Have Joy in God (Keep Yourself from Idols) | Single Message | John Gray | 08/26/2018 | idol, love, hedonism, happiness, pleasure, worship, love, delight | God made you to enjoy Him, to have your greatest satisfaction in Him, and to treasure Him above all others. Neglecting to enjoy God supremely is idolatry and warrants His judgment. |
The House of the Greater Solomon | Single Message | John Weis | 08/26/2018 | Christ, Solomon, temple, glory, filled | Though the glory which filled Solomon's temple was great, the glory which fills the Church is far greater, for Christ has risen and ascended to the throne over all the earth. As those who have inherited the promises, we ought to highly esteem that which we celebrate each Lord's Day in corporate worship, remembering that which God has done to save His people. |
Walking in Love and Light | Single Message | John Weis | 08/19/2018 | Love, transform, new, life, christian | Because Christ's sacrifice atoned for our sins, we can forever forsake those idolatries and lusts in which we formerly walked, but instead be filled with the Spirit to walk in newness of life. Christ's love for us has transformed us, therefore, let us walk in the freedom which He has purchased with His blood. |
The Robe of the King | Single Message | John Gray | 08/19/2018 | Christ, Joseph, shadow, foreshadow, type, typology | In Joseph's life, we see many shadows of Jesus, who is likewise the favored son of His Father, is clothed in a king's robe, rules over all the nations in order to care for them and provide them with bread; even though He was betrayed by His brothers, it was all part of His masterful plan to bring all things together under His rule. |
The New Way of Life in Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 08/12/2018 | New, life, way, Christ, holy | Because of God's great mercy, all those in Christ must put off the old self, stained by sin, and put on the new self, walking in holiness with God and neighbor. |
Delight, Discipline, and Destiny: A Meditation on the First Psalm | Single Message | John Gray | 08/12/2018 | Delight, psalm, 1, one, word | This first psalm shows the unshakable joy of the person whose daily habit is to drink deeply from the water of the Scriptures, wherein one may meet God and hear His voice. |
The Bread which Never Perishes | Single Message | John Weis | 08/05/2018 | Christ, bread, life, hunger | After the Feeding of the Five-Thousand, Jesus teaches the crowd that He, rather than the loaves and fishes, is He the Only One who truly satisfies the unsatiable soul. Unless we behold Jesus Christ through the eyes of faith in His promise, we ourselves will never come to Him to trust and know Him as the supreme satisfaction of our lives. |
Lifted Up for All to See | Single Message | John Gray | 08/05/2018 | Christ, cross, sacrifice, serpent | Just as the accursed serpent in the wilderness was lifted up by Moses so that anyone who looked at it would live, so Jesus became sin and was cursed for us so that we might be saved from the bite of sin and might become the righteousness of God. |
A Hard Heart Will Cost You Your Sanity and Your Soul | Single Message | John Gray | 07/29/2018 | Hard, heart, soul | Repeatedly refusing the grace of God to escape temptation will blind you and you won't see Jesus as He is, even when He's right in front of you. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 16, Lord's Day 16) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 07/29/2018 | Christ, death, hell, victory | Today we examine Christ death and our own, as well as Christ's descent into Hell. |
The Perfect Kingdom, Part 1 | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 07/22/2018 | Christ, Revelation, kingdom, Bible | We take an introductory look at the book of Revelation as we begin to look at the Perfected Kingdom. |
Enough | Single Message | John Gray | 07/22/2018 | Enough, content, contentment, satisfaction, greed | As Christians, we are called to be content with what God gives to us, to be free from the love of wealth, and to be thankful for what we have. We are enabled to do this by delighting in God above all else and by trusting Him to provide all that we need. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 15, Lord's Day 15) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 07/22/2018 | Christ, catechism, heidelburg, Lord, day | We take a look at questions 37, 38, and 39 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
God Provides a Lamb to Save a Son | Single Message | John Gray | 07/15/2018 | Lamb, Christ, God, provide, substitute | We see the glory of the grace of God in the foreshadowing of Jesus' sacrifice of Himself for sinners. Like the ram substituted for Abraham's only son, the only Son of God substituted for the lambs of God's flock, so that we can become sons of God. |
Ecclesiastical Commitment - God's Grace in Community | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 07/15/2018 | Church, commitment, Ecclesiology | The closer look at how God's grace is attained through the church. |
The Glory of God in Zion | Single Message | John Weis | 07/08/2018 | Zion, city, God, church | God has graciously decreed that His glory and power be seen in the midst of His people, the city of God called Zion, throughout all generations. |
The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness | Single Message | John Gray | 07/08/2018 | Self, forget, humility, pride, hatred, rejection | As we submit to the biblical command to not be "puffed up," we must not allow ourselves to think to humility is some type of self-hatred. Biblical humility will protect us from both self-love and self-hatred. Biblical humility is to be self-forgetful. |
Philippians - The Community of the Church | An Exposition of Philippians | John Weis | 07/01/2018 | Philippians, love, Christ | As a wise overseer, Paul addresses issues in the flock, encouraging them to the obedience, harmony, and brotherly love that befits the gospel of Jesus Christ. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 14, Lord's Day 14) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 07/01/2018 | Christ, confession, creed, belief, church, heresy | We take a look at questions 35 and 36 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
Philippians - The Upward Call of God | An Exposition of Philippians | John Weis | 06/24/2018 | Christ, righteousness, philippians | Knowing the spiritual dangers of the sin of self-righteousness, Paul warns the Philippians to renounce what lies behind and press on toward their eternal reward in Christ Jesus. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 13, Lord's Day 13B) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 06/24/2018 | Christ, confession, creed, belief, Lord | We take a look at question 35 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
Philippians - Thinking After Christ | An Exposition of Philippians | John Weis | 06/17/2018 | Christ, humility, servant | Christ's humbling Incarnation, Death, and subsequent vindication in the Ascension by the Father not only shows His glory, but demonstrates for us the manner of life which pleases God. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 12, Lord's Day 13) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 06/17/2018 | Christ, Creed, catechism, Word, bible, scripture, Christian | We take a look at questions 33 and 34 of the Heidelberg Catechism. |
The Proclaimed Kingdom | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 06/10/2018 | Christ, kingdom, preach, proclaim, overview, Bible, God, big, picture | We take a look at the proclaimed Kingdom, from Christ's ascension until His second coming. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 11, Lord's Day 12) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 06/10/2018 | Christ, Creed, catechism, Anoint | We take a look at questions 31 and 32 of the Heidelburg Catechism. |
Philippians - Suffering for His Sake | An Exposition of Philippians | John Weis | 06/10/2018 | Christ, love, Paul, Church | Knowing the struggle which the Philippian saints will endure, Paul demonstrates the self-sacrificial love in the imitation of Christ which works for the joy of others. Only by understanding the glory of our eternal reward with Jesus Christ can we be willing to suffer for His sake, serving as living witnesses of the grace of God to our neighbors. |
The Godly Husband - As Christ Loved the Church | Men's Advance | John Weis | 06/02/2018 | Christ, husband, love, church, wife | Throughout the Scriptures, God demonstrates His calling upon Christian husbands to imitate Christ's death - His powerful, efficacious love which transforms His Bride, the Church. Understanding the privileges and responsibilities of holy matrimony, Christian men must use God's grace in faith-filled obedience, living and acting in accord with His promises. |
Philippians - The Affection of Christ Jesus | An Exposition of Philippians | John Weis | 06/03/2018 | Christ, Philippians, gospel, love, affection | Paul's pastoral letter to the Philippian church reveals the fruit of a heart transformed by the gracious love of Jesus Christ. As disciples of Christ, we ought to demonstrate the same manner of love and affection for our fellow brothers, as we imitate Paul who imitated Christ. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 10, Lord's Day 11) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 06/03/2018 | Christ, catechism, heidelburg, Lord, day | We examine questions 29 and 30 of the Heidelburg Catechism. |
Living before the Triune God | Single Message | John Weis | 05/27/2018 | Christ, Spirit, Father, holy, walk, live, trinity | Through the cross of Christ, believers are delivered from bondage to sin in order to walk according to the leading of the Spirit as the true sons of God. |
The Prodigal Father | Single Message | John Gray | 05/27/2018 | Christ, Father, love, prodigal, son | As we examine Luke 15:11-32 we see the prodigious love that the Father has for all His children. This passage tells us how we must respond to that love and grace, and also gives us an example of how not to respond to His love and grace. |
The Holy Spirit Who Brings Life | Eastertide 2018 | John Weis | 05/20/2018 | Christ, Holy, Spirit, Pentecost, life | In Ezekiel's vision, Yahweh promises to bring new life to His wayward people by the Spirit which comes through prophecy - the preaching of His word. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 9, Lord's Day 10) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 05/20/2018 | God, providence, creed, Heidelberg, catechism | Providence is God's preservation in creation continuing through concurrence with His creation toward the government of all His creation to His appointed end. Therefore we can be patient and thankful while trusting and resting in His goodness. |
The Present Kingdom, Part 2 | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 05/20/2018 | Bible, overview, gospel, kingdom | We take a look at the Present kingdom, starting at the advent of Christ, and continuing until His second coming. |
Operation Reconciliation Pt. 9, Using Your Local Church as a Critical Resource | Operation Reconciliation (RCF) | Steven Leopold | 05/15/2018 | Christ, evangelism, gospel, word, power, bible, scripture | Part nine of the Operation Reconciliation series |
The Glorious Ascension and Reign of Christ | Eastertide 2018 | John Weis | 05/13/2018 | Christ, Spirit, ascension, power | Just before Jesus ascends into the heavens, He instructs His apostles to wait for the baptism of the Spirit, by Whom they proclaim His glorious Resurrection and Ascension. As disciples of the Lord Jesus, we therefore eagerly desire that God would grant us a greater measure of the Spirit, by whom we would walk in a manner worthy of our calling. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 8, Lord's Day 9) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 05/13/2018 | Father, catechism, Heidelberg | The Creeds of the Church Series, Part Ten |
Operation Reconciliation Pt. 8, The Good News | Operation Reconciliation (RCF) | Steven Leopold | 05/08/2018 | Christ, gospel, kingdom, evangelize, evangelism, commission | Who is Jesus? Why Do I Need to Receive Him? Do I Need to Exchange My Life? |
Operation Reconciliation Pt. 7, The Bad News | Operation Reconciliation (RCF) | Steven Leopold | 05/01/2018 | Christ, gospel, kingdom, evangelize, evangelism, commission | Preparing Hearts to Hear the Good News |
The Present Kingdom, Part 1 | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 05/06/2018 | Christ, kingdom, present, Christianity, bible, overview | We take a look at the Present kingdom, starting at the advent of Christ, and continuing until His second coming. |
Loving God by Loving Neighbor | Eastertide 2018 | John Weis | 05/06/2018 | Christ, love, neighbor | As Christ is about to lay down his life, He teaches His disciples to imitate His example of love at the cross. In the cross we see the loving union of obedience to the Father's will by laying His life down in love for God's people. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we have received His perfect love, transforming our hearts to joyfully lay our lives down for others. |
Heildelberg Catechism (Part 7, Lord's Day 8) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 05/06/2018 | Christ, confession, creed, belief, church, heresy | The Creeds of the Church Series, Part Nine |
The Bible - The Means of Christian Self-Government | Men's Advance | John Weis | 05/05/2018 | Christ, word, scriptures, obey, power | Being restored in Christ to the task of dominion, redeemed man must live in obedience to his Father and his Lord, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our God has given to man His word - the Scriptures - a perfect and complete revelation of His nature, laws, salvation, and plan for creation. Man therefore can only obey His Lord in so far as he is informed and shaped according to that word. |
What the Father is Like | Single Message | John Gray | 04/29/2018 | Father, love, know, like, loving, dad | We come to know the Father through seeing Christ, who is the perfect representation of His nature, and by watching the Father interact with the Son. |
Abiding in Christ, the True Vine | Eastertide 2018 | John Weis | 04/29/2018 | Christ, abide, love, rely | As the True Vine, Christ is the only source of life for His disciples. In Him alone can we bear the fruit of love for the brothers. |
Imitating the Good Shepherd | Eastertide 2018 | John Weis | 04/22/2018 | Christ, Shepherd, good, | As the Good Shepherd, Christ lays down His life for the sheep in the Crucifixion, and takes it back up in the Resurrection, procurring freedom for His people for all time. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to immitate Him by dying to ourselves in service to others, as we walk in newness of life. |
Heildelberg Catechism (Part 6, Lord's Day 7) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 04/22/2018 | Christ, Bible, Scripture, creed, catechism | The Creeds of the Church Series, Part Eight |
An Examination of Islamic Beliefs in Contrast to Christianity | Single Message | Tom Kelby | 04/15/2018 | Christ, muslim, apologetics, evangelism | Guest speaker Tom Kelby gives an explanation of the Islamic faith and worldview in comparison to the Christian faith and worldview. |
Operation Reconciliation Pt. 6, The Power and Effectiveness of Speaking the Word of Christ | Operation Reconciliation (RCF) | Steven Leopold | 04/10/2018 | Christ, evangelism, gospel, word, power, bible, scripture | In part six of our series as we learn how to become effective fishers of men to bear fruit that remains, we look at the necessity, power, and effectiveness of the Gospel Scriptures. We must know, trust, and utilize the Scriptures clearly as we evangelize and make disciples. |
Operation Reconciliation Pt. 5, Seven Keys to Effective Prayer | Operation Reconciliation (RCF) | Steven Leopold | 04/03/2018 | Christ, evangelism, gospel, prayer | In part five of our series, we take a look at how to effectively pray as we incorporate evangelism into the daily life of the church. |
Operation Reconciliation Pt. 4, For Whom, What, and How should We Pray | Operation Reconciliation (RCF) | Steven Leopold | 03/27/2018 | Christ, evangelism, gospel, prayer | 7 Types of Prayer |
The Prophesied Kingdom, Part 2 | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 04/08/2018 | Christ, kingdom, prophets, minor | We take a look at the Prophesied kingdom, starting at the end of Solomon's reign, and continuing until the advent of Christ. |
Peace in the Resurrection | Eastertide 2018 | John Weis | 04/08/2018 | Christ, Easter, Resurrection, love, worship, life | Having defeated death in the Resurrection, Jesus continues to conquer, defeating the fear and unbelief which plagues His disciples. Just as Christ rose two thousand years ago, so He is alive still today, proclaiming "peace" to His people and encouraging them to believe. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 4) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 04/08/2018 | Christ, Creed, catechism, Word, bible, scripture, Christian | The Creeds of the Church Series, Part Seven |
Walking after the Last Adam | Men's Advance | John Weis | 04/07/2018 | Christ, men, man, Spirit, fruit, God | As the Last Adam, Christ tasted of death for all those who would become sons of His Father. In His Resurrection therefore, Christ became the source of new life for those who are adopted by the Father. As He is our new Head, we desire to live by His grace, according to His Word, for His glory in the earth. |
Christ, the Lord of all Time | Eastertide 2018 | John Weis | 04/01/2018 | Christ, Easter, Resurrection, love, worship | As Christ rose from the dead two-thousand years ago, He dramatically changed the future of the entire world. Therefore, we await His sure return joyfully praising Him, centering our lives around His Death and Resurrection every week in worship. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 3) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 04/01/2018 | Christ, confession, creed, belief, church, heresy | The Creeds of the Church Series, Part Six |
The Suffering King Delivered Through Death | Lent 2018 | John Weis | 03/30/2018 | Christ, easter, death, good, friday | Though Christ went through intense suffering and agony on the Cross, God delivered Him through death to victory over the grave, which will spread throughout the whole world. (Good Friday Service from 03-30-2018) |
Operation Reconciliation Pt. 3, A Time to Pray and a Time to Say | Operation Reconciliation (RCF) | Steven Leopold | 03/20/2018 | Christ, gospel, Christianity, evangelize, great, commission | Part three of the Operation Reconciliation series. |
The Triumphal Entry of the Messiah | Lent 2018 | John Weis | 03/25/2018 | Christ, palm, sunday, mark 11, cross | In this psalm, God's covenant faithfulness is shown to the people in saving their king from certain destruction. But that king was only a shadow of the True King, Jesus, who though He died was saved from ultimate death. |
Heidelberg Catechism (Part 2) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 03/25/2018 | Christ, Creed, catechism, Word, bible, scripture, Christian | The Creeds of the Church Series, Part Five |
The Prophesied Kingdom | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 03/18/2018 | Christ, Bible, overview, kingdom | We take a look at the Prophesied kingdom, starting at the end of Solomon's reign, and continuing until the advent of Christ. |
The Depths of Sin and the God Who Redeems | Lent 2018 | John Weis | 03/18/2018 | Christ, psalm, redeem, love, hope, God, Jesus | As the people of God, we may be reluctant to bring our deepest despair and longings in prayer to God. Yet through the psalmist's example, we learn to hope in the Lord and remember the great redemption from our sins which He accomplished in His Son, Jesus. |
Heidelberg Catechism | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 03/18/2018 | Bible, creeds, catechism, belief, Christ, church | The Creeds of the Church Series, Part Four |
Operation Reconciliation Pt. 2, The Training of the Twelve | Operation Reconciliation (RCF) | Steven Leopold | 03/13/2018 | Christ, gospel, disciple, evangelize | Lesson 2: The Training of the Twelve - 7 Principles Employed by Jesus and the Apostles |
Meditating on the Word, Finding Christ | Single Message | John Gray | 03/11/2018 | Bible, Scripture, Read, meditate, learn, Joshua, | We take a look at what it means to meditate on Scripture day and night, and at the great importance of doing so. God wants us to come back to His Word again and again so that we can digest the rich nutrition and nourishment it provides. |
The Lord is Your Shepherd | Lent 2018 | John Weis | 03/11/2018 | Christ, Shepherd, psalm, 23, protect, care, love, keep | As our Shepherd and Host, Yahweh promises to be with us, therefore we will lack nothing even in the midst of difficult seasons. Though God is the Shepherd of Israel, He also shepherds the individual soul. |
Operation Reconciliation, Part 1 | Operation Reconciliation (RCF) | Steven Leopold | 03/06/2018 | Christ, gospel, Christianity, evangelize, great, commission | Becoming effective fishers of men to bear fruit that remains: Incorporating effective strategies of evangelism into the daily life of the church |
What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible - Worship | What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible | Steven Leopold | 02/20/2018 | worship, praise, church, kingdom | Part six from the "What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible" series. |
What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible - Spiritual Gifts | What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible | Steven Leopold | 02/13/2018 | Christ, church, Spirit, holy, gifts | Part five from the "What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible" series. |
What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible - Membership Commitment | What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible | Steven Leopold | 02/06/2018 | Church, kingdom, membership, God, Christ | Part four from the "What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible" series. |
The Creation, Fall, and Redemption of Man | Men's Advance | John Weis | 03/03/2018 | Christ, men, man, Genesis, sin | Modern Western culture has destroyed masculinity and replaced it with machismo and effeminacy. As Christians men living in the West, we must therefore be thoroughly Biblical in our attempts to obey God through faith in our calling as men. If we are to do so, we must learn from God who we are as His creatures and understand how His world works. |
Let Us Joyfully Submit to God | Lent 2018 | John Weis | 03/04/2018 | Christ, King, Reign, submit, faith, obey | While we have tasted of Christ, we must truly come to Him so as to obey Him in faith, lest we harden our hearts and fail to enter His rest. |
Intro to Confessions (Part 3) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 03/04/2018 | Christ, confession, creed, belief, church, heresy | The Creeds of the Church Series, Part Three |
The Partial Kingdom, Part 2 | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 02/25/2018 | Kingdom, David, Solomon, God's, big, picture | We take a look at the Partial Kingdom as seen in the times of David and Solomon. |
The Lord is Your Keeper | Lent 2018 | John Weis | 02/25/2018 | Christ, protect, keep, guard, God, Father | As sojourners and aliens in the earth, we too face many troubles and difficulties in our journey of life. Christ, however, purchases our protection and assures us of His presence in the midst of trials and suffering. |
Intro to Confessions (Part 2) | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 02/25/2018 | Church, Creed, Creeds, Bible, Scripture | The Creeds of the Church Series, Part Two |
Stewarding our Commision | Single Message | Greg Weis | 02/18/2018 | GCF, church, calling | Greg reminds us of what God has called us to as a church and how we need to pursue that. |
Intro to Confessions | The Creeds of The Church | Andy Gerhart | 02/18/2018 | Creed, Word, Bible, Scripture, Church, Belief | The Creeds of the Church Series, Part One |
The Glory and Death of Christ in the Transfiguration | Epiphany 2018 | John Weis | 02/11/2018 | Christ, death, transfiguration, mark 9, Jesus | In seeing the glory of Christ upon the mountain, we are directed to look forward to the greater display of His glory at the cross. And in seeing that glory in His death, which is the display of His love for us, we are transformed from our obsession with the things the world highly esteems. |
It's Better to Sit at His Feet and Listen | Single Message | John Gray | 02/11/2018 | Bible, prayer, devotions, worship, God | In the midst of our busyness serving God, we need to remember that He wants us to spend time in His presence and at His feet. |
What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible - Church Government | What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible | Steven Leopold | 01/30/2018 | Church, leader, government, elder, submit | Part three from the "What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible" series. |
What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible - Community | What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible | Steven Leopold | 01/16/2018 | Kingdom, visible, community, church, fellowship, brothers, love | Part two from the "What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible" series. |
The Partial Kingdom, Part 1 | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 02/04/2018 | Kingdom, Bible, narrative, history, overview | The Partial Kingdom from the end of Genesis through 2nd Chronicles. |
Transformed by Jesus to Serve Others | Epiphany 2018 | John Weis | 02/04/2018 | Serve, healing, Christ, ministry, humility | Though His fame spread, Jesus' example of private prayer demonstrates His humility in the midst of ministering to the people. By loving God first, He transforms our priorities, that we would likewise be a blessing to others. |
Further Consideration on Headship and Gender Roles | Single Message | Jason Hale | 02/04/2018 | Christ, Servant, headship, husband, wives, wife, marriage | We consider some of the practical outworkings of headship in marriage. |
Jesus the Teacher with Authority | Epiphany 2018 | John Weis | 01/28/2018 | Christ, demon, deliverance, power, authority | Jesus' teaching, being full of grace and truth, delivers His hearers from both the traditions of men and the oppression of devils, showing Him to be the One who has brought God's Kingdom. |
Christ, the Husband of His Bride | Single Message | John Gray | 01/28/2018 | Christ, husband, love, church, wife, wives, head, headship | We examine the Biblical meaning of the husband's headship, as a reflection of Christ's headship over the church. Husbands are called to the same manner of servant leadership and sacrificial love that Christ has shown to us. |
What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible - The Church | What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible | Steven Leopold | 01/09/2018 | Church, Community, Kingdom, Christianity | Part one from the "What Makes the Kingdom of God Visible" series. |
The Promise of the Kingdom | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 01/21/2018 | Genesis, Bible, Abraham, Covenant | The Promise of the Kingdom in Genesis 12-17 |
Jesus Calls His Disciples to Fish for Men | Epiphany 2018 | John Weis | 01/21/2018 | Discipleship, calling, kingdom | Though careers and familial relationships are a gift from God, He alone deserves our highest allegiance and total obedience. Christ's grace transforms us from fear of the future to bold risk for the sake of His kingdom and mission on the earth. |
Christ, who Clothes Us in His Holiness | Single Message | John Gray | 01/21/2018 | Christ, atonement, gospel, redemption, holiness, justification | Zechariah's vision of the high priest Joshua exemplifies how Christ, who is our advocate before God, removes our filthy garments and clothes us in His righteousness. |
Building Upon the Foundation of Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 01/14/2018 | Christ, leaders, church | As God provides the growth, His people are built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ into a temple in which His Spirit is pleased to dwell. |
The Necessity and Value of Speaking in Tongues | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 01/14/2018 | Tongues, speaking, gospel, Holy Spirit, Baptism | The Necessity and Value of Speaking in Tongues (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series Element 7R) |
Emphasis 6C2 | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 01/09/2018 | RCF, Rock Campus Fellowship, Biblical Christianity | Major Kingdom Concepts: Eternal Decree |
Emphasis 6C1 (Part B) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 12/05/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | Major Kingdom Concepts: Authority in the Kingdom of God (Scriptural Infallibility) |
The Voice of the Lord over the Waters of Baptism | Epiphany 2018 | John Weis | 01/07/2018 | epiphany, baptism, voice of the lord, god's voice, word of god, christ's baptism, psalm 29, mark 1, baptism of jesus | The powerful voice of the Father confirms His love and approval to His Son at the very start of His ministry, showing us the truth that "man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord". |
Practical Guidelines for Holy Spirit Baptism | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 01/07/2018 | holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, holy spirit baptism | Practical Guidelines for Those Who Are Praying for Holy Spirit Baptism (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 15C) |
Setting Annual Goals | Single Message | Greg Weis | 12/31/2017 | goals, goal setting, new year | A Biblical introduction to goal setting with suggested areas of life for goal setting and practical guidelines for achieving those goals. |
Christ, the Light to the Gentiles | Advent & Christmas 2017 | John Weis | 12/24/2017 | christmas, psalm 67, simeon, nunc dimittis, luke 2 | Throughout Scripture, God blessed His people with the gracious gift of "the light" of His face, unto the redeeming of the nations. In seeing Jesus come into the temple, by the Spirit Simeon recognizes God's salvation in the face of the Messiah. |
Sing for Joy at the Lord's Coming | Advent & Christmas 2017 | John Weis | 12/24/2017 | christmas, psalm 96, psalms | Everything in all of creation should sing to the Lord a new song, for He is coming to restore the world. |
The King Who Establishes God's Justice | Advent & Christmas 2017 | John Weis | 12/24/2017 | advent, psalm 72, psalms | This psalm is a prayer for God to bless the king with justice that His reign might deliver the poor and bless the nations forever. God's glory is shown in that His people are protected through His granting a righteous reign to the king. |
The Father's Covenant Faithfulness to the Son | Advent & Christmas 2017 | John Weis | 12/17/2017 | advent, psalm 89, covenant faithfulness, covenant, eternal covenant, steadfast love, trinity | The psalmist extols the beauty of the steadfast love, covenantal faithfulness, shown by God to David and his kingdom. But surely the language is too great to describe any mere human king. The Father's love for His Son, seen in His investiture of authority for salvation, then become the ground for all human trust and love. |
Fifth Common Hindrance | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 12/17/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, hindrances to baptism in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, unbelief, natural mindedness | An examination of the fifth of five common hindrances to the baptism in the Holy Spirit - spirit of unbelief & natural mindedness (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part Pj) |
Trust Not in Princes and Men | Advent & Christmas 2017 | John Weis | 12/10/2017 | advent, psalm 146, weakness of man, rulers, princes | As those made in God's image, we naturally tend to place our trust in human power, strength, and wisdom. Yet we must recognize that all men are frail, being doomed to die. Even while revealing our weakness, the psalmist hints at the form of salvation which is to be revealed. |
The Perishing of the Kingdom | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 12/10/2017 | overview of the bible, introduction to the bible, bible survey, the bible, genesis 3 | The Perishing of the Kingdom in Genesis 3 |
Fourth Common Hindrance (Continued) | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 12/10/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, hindrances to baptism in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, unforgiveness, bitterness | An examination of the fourth of five common hindrances to the baptism in the Holy Spirit - unforgiveness and bitterness (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part Pi) |
The Ruin of Israel and the Salvation of God | Advent & Christmas 2017 | John Weis | 12/03/2017 | advent, psalm 80, israel, sin, salvation | This prophetic psalm shows the grace of God in leading His people out of Egypt and establishing them in the land. Though He was so kind, the people have ruined themselves with sin and have fallen under judgment and His displeasure. Nevertheless, the psalmist is moved by the Spirit to thrice cry out for mercy and salvation, which God will bring through the Son of Man who is at His right hand. |
Fourth Common Hindrance | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 12/03/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, hindrances to baptism in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, unforgiveness, bitterness | An examination of the fourth of five common hindrances to the baptism in the Holy Spirit - unforgiveness and bitterness (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part Ph) |
Emphasis 6C1 | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 11/28/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | Major Kingdom Concepts: Authority in the Kingdom of God |
Emphasis 6B (Continued) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 11/21/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | What On Earth is the Kingdom of God? aka Definition of the Kingdom of God (Heaven) |
Emphasis 6B (Continued) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 11/14/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | What On Earth is the Kingdom of God? aka Definition of the Kingdom of God (Heaven) |
God's Work of Redemption and the Reign of Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 11/26/2017 | ordinary time, ephesians 1, christ the king, christ the king sunday, reign of christ | Paul's introduction to the Ephesians discloses the love of the Father in the work of redemption purchased by the Son unto the granting of the Spirit for the benefit of the Church. Christ's reign is seen then as the source and head of all graces for the Church; a reign that is infallible, unwavering, and perfect. |
How Bitterness Destroys Your Life | Single Message | Steven Leopold | 11/26/2017 | forgiveness, bitterness, freedom, unforgiveness | Experiencing freedom from bitterness and extending forgiveness in Christ |
The Pattern of the Kingdom | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 11/19/2017 | overview of the bible, introduction to the bible, bible survey, the bible, genesis 1, genesis 2 | The Pattern of the Kingdom presented in Genesis 1-2 |
Third Common Hindrance | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 11/19/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, hindrances to baptism in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, occult | An examination of the third of five common hindrances to the baptism in the Holy Spirit - involvement in the occult (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part Pg) |
Giving Thanks to the Lord | Single Message | John Weis | 11/19/2017 | ordinary time, thanksgiving, deuteronomy 8, psalm 65, giving thanks | Before Israel enters the Promised Land, God reminds them of His grace in the Exodus from Egypt and the journey into the land. Because of His great love for His people, His bride, He lavishes gifts upon them. Though they receive everything they need, they forget His mercy. They presume their prosperity is due to their power instead of Gods' gift. |
James - Steadfastness through Prayer | An Exposition of James | John Weis | 11/12/2017 | james, james 5, ordinary time, hebrews 11, saints, steadfastness, perseverance, prayer | James finishes his letter with a final reminder of the value of hope that is steadfast; a faith that is rooted firmly in God's promises. Drawing on the example of the prophets, James encourages his hearers to appeal to God through prayer for relief from the Almighty. |
Second Hindrance to Holy Spirit Baptism (Continued) | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 11/12/2017 | holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, hindrances, obstacles, shame, performance, performance based | An examination of the second of five common hindrances to the baptism in the Holy Spirit - the Charlie Brown Syndrome (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 14B5) |
Emphasis 6B (Continued) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 11/07/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | What On Earth is the Kingdom of God? aka Definition of the Kingdom of God (Heaven) |
Emphasis 6B (Continued) | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 10/31/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | What On Earth is the Kingdom of God? aka Definition of the Kingdom of God (Heaven) |
Emphasis 6B | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 10/24/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | What On Earth is the Kingdom of God? aka Definition of the Kingdom of God (Heaven) |
James - The Pride of Boasting and Trusting in Wealth | An Exposition of James | John Weis | 11/05/2017 | james, james 4, james 5, ordinary time, wealth, riches, boasting, pride, | James' call to reckon with those who boast of business success and those who trust in wealth warns us of the subtle danger of the ever-present temptation for pride. He calls them to bear the fruit of repentance by changing their speech and mourning their sin. |
Second Common Hindrance | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 11/05/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, hindrances to baptism in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, performance, performance based, shame | An examination of the second of five common hindrances to the baptism in the Holy Spirit - the Charlie Brown Syndrome (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part Pe) |
James - Repentance from Evil Passions | An Exposition of James | John Weis | 10/29/2017 | ordinary time, james, james 3, james 4, jealousy, selfish ambition | James discloses the source of evils within the Christian church as ongoing corruption within her members. Those which are devoted to the Lord should renew their minds after heavenly wisdom and purity of heart. |
Common Hindrances to Holy Spirit Baptism - Part B3 | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/29/2017 | holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, hindrances, obstacles, conversion, biblical conversion, incomplete conversion | A continued examination of the first of five common hindrances to the baptism in the Holy Spirit - the missing fruits of incomplete conversions (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 14B3) |
The New Bride | Single Message | Andy Gerhart | 10/17/2017 | rock campus fellowship, ephesians 5, genesis 2, new bride, bride of christ, biblical metaphor | One of the powerful metaphors which the Apostle Paul uses for the Church is the one of a Bride for the Groom Jesus. As a 'metaphor' it describes our relationship with Jesus with His extravagant love and particular care. As a 'powerful metaphor' it assures us of our relationship with the Lord and His desire for us which allows us to move forward in becoming more holy and blameless. Based upon Ephesians 5:22-33 and Genesis 2:18-25, we will inspect and reflect upon God's love for us in His Son Jesus. |
Introduction to the Bible | Overview of the Bible Class | Andy Gerhart | 10/22/2017 | overview of the bible, introduction to the bible, bible survey, the bible | Provides an overview of the importance of the Bible and rationale for study. |
Emphasis 6A | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 10/10/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | The Central and Primary Importance of the Kingdom of God |
James - The Fire of the Tongue | An Exposition of James | John Weis | 10/22/2017 | ordinary time, james, james 3, teaching, teachers, speech, tongue | James warns his hearers against the evils of the human tongue running wild, showing it to be a spark which sets the whole world ablaze. Those who claim to know God yet curse their brother should look more closely to their speech, lest it betray them as liars. |
Common Hindrances to Holy Spirit Baptism - Part B2 | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/22/2017 | holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, hindrances, obstacles, conversion, biblical conversion, incomplete conversion | An examination of the first of five common hindrances to the baptism in the Holy Spirit - the missing fruits of incomplete conversions (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 14B2) |
James - Faith that is Not Alone | An Exposition of James | John Weis | 10/15/2017 | james, james 2, ordinary time, justification by works, justification, sola fide, good works, true faith, spiritual fruit | James' dispute with those who claim faith in Christ but have no evidence of that faith through their obedience to God's law reveals a deception which comes through a perversion of the Gospel. |
Common Hindrances to Holy Spirit Baptism - Part B | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/15/2017 | holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, hindrances, obstacles | Common Hindrances to Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 14B) |
James - The Law of Liberty | An Exposition of James | John Weis | 10/08/2017 | ordinary time, james, james 1, rich, poor, judgment, law, law of liberty | James' warning against judging between rich and poor shows demonstrates the appropriate use of the Law for those renewed by the Gospel. |
God's Word on the Word of His Grace | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/08/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, maturing in christ, growing in grace, grace, delivery systems of grace, word of his grace, bible, the word, word of god | First of Three Delivery Systems of Grace - the Word of His Grace, Biblical Perspective (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 8, Part C2) |
Continued Review of Emphasis 3 | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 10/03/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | The Church: The Community of the King |
Review of Emphasis 3 | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 09/26/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | The Church: The Community of the King |
Review of Emphases 1 & 2 | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 09/19/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | Loving God and Grace Upon Grace |
Introduction to Biblical Emphases | Rediscovering and Restoring Biblical Christianity (RCF 17-18) | Greg Weis | 09/12/2017 | rcf, rock campus fellowship, restoration, biblical christianity | Overview of 15 Biblical Emphases for Rediscovery |
James - Reality before God | An Exposition of James | John Weis | 10/01/2017 | ordinary time, james, james 1, anger, the flesh, law-word, application of god's word, religion, true religion | James warns against religious self-deception, contrasting hypocritical anger and spiritual sloth with the true effects of the benevolent Father's grace. |
Introduction to the Word of His Grace | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/01/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, maturing in christ, growing in grace, grace, delivery systems of grace, word of his grace, bible, the word, word of god | First of Three Delivery Systems of Grace - the Word of His Grace, Introduction (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 8, Part C1) |
James - Perseverance in Testing | An Exposition of James | John Weis | 09/24/2017 | ordinary time, james, james 1, prosperity gospel, perseverance, testing, trials, good works, epistle of james | James' letter demonstrates the beautiful harmony between faith and works, demonstrating that works are the outflowing, proof, and goal of faith. |
Attitudes & Actions for Appropriating Greater Grace | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/24/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, maturing in christ, growing in grace, grace, humility, honesty, hunger | Attitudes & Actions for Appropriating Greater Grace - Humility, Honesty, Hunger, Holistic (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 8, Part B) |
The Folly of The Cross of Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 09/17/2017 | ordinary time, 1 corinthians, folly, foolishness, wisdom, power, jews, gentiles | Paul's command to the Corinthians to walk in unity is established by the facts of the Gospel; if none chose Christ from their own wisdom, none should boast of their brother. |
More on Grace in Perspective | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/17/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, maturing in christ, growing in grace, grace | Grace - Relational and Dynamic (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 8, Part A2) |
Put on the Lord Jesus Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 09/10/2017 | ordinary time, psalm 119, romans 13, the flesh, sin, repentance, self-deception, law, god's law, the law | Paul warns the Roman church of slumbering even while claiming to be alive. His words being written to Christians shows us the danger of self-deception. |
Water Baptism and Biblical Covenants | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/10/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, baptism, covenant, covenants, biblical covenants, water baptism | Water Baptism and the Eight Ingredients of all Biblical Covenants (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part B) |
Perseverance in the Light of Eternity | Single Message | John Weis | 09/03/2017 | ordinary time, 2 corinthians, 2 corinthians 4, perseverance, persecution, eternity, eternal reward | Paul's defense of the authenticity of his apostolic ministry, confirmed by sufferings not the praise of men, reveals his true treasure; the grace of Christ, not his own self. |
Grace in Perspective | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/03/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, maturing in christ, growing in grace, grace | Grace in Perspective - Defined and Reevaluated (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 8, Part A1) |
Christian Partnership in Mission | Single Message | John Weis | 08/27/2017 | ordinary time, philippians, philippians 4, contentment, mission, | Directing their hearts and minds upon the sure and steady excellencies of Christ, Paul's testimony of God's grace in the midst of lack and plenty demonstrates a heart and mind set upon the bountiful richness of Christ Jesus. |
Audacious Grace | Grace Upon Grace 2017 | Greg Weis | 08/27/2017 | grace upon grace, grace, audacious grace, john 1, deuteronomy 7, ephesians 2 | The Primary, Foundational & Central Importance of Grace in the Entire Scripture (Grace Upon Grace Series Chapter 1: Introduction & Overview: Grace in Perspective) |
The Ground of Christian Evangelism | Single Message | John Weis | 08/20/2017 | ordinary time, philippians, philippians 2, evangelism, unity | Paul's exhortation of the Philippian church reminds us of the source of our obedience - Christ Himself. |
Common Hindrances to Holy Spirit Baptism - Part A | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/20/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, hindrances, obstacles | An Introduction to Common Hindrances to Being Baptized in the Holy Spirit (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part Pa |
Galatians - The Grace of the Christian Church | An Exposition of Galatians | John Weis | 08/13/2017 | ordinary time, galatians, galatians 6, the church, christian church, brotherly love, community | Paul's closing instructions demonstrate the unique quality of love, grace, and charity that is found only among Christians, as they are the authentic witness of God's love in the earth. |
Pentecost (Part 4) | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/13/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, new testament, pentecost | Pentecost: Pinnacle, Plenitude, and Pledge of All God's Purpose and Promises (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part Oe) |
Galatians - Walking According to the Spirit | An Exposition of Galatians | John Weis | 08/06/2017 | ordinary time, galatians, galatians 5, apostle paul, paul, circumcision, the law, the spirit, holy spirit | Paul shows that looking to circumcision to justify is a looking away from Christ. But the Galatians were called to walk after the Spirit, not to neglect the law, but to keep it from the heart. |
Pentecost (Part 3) | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/06/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, new testament, pentecost | Pentecost: Pinnacle, Plenitude, and Pledge of All God's Purpose and Promises (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part Od) |
Galatians - Adopted as Children of Promise | An Exposition of Galatians | John Weis | 07/30/2017 | ordinary time, galatians, galatians 4, children of promise, free woman, bond woman, covenant, sinai, jerusalem, adoption | Those who turn back to trusting in good works subtly, but fully, renounce their adoption as sons of God. |
Pentecost (Part 2) | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/30/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, new testament, pentecost | Pentecost: Pinnacle, Plenitude, and Pledge of All God's Purpose and Promises (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part Oc) |
Galatians - Law, Curse, and Fulfilled Promise | An Exposition of Galatians | John Weis | 07/23/2017 | ordinary time, galatians, galatians 3, gentiles, faith, covenant, curse, the law | Paul reasons with the Galatians to return to reliance upon Christ, showing them how Christ satisfied the demands of the law, becoming a curse in our place, to unleash the promised Spirit upon even the Gentiles. |
Pentecost (Part 1) | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/23/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, new testament, pentecost | Pentecost: Pinnacle, Plenitude, and Pledge of All God's Purpose and Promises (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part Ob) |
Galatians - Justification and Fellowship through Christ | An Exposition of Galatians | John Weis | 07/16/2017 | ordinary time, galatians, galatians 2, judaizers, paul, peter, jerusalem | Paul's opposition to Peter's sin shows the severity of his error, revealing the foundation for our identity as the people of God, not based in our ethnicity, nor social standing, but in the blood of Christ alone. |
Testimonies on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Grace Christian Fellowship | 07/16/2017 | baptism in the holy spirit, holy spirit, testimony, testimonies | Testimonies from three members of GCF on their experiences with the Baptism in the Holy Spirit |
Galatians - Called by God through the Gospel | An Exposition of Galatians | John Weis | 07/09/2017 | ordinary time, galatians, galatians 1, judaizers, judaizing, false gospel | Paul's opposition of those who entertained the Judaizing teaching shows us the vitality of clinging to the pure gospel of repentance from sins unto forgiveness through Christ. |
God's "Promise" for All Believers | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/09/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, promise of the father | Imparting or Receiving Holy Spirit Baptism - God's "Promise" for All Followers / Believers (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part O) |
The Imitation of Christ in the Body | Single Message | John Weis | 07/02/2017 | ordinary time, romans 12, romans, body of christ, church, imitation of christ, ecclesiology | Paul's appeal to the Roman Christians seeks to encourage the fruits of the grace of God in the life of the Church. Through the imitation of Christ, the community shines forth with His same light and love. |
Paul Brings "The Promise" to Ephesus | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/02/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, new testament, ephesus | Example 5 of "The Promise" Fulfilled: 5 Biblical Patterns from 5 Biblical Examples (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part N) |
The Right Judgment of Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 06/25/2017 | judgment, judgement, matthew 18, 1 corinthians 5, false shepherds, false sheep | Following Christ's and His apostles' teaching, the Church is to walk in purity and love, guarding her members from attacks from her adversaries. In this way, Christ fights for her. |
"The Promise" Comes to Cornelius & the Gentiles | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 06/25/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, new testament, cornelius, gentiles | Example 4 of "The Promise" Fulfilled: 5 Biblical Patterns from 5 Biblical Examples (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part N) |
Effective & Expectant Prayer | Single Message | Greg Weis | 06/18/2017 | ordinary time, prayer, luke 11, luke 18, effective prayer, expectant prayer, lord's prayer | Biblical teachings on prayer and how to pursue the Kingdom work of prayer |
"The Promise" Comes to Saul | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 06/18/2017 | holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, biblical patterns, saul, paul, saul on the road to damascus, road to damascus | Example 3 of "The Promise" Fulfilled: 5 Biblical Patterns from 5 Biblical Examples (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 12C) |
Trinity Sunday - The Creator's World | Single Message | John Weis | 06/11/2017 | ordinary time, creation, trinity, trinity sunday, genesis, genesis 1, genesis 2, image of god, imago dei | The Triune God created the world originally good, perfectly knowing of the entrance of evil, but permitted it to show forth the greater goodness of the new creation in Christ. |
The Spirit Poured Upon God's People | Eastertide 2017 | John Weis | 06/04/2017 | eastertide, pentecost, numbers 11, acts 2, holy spirit | Through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the church, Yahweh has fulfilled His covenant promise to dwell among His people. |
Pentecost | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 06/04/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, new testament, pentecost | Pentecost: "The Promise" Arrives in Power (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part N) |
Christ's Headship in the Ascension | Eastertide 2017 | John Weis | 05/28/2017 | easter, eastertide, kingdom of god, second coming, ascension, luke 24, ephesians 1 | Christ's Ascension realized the victory wrought in the Resurrection, unto the beginning of His Reign over the nations, ruling them until His second coming. |
The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus (Continued) | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/28/2017 | holy spirit, the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, function of the holy spirit, ministry of the holy spirit, jesus and the holy spirit, life of jesus, ministry of jesus | The pattern and progression of the Holy Spirit's role in the life and ministry of Jesus (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 11C) |
Jesus' Promise of the Spirit | Eastertide 2017 | John Weis | 05/21/2017 | easter, eastertide, holy spirit, trinity, john 14 | The Spirit produces loving obedience to, and communion with, the Father and Son in the heart of the flock of Jesus Christ. |
The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus (Continued) | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/21/2017 | holy spirit, the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, function of the holy spirit, ministry of the holy spirit, jesus and the holy spirit, life of jesus, ministry of jesus | The pattern and progression of the Holy Spirit's role in the life and ministry of Jesus (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part M continued) |
The Way of Jesus Christ | Eastertide 2017 | John Weis | 05/14/2017 | easter, eastertide, miracles, greater works, john 14, | In His teaching and miracles, Jesus was constantly showing what the Father was like. |
The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/14/2017 | holy spirit, the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, function of the holy spirit, ministry of the holy spirit, jesus and the holy spirit, life of jesus, ministry of jesus | The pattern and progression of the Holy Spirit's role in the life and ministry of Jesus (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part M) |
More Perspectives on the Holy Spirit | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/14/2017 | modernism, materialism, cessationism, the holy spirit, holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit,third wave, continuationism, pentecostalism | Four contemporary perspectives on the Holy Spirit Biblically examined (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 7B) |
More on Rediscovering & Restoring Biblical Patterns | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/07/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, kingdom of god, christian life, holy spirit, biblical patterns, restoration | The necessity of rediscovering and restoring Biblical patterns (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part L) |
Perspectives on the Holy Spirit | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/07/2017 | modernism, materialism, cessationism, the holy spirit, holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit,third wave, continuationism, pentecostalism | Four contemporary perspectives on the Holy Spirit Biblically examined (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 7) |
Jesus Christ is Our Shepherd | Eastertide 2017 | John Weis | 05/07/2017 | easter, eastertide, christ the shepherd, jesus the shepherd, psalm 23, the lord is my shepherd, shepherd, sheep | What are the benefits that Christ has purchased for His flock? They are told by David, as he extols the grace of the Shepherd. |
Jesus in the Word and at the Table | Eastertide 2017 | John Weis | 04/30/2017 | easter, luke 24, eastertide, the table, communion, eucharist, road to emmaus, 1 corinthians 11 | Just as Jesus celebrated the Passover before the Crucifixion, He eats with the disciples after His Resurrection to prepare them for the manner of fellowship after the Ascension. |
Rediscovering & Restoring Biblical Patterns | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 04/30/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, new testament, biblical patterns, biblical model, restoration | The necessity of rediscovering and restoring Biblical patterns (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part K) |
Ongoing Activities of the Holy Spirit | Baptized in the Holy Spirit | Greg Weis | 04/23/2017 | holy spirit, the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, function of the holy spirit, ministry of the holy spirit, miracles, charismatic, pentecostal | The ongoing activities of the Holy Spirit after the New Testament Canon - from after the Apostles through Modern Pentecostal & Charismatic Movements (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 6) |
The Holy Spirit in the New Testament | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 04/23/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, new testament, miracles | The Activities of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part G) |
Peace and Perseverance in Christ | Eastertide 2017 | John Weis | 04/23/2017 | easter, thomas, doubting thomas, john 20, 1 peter 1, perseverance, | The Christian faith is built upon the historical fact of the Resurrection, producing reconciliation with God today, unto the glorious sight of Christ upon that final day. |
The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 04/16/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, holy spirit, the holy spirit, old testament, miracles | The Activities of the Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Scriptures (Baptized in the Holy Spirit Series, 2017 Edition, Chapter 4) |
Jesus Christ, Our Brother | Eastertide 2017 | John Weis | 04/16/2017 | adoption, wrath of god, resurrection, easter, john 20 | Though all Christ's disciples deserted Him, He has already forgiven them at His resurrection. He receives them as His brothers. |
Palm Sunday | Lent 2017 | Greg Weis | 04/09/2017 | palm sunday, lent, hosanna, psalm 118, matthew 21, john 12, triumphal entry | On Palm Sunday, Jesus identifies himself as the prophesied triumphant Davidic King. |
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit (Continued) | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 04/09/2017 | holy spirit, the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, function of the holy spirit, ministry of the holy spirit | Ten ministries of the Holy Spirit (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part E continued) |
The New Life in the New Covenant | Lent 2017 | John Weis | 04/02/2017 | ezekiel 37, valley of dry bones, ezekiel, john 5, romans 8, resurrection, walking in the spirit | Jesus is the "Son of Man", the Greater Ezekiel, who speaks forth His word of the Gospel causing dead sinners to be raised to life. |
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 04/02/2017 | holy spirit, the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, function of the holy spirit, ministry of the holy spirit | The function and ministry of the Holy Spirit. (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part E) |
The Faith of Jesus Christ | Lent 2017 | John Weis | 03/26/2017 | faith, jesus christ, suffering, trust, trust in god, faith in god, constancy, psalm 40, hebrews 10, crucifixion | Christ completely offered Himself up in full trust to the very end, knowing that the Father judges rightly. |
Do Not Put Christ to the Test | Lent 2017 | John Weis | 03/19/2017 | exodus 17, wandering in the wilderness, grumbling, complaining, psalm 95, water from the rock, christ the rock, moses | We who have seen and heard God's work in the Gospel must not harden our hearts as did the Israelites who grumbled in the wilderness. |
The Person of the Holy Spirit | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 03/19/2017 | holy spirit, the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, attributes of god, deity, trinity | The Holy Spirit and His attributes as a member of the Trinity. (Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series, Element 7, Part D) |
Truth in the Inward Being | Lent 2017 | John Weis | 03/12/2017 | lent, psalm 51, david, king david, sin, repentance, leprosy | All portions of this psalm - David's guilt, penalty, confession, repentance, forgiveness, and restoration - are based upon the foundation of the atonement of Christ. |
Embracing a Generous Lifestyle | Single Message | Jason Hale | 03/12/2017 | lent, charity, almsgiving, generosity | An introduction to the place of charity and generosity in Lent and the Christian life |
Session 3 | Church History 201 | Greg Weis | 03/12/2017 | church history | Church history from AD 70 to AD 590 |
Session 2 Presentations | Church History 202 | Grace Christian Fellowship | 03/12/2017 | church history | Presentations from students of Church History 202 on important figures from church history. |
Escapist Piety vs. Incarnational Dominion | Restoration of Biblical Christianity | Greg Weis | 03/12/2017 | biblical christianity, restoration of biblical christianity, rock campus fellowship, pietism, escapism, dominion | A study of Humanistic Christianity: Escapist Piety vs. Incarnational Dominion |
Sin, Guilt, and Confession | Lent 2017 | John Weis | 03/05/2017 | lent, sin, guilt, confession, original sin, psalm 32 | Those who desire to be godly must walk in truth and uprightness of heart by the daily confession of sin. |
A Primer on Lent | Single Message | Jason Hale | 03/05/2017 | liturgy, liturgical calendar, church calendar, seasons, lent, romans 5 | The value of using the historical Church calendar and two specific emphases for the season of Lent. |
The Glory of Christ in the Shadow of the Cross | Epiphany 2017 | John Weis | 02/26/2017 | epiphany, matthew 16, matthew 17, transfiguration, the transfiguration of christ, elijah, suffering | In the Transfiguration we see the beautiful and glorious wisdom of God. |
Who is the Holy Spirit? | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 02/26/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, kingdom of god, christian life, holy spirit, biblical word pictures | More on the Pattern of 5 First Steps into the Kingdom of Christ - Eight Biblical Word Pictures of the Holy Spirit. |
Conditions and Rewards of Fasting | Epiphany 2017 | Greg Weis | 02/19/2017 | fasting, epiphany, matthew 6, sermon on the mount | Jesus' teaching on fasting in the Sermon on the Mount |
Becoming a Disciple of the Kingdom | Single Message | John Weis | 02/19/2017 | arc, alliance for renewal churches, arc conference, means of grace, discipleship, grace christian fellowship | God has given three inter-related tools as the means by which disciples of His Kingdom are to be formed: the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the catholic community of His Body, the Church, and the infallible rule of faith in all matters of life, the Scriptures. (Guest talk at the ARC Ohio Conference in October 2016) |
The Rewards of Seeking First His Kingdom | Epiphany 2017 | Greg Weis | 02/19/2017 | epiphany, sermon on the mount, matthew 6, seek first the kingdom, kingdom of god, seek first the kingdom of god, the kingdom of god, anxious, worry, anxiety | The importance, the method, and the rewards of seeking first the Kingdom of God |
The Lord's Prayer | Epiphany 2017 | John Weis | 02/12/2017 | epiphany, matthew 6, lords prayer, lord's prayer, the lord's prayer, prayer, | In the Lord's Prayer, we see the glory of Christ, who not only teaches His people perfectly, but gives them spiritual wisdom for their protection, ongoing sanctification, and victory in His Kingdom. |
Element 8 Previewed (Part C) | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 02/12/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, kingdom of god, spiritual maturity, christian life | A preview of the eighth element of the eight essential elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel - Maturing in Jesus Christ, Growing Progressively into Grace Upon Grace |
Element 8 Previewed (Part B) | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 02/05/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, kingdom of god, spiritual maturity, christian life | A preview of the eighth element of the eight essential elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel - Maturing in Jesus Christ, Growing Progressively into Grace Upon Grace |
The Law of Christ | Epiphany 2017 | John Weis | 02/05/2017 | matthew 5, sermon on the mount, law of god, law of christ, ten commandments, interpretation of God's law | Christ shows that the right interpretation of the law is a more severe reading than the reading which commands external adherence alone. |
Element 8 Previewed | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 01/29/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, kingdom of god, spiritual maturity, christian life | A preview of the eighth element of the eight essential elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel - Maturing in Jesus Christ, Growing Progressively into Grace Upon Grace |
The Beatitudes - Salt and Light | Epiphany 2017 | John Weis | 01/29/2017 | matthew 5, sermon on the mount, beatitudes, salt and light, light of the world, epiphany, law of god, god's law | Jesus begins His teaching with descriptions of those who are transformed by the Spirit to join in His mission of reconciliation through the gospel. |
Jesus Christ, the True Israelite | Epiphany 2017 | John Weis | 01/22/2017 | epiphany, matthew 4, wilderness, wandering in the wilderness, fasting, temptation, temptation of Jesus, temptation of Christ, miracles | Christ enters the very same circumstances as Israel and triumphs in the place of Israel's prior failure. |
Element 7 Preview (Continued) | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 01/22/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, kingdom of god, salvation, christian life | A preview of the seventh element of the eight essential elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel - the pattern of the first five steps into the Kingdom of Christ |
Humanistic Christianity, World Views & Epistemology | Restoration of Biblical Christianity | Greg Weis | 01/15/2017 | epistemology, world views, worldview, worldviews, humanism, humanistic, christianity | Humanistic Christianity Defined and an Introduction to World Views and Epistemology |
Christ's Glorious Divine and Human Person | Epiphany 2017 | John Weis | 01/15/2017 | epiphany, john 1, john the baptist, cephas, disciples, calling of the disciples, christology | John the Baptist's testimony of Christ and Christ's first interactions with his disciples confirm that in One man, Jesus is both God come in the flesh and the Messiah to redeem His people. |
Element 7 Previewed | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 01/15/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, kingdom of god, salvation, christian life | A preview of the seventh element of the eight essential elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel - the pattern of the first five steps into the Kingdom of Christ |
Element 6 Reviewed | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 01/08/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, soteriology, salvation, saved | A review of the sixth element of the eight essential elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel - receiving or responding to Jesus Christ, the key components of soteriology |
The Kingdom of God is at Hand | Epiphany 2017 | John Weis | 01/08/2017 | matthew 3, epiphany, baptism of jesus, baptism, baptism of our lord, jesus' baptism, baptism of christ, holy spirit | Christ encounters baptism as the Head of the Church, for He is the first to rise from the dead, that He might preeminent in everything. |
Element 5 | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 01/08/2017 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, christology, salvation | A review of the fifth element of the eight essential elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel - an Intro to Christology, Jesus Christ as the Only Mediator, Bridge, or Solution |
The Twelve Days of Christmas and the Feast of Innocents | Single Message | Greg Weis | 01/01/2017 | christmas, martyrs, feast of the innocents, light of the world, abortion, evil, twelve days of christmas, christmastide | The Feast of the Innocents reminds us of the reality and depth of evil during the time of Moses, the time of Christ, and today. Into this darkness, God sends Christ, the true light. |
Hidden in a Manger | Advent & Christmas 2016 | John Weis | 01/01/2017 | christmas, advent, christmas eve, incarnation, luke 2 | Through Christ's Incarnation, God confounds the wisdom of the world. |
The Word Became Flesh | Advent & Christmas 2016 | John Weis | 12/25/2016 | christmas, john 1, true light, incarnation, the word became flesh, tabernacling | Why does the Word, the Light, come into the world? He came to call men to become children of God. |
The Promise of the Incarnation | Advent & Christmas 2016 | John Weis | 12/18/2016 | advent, incarnation, isaiah 9, hope, promises of God, God's promises, promises to Israel | The fulfillment of God's promises to Israel is how Jesus becomes our source of joy. |
Session 2 | Church History 201 | Greg Weis | 12/11/2016 | church history, early church history | Church History from 70 AD to 312 AD |
The Joyful, Holy Way of Christ | Advent & Christmas 2016 | John Weis | 12/11/2016 | isaiah 35, advent, zion, highway of holiness, the church, encouragement | These who enter into Zion, join the assembly of Christ, the Church. They are transformed from sorrow and sighing to joyful singing. They are anointed with the Spirit and are lifted up in countenance. |
Element 4 | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 12/11/2016 | gospel, the gospel, eight essential elements, christianity, biblical christianity, history of israel, historical narrative of israel, eternal judgment, israel | A review of the fourth element of the eight essential elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel - the Historical Narrative of Israel and Warnings of Judgement |
Element 3 | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 12/04/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, theonomy, antinomianism, the ten commandments, law of god, god's law, ten commandments | A review of the third element of the eight essential elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel - the Ten Commandments. |
Element 2 | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 12/04/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, attributes of man, worldview, world view, world views | The attributes of man expressed in terms of key questions answered by world views. |
Element 1 | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 12/04/2016 | world view, worldview, worldviews, attributes of god, biblical christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, biblical gospel | An introduction to World Views and a review of Element 1 of the 8 Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel - the Attributes of God |
Element 0 | Eight Essential Elements Reviewed | Greg Weis | 12/04/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, evangelism, pre-evangelized, lifestyle evangelism, proclamation evangelism | A review of the introduction to the Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series: Evangelism & Discipleship |
The Reign of Christ in His Kingdom | Advent & Christmas 2016 | John Weis | 12/04/2016 | advent, isaiah 11, kingdom of god, throne of god, christ's reign, christ the king | The end goal of the reign of Jesus is the conversion of His enemies and the restoration of all things on the earth. |
The Mountain of the House of the Lord | Advent & Christmas 2016 | John Weis | 11/27/2016 | kingdom of god, mountain of the house of the lord, isaiah 2, advent | The "mountain of the house of the Lord" is the Kingdom of God as mediated by the Church of God. |
Christ the Righteous Branch | Single Message | John Weis | 11/20/2016 | jeremiah 23, shepherds of israel, evil shepherds, good shepherd, kingdom of god | Though Israel and Judah had generations of wayward kings and leaders, God will establish a new type of shepherd over them. These shepherds will preside over a time of peace and blessing for God's people. |
Seeking Wisdom in the Light of God's Wrath | Single Message | John Weis | 11/13/2016 | psalm 90, mortality, eternity, eternality, god's wrath, god's judgement, | The Spirit's teaching leads us to consider our actions in the light of our mortality and the eternal consequences of our actions. Through Christ, time now becomes our ally in the cause of the Gospel, as we sow seeds of faithfulness for the future. |
Bone of Bone, Flesh of Flesh | Single Message | John Weis | 11/06/2016 | genesis 2, ephesians 5, adam and eve, creation, male and female, gender, marriage | God's design in the creation of man and woman. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part W | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 11/06/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, grace, biblical vocabulary, salvation, election, foreknown, predestined, predestination | Elected, Chosen, Foreknown and Predestined |
Christ Shepherds His People | Single Message | John Weis | 10/30/2016 | exodus 2, shepherds, shepherding, christ the shepherd, shepherd of israel, moses | From the beginning, God's people have been identified by the things of the flock. |
Session 1B | Church History 201 | Greg Weis | 10/30/2016 | church history, history, biblical view of history, historical theology, theology and history, history and theology, church history in plain language | Continuing introduction to the study of church history |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part V | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/30/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, sin, original sin, total depravity, sin nature, salvation | Toward a Biblical Understanding of Sin - Total Depravity and Sin Nature. |
Miriam's Rebellion and Healing | Single Message | John Weis | 10/23/2016 | miriam, leprosy, numbers 12, rebellion, authority, | Just as Aaron interceded for Miriam, Christ ever lives to make intercession for us. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part U | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/23/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, sin, original sin, total depravity, sin nature, salvation | Original sin, total depravity, and our sin nature. |
Guest Presentation | Single Message | Tom Kelby | 10/21/2016 | tom kelby | Tom Kelby's guest presentation at Friday Night Fellowship. |
Session 1A | Church History 201 | Greg Weis | 10/16/2016 | church history, history, biblical view of history, historical theology, theology and history, history and theology | Topics include: Toward a Biblical View of History, The Importance of History, The Relationship between Church History & Historical Theology, The Relationship between Systematic Theology, Biblical Exegetical Studies & Historical Theology |
Christ, Lord of the Sabbath | Single Message | John Weis | 10/16/2016 | sabbath, sabbath rest, lord of the sabbath, mark 2, mark 3, exodus 4, pharisee, pharisees, pharisaical | Christ can save to the utmost, even from the party of the Pharisees, of which you have often been a part. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part T | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/16/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, grace, biblical vocabulary, salvation, adoption | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Adoption Into God's Family: Succession, Inheritance, Dominion, and Blessing |
Trinitarian Perseverance Through Trials | Single Message | John Weis | 10/09/2016 | romans 8, perseverance through trials, eschatology, hope, worry, redemptive history | Paul concludes that the hope for the transformation of the world is the same hope as the one announced in the Gospel in which we were saved. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part S | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/09/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, grace, biblical vocabulary, salvation, exchanges at the cross | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Entering into eight exchanges in Christ. |
The City Which Came | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 10/02/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 13, kingdom of god, biblical commands, obedience, spirituality | Having demonstrated the Kingdom which God is bringing about, the writer of Hebrews shows how we are to live in that Kingdom. |
Love God with All Your Work | Single Message | Jason Hale | 10/02/2016 | work, stewardship, vocation, genesis 39, joseph, colossians 3 | Stewardship and responsibility in the Kingdom of God |
The Unshakable Kingdom | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 09/25/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 12, heavenly jerusalem, jerusalem, cloud of witness, discipline, assurance, zeal, consuming fire, kingdom of god | We have come to something more real than what can be touched. We have come, by the mercies of God, to the True, Heavenly Gathering. Therefore, we should conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the calling. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part R | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/25/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, grace, biblical vocabulary, salvation, justification, justification by faith | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Justification by Grace through Faith. |
Vocation in the Kingdom | Single Message | John Weis | 09/18/2016 | vocation, kingdom of god, dominion mandate, sacred and secular, genesis 1 | Cultivate a mindset in which you see everything at your disposal - your time, intellect, talents, resources, money - as tools for loving God and loving neighbor, extending the Kingdom of God. |
Cultivating a Kingdom Culture of Continual Catechism | Single Message | Greg Weis | 09/18/2016 | catechism, education, classes, kingdom culture, knowledge | GCF Foundational & Equipping Biblical Studies & Theology Classes - "Cultivating as a Community a Kingdom Culture of Continual Catechism" |
The Faith of the People of God | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 09/11/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 11, faith, by faith, righteous, forefathers, salvation, author of salvation, city of god, heavenly city | In His infinite wisdom, God has considered those who have come before as righteous, but not "made perfect" until the time of Christ. This was so that Christ would be demonstrated as the Author of Salvation for all those who believe. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part Q | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/11/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, grace, biblical vocabulary, salvation, performance | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel. Antidotes to Performance-Based Mindsets aka Keys to Grace Based Living. |
Beth's Testimony | Baptized in the Holy Spirit | Grace Christian Fellowship | 09/11/2016 | personal testimony, testimony, baptism in the holy spirit, baptism of the holy spirit, baptism, holy spirit | The personal testimony of a member of Grace Christian Fellowship. |
Steadfast Hope in Christ | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 09/04/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 10, sanctification, salvation, the trinity, levitical system, suffering, confidence | Hearing the univocal testimony of the Trinity, Christians ought to have every confidence before God in every situation, concern, and trouble. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part P | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/04/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, grace, biblical vocabulary, salvation, performance | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel. Grace-Based Vs. Performance-Based (Our Life Journey). |
The Blood of the Covenant | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 08/28/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 9, sacrifice, sanctification, blood of the covenant, eternal covenant, christ's blood, jesus' blood, atonement | Because Christ's blood was offered in the Heavenly Temple, we, as His people, have confidence that it will sanctify us. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part O | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/28/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, grace, biblical vocabulary, salvation | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Detecting Performance-Based Approaches to the Gospel. |
The Everlasting Covenant and Baptism | Single Message | John Weis | 08/21/2016 | baptism, paedobaptism, paedocommunion, credobaptism, infant baptism, believers baptism, acts 2 | No amount of washing with water, either young or old, would accomplish anything unless that water pointed to blood - the blood of Christ. The water applied to the body is a reminder of the blood of Christ sprinkled on our hearts. |
The New Covenant | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 08/21/2016 | hebrews 8, new covenant, old covenant, temple, tabernacle, | The purpose of the Hebrew writer is to warn his hearers from apostasy, from reverting back to the shadows instead of looking on to Christ. Everything which you trust in, except for Christ, will pass away. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part N | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/21/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, grace, biblical vocabulary, salvation | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. More Biblical Vocabulary of Salvation: Grace Upon Grace Reviewed. |
Rediscovering & Restoring His Pattern | Restoration of Biblical Christianity | Greg Weis | 08/14/2016 | salt and light, christianity, biblical christianity, acts 3, new testament church, | An introduction to restoring a Biblical perspective. |
Christ's Eternal Priesthood | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 08/14/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 7, high priest, priesthood, eternal priesthood, new covenant, promises of god, levitical priesthood, melchizedek | God's grace in the New Covenant is that He relates to us as those who, like Abraham, are recipients of the Promises, not those who continually break the covenant. |
The Promises of God | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 08/07/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 6, promises of god, salvation, assurance, gospel assurance, gospel | The eternal unchangeable counsel of God and His oath to perform it are the bedrock foundation upon which we know we can trust God. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part M | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/07/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, belief, believe, biblical vocabulary, salvation | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Biblical vocabulary of salvation - belief, believe, and faith. |
The Order of Melchizedek | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 07/31/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 5, aaronic priesthood, priesthood, high priest, Melchizedek, order of Melchizedek | Though Aaron was appointed as priest in the time of the Exodus, Christ is the eternal priest, designated by the Father to minister to all those who receive salvation. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part L | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/31/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, biblical vocabulary, salvation, soteriology, reconciliation, reconcile | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Biblical Vocabulary of Salvation - Reconcile (Reconciliation) & Redefined Relationships. |
Entering the Rest of God | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 07/24/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 4, psalm 95, grace, fear of god, rest of god, sabbath rest | Holding fast to our confession is how we enter the rest of God. Our confession is that standing before God we have a greater debt than we could ever pay, but Christ Himself stands with us, greater still. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part K | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/24/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, biblical vocabulary, salvation, renounce, renunciation, restitution | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel. More Biblical vocabulary of salvation - renunciation and restitution. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part J | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/17/2016 | biblical gospel, remorse, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, repent, repentance, biblical vocabulary, salvation | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Biblical vocabulary of salvation continued - repentance versus remorse. |
Christ the Apostle and High Priest | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 07/10/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 3, psalm 95, gospel assurance, perseverance of the saints, christ the high priest, jesus the high priest, jesus and moses, moses and jesus, faith, saving faith | The Hebrew writer shows Moses and Jesus as those who were given charge over the same house, God's house. The house of God is nothing other than the assembly of the faithful saints of God. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part I | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/10/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, repent, repentance, biblical vocabulary, salvation | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. More Biblical Vocabulary of Salvation - a survey of repentance in the New Testament. |
Christ the Founder of Our Salvation | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 07/03/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 2, christology, atonement, high priest, incarnation, christ's suffering, suffering of christ, | Christ takes on flesh to experientially know human weakness, allowing Him to both be merciful to us and our High Priest. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part H | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/03/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, repent, repentance, biblical vocabulary, salvation | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Biblical Vocabulary of Salvation - Repentance Reprioritized. |
Hebrews - The Supremacy of Jesus Christ | An Exposition of Hebrews | John Weis | 06/26/2016 | hebrews, hebrews 1, christology, reign of christ, victory of christ, deity of christ, divinity of christ | The deity of the Son of God and the reign and victory of Christ as presented in Hebrews 1. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part G | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 06/26/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, repent, repentance, biblical vocabulary, salvation | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. More Biblical Vocabulary of Salvation - Repentance Defined, Prioritized, and Introduced. |
Personal Purpose in the Covenant of God | Single Message | John Weis | 06/19/2016 | dominion, dominion mandate, kingdom of god, deuteronomy 8, personal purpose | Christians must be engaged in the world, cultivating, glorifying, shaping and forming it for God's glory. We should renew our minds from false views of spirituality unto the redeeming of Godly ambition to take dominion and extend His kingdom everywhere. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part F | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 06/19/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, salvation, contrite, contrition | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. More introduction to the Biblical vocabulary of salvation - contrite and contrition. |
The Christian Family - A Primer on Family Worship | The Christian Family | John Weis | 06/19/2016 | family, christian family, dominion mandate, raising children, family worship, psalm 78, 2 timothy 1 | If we would see the revival of the church, we ought first to bring about revival in the home. |
The Christian Family - Dominion and Covenant Succession | The Christian Family | John Weis | 06/12/2016 | family, christian family, dominion mandate, raising children, genesis 1, deuteronomy 6, fatherhood | God's intention in marriage is primarily the fulfillment of the command to be fruitful and multiply, and take dominion. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part E | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 06/12/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, salvation, confession, contrition | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. More introduction to the Biblical vocabulary of salvation - confession and contrition. |
Koinonia and Koinonos | Single Message | Greg Weis | 05/29/2016 | grace christian fellowship, partnership, Koinonos, Koinonia, participation, | Koinonia and Koinonos (participation, fellowship, partnership) in Scripture and its importance for GCF over the coming year. |
The Prayer Life of Jesus | Single Message | John Weis | 05/29/2016 | mark 6, prayer, lifestyle of prayer | Christ's teaching and practice of prayer and practical steps for us to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer. |
Trinity Sunday - Our Future with God | Single Message | John Weis | 05/22/2016 | trinity, trinity sunday, trinitarianism, john 16, romans 5 | The Father, the Son, and the Spirit dwell eternally in a community of harmony and love. Though we were at enmity with God, the Father sent His Son to wash us and bring us into the same love which God has in Himself. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part C | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/22/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, salvation, saved, | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Further introduction to the Biblical vocabulary of salvation. |
Receive Pentecost - Everyone | Holy Spirit Mini-Series | Greg Weis | 05/15/2016 | pentecost, luke 24, acts 1, acts 2, baptism in the holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit, holy spirit | Receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the continual filling with the Holy Spirit and exercise of spiritual gifts. |
Diagnosing and Overcoming Hindrances to Being Baptized in The Holy Spirit | Holy Spirit Mini-Series | Greg Weis | 05/15/2016 | pentecost, baptism in the holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit, holy spirit | Diagnosing, testing and overcoming hindrances to being baptized in the Holy Spirit, including five common hindrances to being baptized in the Holy Spirit. |
Christ's Victorious Ascent | Eastertide 2016 | John Weis | 05/08/2016 | ascension, baptism in the holy spirit, holy spirit, eschatology, psalm 47, luke 24, acts 1, hermeneutics, the great commission | In commissioning the Apostles, Christ gives them three great tools, without which they would not complete the mission: the promise of His presence, and understanding of the Scriptures, and the baptism in the Spirit. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part B | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/08/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, salvation, soteriology | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. A continued introduction to the Biblical vocabulary of salvation. |
Abiding in Christ | Eastertide 2016 | John Weis | 05/01/2016 | easter, john 15, true vine, pruning, obedience, discipleship, abiding in the vine, abiding in christ | In loving us as the Father loved Him, Christ shows us how love works - love begets obedience; obedience stems from love. |
Receiving Jesus Christ - Part A | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/01/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, receiving jesus christ, receiving jesus, salvation, saved, | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Introduction to Biblical Vocabulary of Salvation. |
The Holy Spirit and Christ's Ascension | Eastertide 2016 | John Weis | 04/24/2016 | easter, eastertide, john 14, promise of the spirit, holy spirit, ascension, pentecost | Christ promises that though He departs, He will come in the Spirit. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part Zd | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 04/24/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, judgment, judgement | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Judgment in God's creative covenantal processes. |
Christ the Good Shepherd | Eastertide 2016 | John Weis | 04/17/2016 | john 10, easter, eastertide, christ the good shepherd, good shepherd, resurrection, the trinity | Christ explains His authority, mission, sacrifice, and resurrection in the imagery of a shepherd who tends to His flock. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part Zc | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 04/17/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, second coming, second advent, eschatology | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel. The promise of Christ's Second Coming (Advent). |
Christ the Fisherman | Eastertide 2016 | John Weis | 04/10/2016 | easter, eastertide, fishers of men, jesus and peter, restoration of peter, feed my sheep, resurrection | The disciples' source of food is not in their gathering for the Lord. Christ's disciples are not fed with the result of their work, but from His own hand. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part Zb | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 04/10/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, kingdom of god, present reign of christ | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Jesus Christ's present reign. |
Commissioned by Christ | Eastertide 2016 | John Weis | 04/03/2016 | easter, eastertide, great commission, the church, word of god | Though not present in body, Christ promises to be, and is, present by the Spirit of God. His presence destroys the work of Satan in us, in order that we may be His Body through which He works. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part Z | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 04/03/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, kingdom of god, present reign of christ, the gospel, gospel, christology, pentecost, promise of the father, promise of the holy spirit, holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Present Reign of Christ and the Purpose(s) of Pentecost. |
Good Friday | Single Message | John Weis | 04/01/2016 | rejection of christ, lent, good friday, crucifixion of jesus christ, death of jesus christ, christ the king | The rejection of Christ was both political and popular. |
The Empty Tomb | Eastertide 2016 | John Weis | 03/27/2016 | easter, eastertide, resurrection, eschatology, empty tomb, luke 24, resurrection of the dead, 1 corinthians 15, | Everything that Christ encounters, He does so on behalf of the saints. What began at the Incarnation is fully realized in the Resurrection. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part Y | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 03/27/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, pentecost, promise of the father, promise of the holy spirit, holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The ministry of Jesus and the promise(s) of Pentecost. |
The Triumphal Entry | Lent 2016 | John Weis | 03/20/2016 | lent, triumphal entry, palm sunday, psalm 118, luke 19, prophecy, mercy, compassion, destruction of jerusalem | Through His prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem, Christ shows the true heart of prophecy: a desire for mercy and compassion. |
The Prodigal Son | Lent 2016 | John Weis | 03/13/2016 | lent, prodigal son, luke 15, parable of the prodigal son, reconciliation, restoration | How you approach any aspect of life is determined by your belief of how God will respond to you. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part X | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 03/13/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, ascension | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The historical importance of the Ascension. |
Sunday Celebration of the Lord's Day | Rediscovering and Restoring His Pattern | Greg Weis | 03/06/2016 | sabbath, lord's day, sunday, sunday celebration, 1 corinthians 11, 1 timothy 2, biblical christianity | The importance of corporate, covenant celebration on the Lord's Day. |
Live the Shoot Out Lifestyle | Single Message | Greg Weis | 03/06/2016 | life lessons, offense, offenses, confrontation, forgiveness | Avoiding the "shoot out" process of talking issues through and being quick to forgive will stunt spiritual growth. |
The Necessity of Repentance | Lent 2016 | John Weis | 02/28/2016 | lent, luke 13, tree of israel, tree of babylon, kingdom of men, kingdom of god, repentance, fig tree, hypocrisy, false religion | Christ is opposed to all kingdoms of men. In place of the kingdoms of men, Christ plants the kingdom of God. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part W | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 02/28/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, resurrection | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Resurrection - the lynchpin of our lives. |
Walking in the Righteousness of Faith | Lent 2016 | John Weis | 02/21/2016 | phil 3, philippians 3, lent, spiritual journey, righteousness, righteousness of faith, christian fellowship, righteousness by faith, imitation of christian leaders, | In growing as Christians, we must hold fast to the center: the Incarnation of Christ, the sufficiency of His work, the righteousness which comes by faith. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part V | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 02/21/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, atonement, necessity of atonement | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The necessity and beauty of the atonement. |
The Lord Over Spirits | Lent 2016 | John Weis | 02/14/2016 | lent, transfiguration, luke 9, christ's humility, glory of the cross, | The greatest manifestation of the glory of Christ is not found as He stands on a mountain at the Transfiguration. The heart of Jesus Christ is most clearly seen on a hill in Jerusalem, as He hangs upon a bloody cross. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part U | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 02/14/2016 | gospel, biblical gospel, christian gospel, christology, ministry of jesus, atonement | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel. The Atonement in Practical Perspective - Eight Exchanges Procured by Christ. |
The Rejection of the Christ | Epiphany 2016 | John Weis | 01/31/2016 | deuteronomy 18, luke 4, jesus at nazareth, jesus' rejection, rejection of jesus, rejection of the christ, assurance of salvation, solo gratia, saved by grace | The rejection of Christ in Nazareth means good news to us. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part S | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 01/31/2016 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, covenant lawsuit, parables, parables of jesus | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Parables of Prophetic Prosecution in YHWH's Covenant Lawsuit. |
The Temptations of Jesus | Epiphany 2016 | John Weis | 01/24/2016 | luke 4, temptation of jesus, jesus in the wilderness, kingdom of god, the kingdom of god | The temptation to receive all the kingdoms of the world was a real temptation for Christ. Just as Christ was hungry for bread, so also He desires every nation (cf. Psalm 2). |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part R | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 01/24/2016 | gospel, biblical gospel, christian gospel, christology, ministry of jesus, covenant lawsuit | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Introduction to "Prophetic Prosecutor of YHWH's Covenant Lawsuit." |
The Wedding at Cana | Epiphany 2016 | John Weis | 01/17/2016 | epiphany, wedding at cana, john 2, jesus' first miracle, water into wine, water and wine | At the Wedding at Cana, Christ shows His glory through both the water and the wine, pointing to Baptism and the Eucharist. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part Q | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 01/17/2016 | gospel, biblical gospel, christian gospel, christology, ministry of jesus, biblical prophecy, biblical types, types of christ, last adam | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel. Basic Christology continued: types of Christ found throughout the Old Testament. |
The Baptism of Jesus Christ | Epiphany 2016 | John Weis | 01/10/2016 | epiphany, baptism of jesus, matthew 3, beginning of christ's ministry, ministry of jesus, john the baptist | The Son does not earn the Father's approval through performance. And neither do we. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part P | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 01/10/2016 | gospel, biblical gospel, christian gospel, christology, ministry of jesus, biblical prophecy, biblical types, types of christ, prophecies of jesus | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Jesus' fulfillment of prophecies and types throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. |
Waiting for Yahweh's Servant | Advent & Christmas 2015 | John Weis | 01/03/2016 | christmas, simeon, luke 2, song of simeon, nunc dimittis, canticle of simeon, doubt, unbelief, consolation | The manifestations of the sin of doubt and unbelief have one common root and solution: a desperate need to see the patient obedience of Jesus Christ which fully calms our deepest fears and satisfies our greatest longings. |
Search the Scriptures - Overview and Introduction | Search the Scriptures | Greg Weis | 01/03/2016 | discipleship, making disciples, bible study, search the scriptures | How to use the Search the Scriptures series. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part O | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 01/03/2016 | gospel, biblical gospel, christian gospel, christology, ministry of jesus, kingdom of god | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Ministry of Jesus: Continuation to Completion of the Conquest - Building the Kingdom City. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part N | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 12/27/2015 | gospel, biblical gospel, christian gospel, christology, ministry of jesus | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Ministry of Jesus: Continuation to Completion of the Conquest By the Holy Spirit. |
Search the Scriptures - Part 1 | Search the Scriptures | Greg Weis | 12/27/2015 | scripture, bible study | Five vital signs of spiritual life. |
The Perfect Life of Christ | Advent & Christmas 2015 | John Weis | 12/27/2015 | sons of eli, christmas, 1 samuel 2, luke 2, active obedience, Christ's active obedience, righteousness, child of promise | Christ is not merely our substitute with regard to pardon from sins, but also as pertains to our perfection before God. |
Great Joy For All People | Advent & Christmas 2015 | John Weis | 12/27/2015 | advent, christmas eve, luke 2, shepherds, nativity, always winter and never christmas, narnia, | God's chosen path, the way told to the shepherds, is one of joy; joy because their sin is ended, because by Christ they will have peace with God. |
The Shepherd of Shepherds | Advent & Christmas 2015 | John Weis | 12/20/2015 | advent, micah 5, humility, humble calling, small things, Philipians 2 | Because Christ embraced a humble calling for us, we are liberated to embrace the small, seemingly insignificant and mundane things of life. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part M | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 12/20/2015 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, spiritual gifts, miracles, cessationism, continuationism | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. An introduction to cessationism vs. New Testament apostolic continuationism. |
Christ, the Redemption of Israel | Advent & Christmas 2015 | John Weis | 12/13/2015 | advent, zephaniah, zephaniah 3, faithful remnant, word become flesh, john 1, tabernacle, bride of christ | Israel should rejoice, that in the midst of judgment, God remembers his mercy. God leaves a remnant whom He will shepherd. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part L | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 12/13/2015 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, salvation, sozo, deliverance, jesus' ministry, discipleship | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Jesus Christ's ministry of salvation included more than the forgiveness of sins and salvation from eternal punishment. |
Preparing for the Day of the Lord | Single Message | Greg Weis | 12/06/2015 | day of the lord, repentance, malachi 3, advent, second advent, luke 3, amos 5 | Proper preparation for Christ's advents (first and second) involves the rending of our hearts in true repentance. |
Rediscovery & Restoration of Biblical Christianity | Rediscovering and Restoring His Pattern | Greg Weis | 12/06/2015 | biblical christianity, liturgy, confession of sins, confession, worship, worship service | An introduction to the rediscovery and restoration of Biblical Christianity. Answer to a question on confession of sins in worship. |
In the Spirit of Elijah | Advent & Christmas 2015 | John Weis | 11/29/2015 | elijah, john the baptist, advent, malachi 4, luke 1, prince of peace, luke 12, zechariah and elizabeth | The fire which Christ longs to bring upon the earth is a fire which both purifies and judges. For those who believe, the fire removes all that which cannot remain before Him. But those who do not believe are consumed in it. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part K | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 11/29/2015 | christology, biblical gospel, jesus' life, life of jesus, disciples, discipleship, the church, matthew 16, on this rock, building the church, christ's church, ministry of jesus | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel. Christ and the disciples' trip to Caesarea Philippi and its importance in Christ's plans for building His church. |
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God | Single Message | John Weis | 11/22/2015 | daniel 2, daniel 2, psalm 2, revelation 1, kingdom of god, four beasts, four kingdoms, king jesus, christ the king, christ the king sunday | Our desire is a sincere and robust faith, in which we press out the full Crown Rights of the King into every dimension and aspect of life and culture (cf. 1 Timothy 1:5). |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part J | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 11/22/2015 | christology, biblical gospel, jesus' life, life of jesus, disciples, discipleship, disciple making, disciple-making | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Continued focus on Jesus' disciple-making model. |
Multi-Layered Gospel and Kingdom Catechism | Single Message | Greg Weis | 11/15/2015 | catechism, discipleship, disciple-making | The Biblical basis for catechism and its role in discipleship. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part I | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 11/15/2015 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, declarations of jesus, jesus' ministry, discipleship | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Jesus' declarations at the beginning of His ministry and His pattern of discipleship. |
Love God With All Your Life | Single Message | John Weis | 11/08/2015 | parenting, christian parenting, ten commandments, catechism, deuteronomy 6, psalm 127, romans 3 | God has ordained that parents have a primary role in teaching their children about God's Covenant Faithfulness. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part H | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 11/08/2015 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, temptation of jesus, jesus in the wilderness, jesus christ | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel. Christology and Jesus' temptations in the wilderness. |
The Centrality of the Gospel | Single Message | John Weis | 11/01/2015 | five solas, reformation sunday, reformation day, the gospel, 1 corinthians 15, centrality of the gospel, grace alone, faith alone, christ alone | The Christian life is a life lived in faith in Christ, such that any good thing which you do, or which you experience, originates in God's sovereign and good grace. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part G | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 11/01/2015 | christology, biblical gospel, jesus' life, life of jesus, baptism of jesus, jesus' baptism, growth in grace, growing in favor | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Jesus' life pattern, growth in grace and baptisms. |
The Warrior Bridegroom | Single Message | John Weis | 10/25/2015 | psalm 45, prophetic psalm, christ in the old testament, bridegroom, warrior bridegroom, christ and the church, christ's bride | Psalm 45 is a prophetic poem concerning the glory of Jesus Christ as He defeats His enemies and is united to His Bride, the Church. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part F | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/25/2015 | christology, biblical gospel, virgin birth, sinless nature, conceived by the holy spirit, born of the virgin mary | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The importance of the doctrines of the virgin birth and Jesus' sinless nature and life. |
Christ, Lord of the Sabbath | Single Message | John Weis | 10/18/2015 | deuteronomy 23, matthew 12, god's law, the law, christ and the law, righteousness, legalism, antinomianism | We are tempted by two similar errors - substituting our own law (legalism) or dismissing God's law as unnecessary (antinomianism). The two errors have the same common root - failing to trust that the obedience of faith is God's path for life. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part E | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/18/2015 | the gospel, biblical gospel, tabernacle, christology, jesus christ, divinity of jesus, deity of jesus | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. New Testament teachings on the Deity of Christ - Christ as the Tabernacle, Christ versus Anti-Christ, and Christ a Very-Present Help. |
Glory to Glory | Single Message | John Weis | 10/11/2015 | trinity, the trinity, community, christian life, beholding god, communion, communion with god, psalm 16, 2 corinthians 3 | Being made in His image, we see that we have both the capacity and need for communion and relationship, not just with other humans, but with God Himself. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part D | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/11/2015 | the gospel, biblical gospel, christology, jesus christ, i am, divinity of jesus, deity of jesus | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Didactic (straight-forward teaching) perspective on the Deity of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. |
A War for Fruit | Single Message | John Weis | 10/04/2015 | Deuteronomy 6, Matthew 21, parable of the tenants, pharisees, stewardship, fruit, good fruit, spiritual fruit, bad fruit, obedience | The calling of the Christian is to press out the crown rights of King Jesus in every realm and aspect of life. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part C | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 10/04/2015 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, gospel, christology, attributes of jesus christ, jesus christ | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. An overview of eight critical characteristics of Jesus Christ. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part B | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/27/2015 | the gospel, biblical gospel, christology, jesus christ, i am, divinity of jesus | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Further study of some of Jesus' "I am" statements in the Gospels. |
Union with Christ in Sacrificial Love | Single Message | John Weis | 09/27/2015 | hebrews 13, sacrificial love, christlikeness, christlike love, hospitality | Because Christ has suffered to form a people, we too, in sharing the love of God must suffer as well. This is our true worship, not simply singing songs and doing religious services, but sacrificial love extended to others. |
Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachthani? | Single Message | John Weis | 09/20/2015 | psalm 22, crucifixion, crucifixion of jesus christ, the passion of the christ, matthew 27 | Psalm 22 is a prophetic oracle concerning the depth of the suffering, in both body and soul, which Christ experiences in His crucifixion. |
Jesus Christ the Solution - Part A | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/20/2015 | the gospel, biblical gospel, christology, jesus christ, i am, divinity of jesus | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Introductory Christology and Jesus' "I am" statements. |
Using Elements 1 to 4 | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/13/2015 | biblical gospel, christian gospel, the gospel, good news, gospel, romans 2 | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. A recap of the good and bad news found in the first four elements of the Gospel. |
The Everlasting Covenant and Baptism | Single Message | John Weis | 09/13/2015 | baptism, paedobaptism, paedocommunion, credobaptism, infant baptism, believers baptism, acts 2 | A Biblical consideration of credobaptism (believers' baptism) and paedobaptism (infant baptism). |
Historical Narrative of Israel - Part E | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 09/06/2015 | history of israel, biblical narrative, gospel, christ in the old testament, gospel presentation, types of christ | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Types and images of Christ in the historical narrative of Israel. |
Biblical Finances | Single Message | John Weis | 09/06/2015 | finances, tithing, tithe, biblical finances, stewardship, lordship of jesus christ, financial stewardship | Every aspect of our lives must be in obedience to God's expressed will as found in the Scriptures. Our understanding of His rightful claims will be clearly manifest in how we handle our finances. |
Going into the Land | Single Message | John Weis | 08/30/2015 | numbers 27, matthew 9, signs and wonders, great commission, spies sent into the land, caleb and joshua, giants in the land, healing, sending of the twelve | Although there is a deep darkness on our land, and many see no need for Christ, we are nevertheless called to faithful and bold battle, standing firm in the promise that Christ will lead us on. |
Historical Narrative of Israel - Part D | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/30/2015 | history of israel, biblical narrative, gospel, christ in the old testament, law of god, last adam, second adam, gospel presentation | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Why recounting the history of Israel in presenting the Gospel is important. |
The Waters at Meribah | Single Message | John Weis | 08/23/2015 | numbers 20, waters at meribah, meribah, water from the rock | This account shows us the righteousness of God's standard and the utter impossibility of sinful men to represent the faithfulness of God. We need One who will come and represent God well. |
Historical Narrative of Israel - Part C | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/23/2015 | history of israel, biblical narrative, gospel, book of acts, acts of the apostles, biblical gospel, apostolic gospel | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Apostles' use of the historical narrative of Israel in presenting the Gospel in Acts. |
Historical Narrative of Israel - Part B | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/16/2015 | acts 2, biblical canon, hebrew scriptures, biblical narrative, history of israel, historical gospel | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Apostles use the Hebrew Scriptures to preach the Gospel and begin forming the Christian Scriptures. |
Historical Narrative of Israel - Part A | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/16/2015 | history of israel, biblical narrative, gospel, mercy, judgment, mercy triumphs over judgement | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Gospel has bad news and good news - there is judgement, but mercy triumphs over judgment. |
The Holiness of God and the Divinity of Jesus Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 08/09/2015 | ezekiel 1, the word, john 1, trinity, the trinity, holy trinity, heaven's throne room | Holy men and prophets of old were terrified to look upon God, sinless angels cannot behold Him, lest they be consumed, and yet, the Word has eternal communion with the Father face-to-face. |
The Ten Commandments - Part F | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/09/2015 | ten commandments, the ten commandments, the law, god's law, theonomy, antinomianism, legalism, licentiousness, lawlessness, moral relativism | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The implications of antinomianism, including lawless, relativistic society. |
The King's Wonderful Mercy | Single Message | John Weis | 08/02/2015 | 2 samuel 9, david and jonathan, david and mephibosheth, mephibosheth, grace, mercy, king's table | David's scandalous, extravagant grace shown to Mephibosheth is only the tip of the iceberg of the depths of the love of Christ. |
The Ten Commandments - Part E | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 08/02/2015 | ten commandments, the ten commandments, the law, god's law, theonomy, antinomianism, legalism, licentiousness, externalism, regeneration | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The implications of antinomianism and the difference between externalism and true regeneration. |
True Covenant Worship | Single Message | John Weis | 07/26/2015 | worship, covenant, covenant theology, exodus 24, word of god, lord's supper, 1 corinthians 10 | True covenant worship, composed of the Word and table, is seen in Exodus 24. |
The Ten Commandments - Part D | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/26/2015 | ten commandments, the ten commandments, the law, god's law, the law of moses, law of moses, decalogue, case laws | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Ten Commandments and their case laws in the New Testament. |
The Call at Sinai - A Holy Nation | Single Message | John Weis | 07/19/2015 | mt sinai, mount sinai, holy mountain, god's holiness, exodus 19, hebrews 12 | Acceptable worship is worship that accords with truth; acknowledging God as He is - holy. It means drawning near to Him with fear and trembling. |
The Ten Commandments - Part C | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/19/2015 | ten commandments, the ten commandments, the law, god's law, the law of moses, law of moses, decalogue | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The three ongoing purposes of God's law. |
Baptized in the Holy Spirit (Part 4) | Baptized in the Holy Spirit | Greg Weis | 07/19/2015 | holy spirit, receiving the baptism in the holy spirit, the holy spirit, holy spirit baptism, baptism in the holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit | How to receive and impart the baptism in the Holy Spirit. |
Baptized in the Holy Spirit (Part 3) | Baptized in the Holy Spirit | Greg Weis | 07/19/2015 | holy spirit, the holy spirit, holy spirit baptism, baptism in the holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit | Five Biblical examples and patterns of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. |
Baptized in the Holy Spirit (Part 2) | Baptized in the Holy Spirit | Greg Weis | 07/19/2015 | holy spirit, the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit, ministry of the holy spirit, holy spirit in the bible | A review of the Holy Spirit's activities in the Scriptures and throughout history. |
Baptized in the Holy Spirit (Part 1) | Baptized in the Holy Spirit | Greg Weis | 07/19/2015 | holy spirit, the holy spirit, baptism in the holy spirit, baptized in the holy spirit, person of the holy spirit, ministry of the holy spirit | A study of the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. |
Water Baptism (Part 2) | Water Baptism | Greg Weis | 07/12/2015 | baptism, water baptism, immersion baptism, sprinkling baptism, infant baptism, believers baptism, one baptism, baptism in the new testament, new testament baptism | Four issues in water baptism: mode or means, formula or method, infant or believers' baptism, and how many baptisms there are in the New Testament. |
Water Baptism (Part 1) | Water Baptism | Greg Weis | 07/12/2015 | water baptism, baptism | Baptism as one of the five vital signs of spiritual life and five Biblical reasons for water baptism. |
Paul's Eight Requests for Partners in Prayer | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 07/12/2015 | epistles, prayer, effective prayer, paul on prayer, apostle paul | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 4A. Eight passages in the Apostle Paul's epistles where he requests partners in prayer. |
The Gospel According to Exodus | Single Message | John Weis | 07/12/2015 | exodus, exodus 6, the exodus, romans 6, freedom from sin, freedom, freedom from slavery, deliverance from Egypt | If God's salvation of Israel was total, completely destroying Egypt, how much more should we put our hope in Christ's perfect work setting us free from slavery to sin. |
The Ten Commandments - Part B | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/12/2015 | ten commandments, the ten commandments, the law, god's law, the law of moses, law of moses, matthew 5, galatians 3, romans 3 | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Jesus came not to abolish God's law, but to fulfill it. Paul teaches that faith does not nullify, but upholds the law. |
God's Holy Order and Same-Sex Mirage | Single Message | John Weis | 07/05/2015 | marriage, homosexuality, same-sex mirage, genesis 1, romans 1 | A response to the legalization of so-called same-sex marriage: the Biblical perspective, societal effects and a call to hope and a loving witness. |
The Ten Commandments - Part A | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 07/05/2015 | ten commandments, the ten commandments, the law, god's law, the law of moses, law of moses, decalogue, case laws, biblical case laws, exodus 20, deuteronomy 5 | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. The Ten Commandments and case laws in the Old and New Testaments. |
Introduction to Epistemology | Making Disciples | Greg Weis | 06/28/2015 | epistemology, knowledge | An introduction to epistemology and its importance in making disciples |
7 Inevitable Institutions of Government | Making Disciples | Greg Weis | 06/28/2015 | government, family, self-government, church government | A review of the seven inevitable institutions of government |
Worldview Overview | Making Disciples | Greg Weis | 06/28/2015 | worldviews, worldview | An introduction to worldviews |
Depart From Us | Single Message | John Weis | 06/28/2015 | mark 5, deliverance, demonic oppression, demonic possesion, garasene demoniac | Through this account, we see the power of Christ in bringing healing and deliverance, in toppling the kingdom of darkness, and in confronting the societal dysfunction which desires the status quo rather than the Gospel. We are called to seek life in Christ and warned against the dangers of bidding Christ to depart from our region. |
The Attributes of Mankind - Part D | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 06/28/2015 | attributes of mankind, attributes of man, human attributes,sin, man's fall, the fall, fallen nature, human nature, biblical psychology | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Seven characteristics of mankind's fallen nature. |
Investing Time in the Word of God | Making Disciples | Greg Weis | 05/26/2015 | scripture, bible study, bible reading, scripture reading, the bible, time investment, scripture memorization | The value of and ways to invest time in studying Scripture |
Praying for Our Leaders | Making Disciples | Greg Weis | 05/22/2015 | prayer, leadership, revelation 12, praying for our leaders, praying for leaders | Revelation 12 and the importance of praying for our leaders |
True and False Forgiveness | Making Disciples | Greg Weis | 05/14/2015 | forgiveness, matthew 5, matthew 18, forgive your brother | The difference between true and false forgiveness |
Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Making Disciples | Greg Weis | 05/12/2015 | the gospel, biblical gospel, christian gospel, biblical christianity | Introduction to the essential elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel |
Philemon 1:6 | Making Disciples | Greg Weis | 05/08/2015 | philemon, philemon 6, philemon 1:6 | Thoughts on Philemon 1:6. |
Peace! Be Still! | Single Message | John Weis | 06/21/2015 | proverbs 30, mark 4, jesus calms the storm, fear, trusting God, Jesus' divinity | Christ expects the disciples to have placed their trust in the Father's call and watching, instead of the natural threat of the storms. Ultimately, Christ is calling them to put into practice His command to fear God and nothing else. |
The Attributes of Mankind - Part C | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 06/21/2015 | attributes of mankind, attributes of man, human attributes, imago dei, eternal purpose, purpose of life, meaning of life, biblical psychology | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Mankind is created in God's image and created for eternal purpose. |
Forgiveness and Future Judgment | Single Message | John Weis | 06/14/2015 | matthew 18, 2 corinthians 5, final judgment, forgiveness, righteousness, good works | Our final judgment will serve as a public confirmation of our trust in and union with Christ, on the basis of His payment of our debts. The righteousness which will be demonstrated at that judgment is not of our own making, but entirely His. |
The Attributes of Mankind - Part B | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 06/14/2015 | mankind, attributes of mankind, human character, nature vs nurture, moral predisposition, human value | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. Worldviews answer three questions about the intrinsic nature of human beings: Does mankind have a moral predisposition? Do humans have innate value? Is character and behavior formed primarily by nature or environment? |
Confirm Your Calling | Single Message | John Weis | 06/07/2015 | 2 peter 1, 2 peter, humility, spiritual growth, gospel imperatives, gospel indicatives, the gospel | The Christian is to never stop growing. We must become like our Master in every respect. |
The Attributes of Mankind - Part A | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 06/07/2015 | trichotomist, dichotomist, monist, monism, trichotomy, dichotomy, mankind, attributes of mankind, biblical psychology | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. An introduction to a Biblical anatomy of psychology. Are man's body, soul and spirit inseparable or distinct? |
Wind and Fire | Eastertide 2015 | John Weis | 05/31/2015 | pentecost, holy spirit, acts 2, spiritual atmospheres, anointing, new wine, generational covenant | The sound of the Holy Spirit's descent on Pentecost causes a shift in the atmosphere of the most wicked city on the planet. The church is beginning to partner with Christ in His mission of restoration. |
The Attributes of God | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/31/2015 | attributes of god, biblical gospel, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotent, transcendence | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel Series. What is God like? What is His nature? Which attributes are unique to Him and which do we share to some extent? |
The 5-5-5 Deal Principle | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/24/2015 | new life, born again, biblical christianity, baptism, deliverance, evangelism, discipleship, diagnostic tool | Five vital signs of new life in Christ. |
Introduction to Proclaiming the Gospel | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/24/2015 | biblical gospel, the gospel, biblical christianity, evangelism | An overview of elements of Biblical Christianity and the motivation for proclaiming the Biblical Gospel to the lost. |
Ascension | Eastertide 2015 | John Weis | 05/17/2015 | ascension, easter, kingdom of god, luke 24, acts 1, daniel 7, revelation 5, the throne of god, throne of god, ephesians 2 | Christ has ascended, and by the Spirit, we have ascended with Him, to live in newness of life in His Kingdom. |
Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Eight Essential Elements of the Biblical Christian Gospel | Greg Weis | 05/17/2015 | the gospel, biblical gospel, evangelism, pre-evangelized, lifestyle evangelism, proclamation evangelism | An overview of evangelism, touching on lifestyle evangelism vs. proclamation evangelism, pre-evangelism and eight essential elements of the Biblical Gospel. |
The Resurrection of the Dead | Eastertide 2015 | John Weis | 05/10/2015 | easter, 1 corinthians 15, resurrection, resurrection from the dead, resurrection of the dead, our great hope, our blessed hope, hope, authority and submission, authority, submission | The great hope of Christianity is a bodily resurrection in a restored new heavens and new earth. |
More Mountains in Matthew | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 05/10/2015 | the kingdom of god, biblical imagery, mount olivet, triumphal entry, blessings and cursings, golgotha, the great comission, biblical themes, biblical mountains, book of matthew, matthew, sermon on the mount, mount of transfiguration | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 4E. The use of the Biblical word picture of mountains in Matthew's Gospel. |
The Great Commission | Eastertide 2015 | John Weis | 05/03/2015 | easter, great commission, psalm 22, divine authority, jesus' authority, matthew 28 | Jesus, in commissioning His disciples, gives us a bedrock foundation stone in our understanding of how we are to live and minister: His authority. |
Mountains in Matthew | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 05/03/2015 | the kingdom of god, biblical imagery, biblical themes, biblical mountains, book of matthew, matthew, sermon on the mount, mount of transfiguration | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 4D. The word picture theme of mountains that begins in Genesis continues throughout the book of Matthew. |
The Road to Emmaus | Eastertide 2015 | John Weis | 04/26/2015 | road to emmaus, easter, eastertide, hope, resurrection, crucifixion, unbelief, eucharist | Human beings are desperately hope-filled creatures. You will always be putting your hope and trust in something: the individual, society, technical progress, government, religious systems, or Christ. The Crucifixion understood rightly demonstrates the folly of trusting in anything other than Christ. |
Old Testament Mountains | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 04/26/2015 | hermeneutics, biblical themes, biblical pictures, biblical word pictures, old testament imagery, mountains, scriptural word pictures, biblical symbolism | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 4C. In Scripture, mountains are where the heavenly sanctuary and earth meet, a place where God makes covenant with His people. |
Following Christ | Eastertide 2015 | John Weis | 04/19/2015 | john 21, easter, the love of god, restoration, fishers of men, jesus and peter, peter, following christ | John closes his gospel reminding us that these works of Christ are but the outer fringe of God's love. Christ is still working today, to root out issues of sin from our lives, to mend, to restore, to heal, to save. |
Grace Upon Grace | Single Message | Greg Weis | 04/19/2015 | grace, john 1, hebrews 4, grace and works, works, grace upon grace, antinomianism, performance | A review of Chapters 1 & 2 in the Grace Upon Grace series. A full definition of grace and four incorrect approaches to grace. |
A Resurrection of Grace | Eastertide 2015 | John Weis | 04/12/2015 | easter, john 20, hebrews 3, unbelief, disobedience, restoration, grace, resurrection | Not only did Christ die for our sins, but He brings empowering grace to restore us to fellowship and deliver us from our unbelief. |
Repeating Word Picture Themes in Genesis 1-3 | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 04/12/2015 | the kingdom of god, biblical imagery, biblical themes, genesis 1, genesis 1-3, creation, eden | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 4B. Major word picture themes that are introduced in Genesis 1-3 and repeated throughout Scripture. |
Christ the Gardener - The Second Adam Remaking the World | Eastertide 2015 | John Weis | 04/05/2015 | easter, resurrection, john 20, christ and the church, christ and the bride, the garden, jesus and mary magdalene | The Resurrection is not the end of the Gospel, but the beginning. The triumph over the curse that began in that garden will spread throughout all of the earth. |
Eight Exchanges Made at Easter | Single Message | Greg Weis | 04/05/2015 | easter, good friday, cross, sin, death, alienation, restoration, 2 corinthians 5 | An overview of eight things that are exchanged through Christ's death and resurrection, including sin, alienation and death. |
Introduction to Repeating Word Picture Themes | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 03/29/2015 | the kingdom of god, biblical themes, biblical word pictures, hermeneutics, biblical interpretation | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 4A. An introduction to some foundational hermeneutical principles and the difference between reading the Bible literally and literarily, especially in regards to Biblical word pictures. |
Palm Sunday | Lent 2015 | John Weis | 03/29/2015 | palm sunday, lent, holy week, psalm 118, john 12, jesus enters jerusalem | Christ, fully knowing what would happen by entering Jerusalem, did so willingly. He embraced the will of God and loved righteousness more than preserving His own life. |
Blind, Lame, and Paralyzed | Lent 2015 | John Weis | 03/22/2015 | john 5, sabbath, lent, healing of the lame man | The Jews' understanding of the purpose of the Sabbath was backward. By restoring that sick man, Christ was truly celebrating the Sabbath. |
Beyond Redemption to Restoration | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 03/22/2015 | the kingdom of god, biblical themes, redemption, restoration, reconciliation, acts 3 | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3L. The Biblical theme of Redemption is only part of the greater, central theme of Restoration. |
The Living Water | Lent 2015 | John Weis | 03/15/2015 | living water, lent, genesis 24, jesus and the samaritan woman, samaritan woman, testimony, john 5, jacob's well | The spiritual thirst that we have is a thirst that is more real than natural thirst. Christ certainly is greater than Jacob, for He did not simply dig a well, but is Himself the source of all life. |
Plumbing the Depths of Man's Fall | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 03/15/2015 | the kingdom of god, biblical themes, biblical psychology, psychology, the fall, original sin, total depravity, tri-partite nature, adam's fall | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3K. An introduction to Biblical Psychology. Man is a tri-partite being and all three parts have been corrupted by the fall. |
You Must Be Born Again | Lent 2015 | John Weis | 03/08/2015 | born again, new birth, regeneration, lent, john 3, born of the spirit, salvation, | Those who are born of the Spirit enter into the kingdom of God, wherein is eternal life: knowing the Father and the One who He sent. Entrance into the Kingdom of God is a gift bestowed on us by our Heavenly Father. |
World Views | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 03/08/2015 | the kingdom god, biblical themes, creationism, scientism, worldviews, worldview, world view, paradigm, presuppositional apologetics, apologetics | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3J. An introduction to world views, paradigms and presuppositional apologetics. |
Zeal for Your House | Lent 2015 | John Weis | 03/01/2015 | lent, john 2, 1 cor 6, righteous zeal, jesus clears the temple, temple, temple of the holy spirit, tabernacle | Christ is zealous for His temple and cleanses it still today. Paul teaches that the purpose for the human body is not food nor sexual immorality, but for being joined to the Lord. |
Introduction to Creationism vs. Scientism | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 03/01/2015 | creationism, scientism, creation, major biblical themes, genesis 1, worldview, | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3I. An introduction to some of the Scriptures foundational to an understanding of creationism vs. scientism. |
The Wilderness | Lent 2015 | John Weis | 02/22/2015 | lent, liturgical seasons, church seasons, temptation of jesus, temptation in the wilderness, luke 4, fasting, temptation | Though we are brought low during Lent, it is not a time for despair. The fasting and trials that Jesus encounters in the wilderness recapitulate the temptation of Adam in the Garden and Israel in the wilderness. Jesus overcomes the devil in the wilderness, telling of the victory to come. |
Creation's Foundational Significance | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 02/22/2015 | creation, genesis 1, ontology, teleology, telos, arche, beginning, major biblical themes | God is both the source of nature and existence, as well as its telos (end, goal, purpose). God's creation of the universe is foundational for all other Biblical themes |
The Transfiguration | Epiphany 2015 | John Weis | 02/15/2015 | transfiguration, the transfiguration, mark 8, mark 9, epiphany | In the Transfiguration we see the beautiful and glorious wisdom of God. Christ sees the Father's will as glorious. Yet Peter's eyes see naturally. The Transfiguration shows us that our perspective is flawed. |
Creation Scriptures Survey | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 02/15/2015 | the kingdom of god, creation, genesis 1, covenant, eternal decree | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3G. An introduction to the topic of creation and its relation to covenant and eternal decree. |
A New Meal | Epiphany 2015 | John Weis | 02/08/2015 | mark 2, bread of the presence, lord of the sabbath, sabbath, eucharist, bread and wine, old wineskins, new wine, new covenant | Christ teaches the value of His presence and the value of the New Covenant that He brings with him through a parable of old garments and wineskins. We can not approach Christ if He does not make us anew. |
The Boomerang Effect | Single Message | Greg Weis | 02/08/2015 | law of reciprocity, sermon on the mount, spiritual laws, sowing and reaping | The "boomerang effect," that is, that our actions bear fruit according to its kind, is a Kingdom principle. This principle encourages us to work on our own spiritual growth rather than condemning others. |
A Doctor for the Sick | Epiphany 2015 | John Weis | 02/01/2015 | mark 2, paralytic man, social outcasts, true religion, religious legalism, epiphany | The Gospels (the four of them, equally) bring us before Christ showing our true condition: sinful man is both unable to do anything about his condition, and is dead to the sensation of the effect of sin. |
Vision Casting | Single Message | Greg Weis | 02/01/2015 | summer 2015, vision casting, christian maturity, fishers of men, evangelism | Vision casting for training a second tier of "fishers of men" during the summer of 2015. |
A Lamb and A Ladder | Epiphany 2015 | John Weis | 01/25/2015 | jacob's ladder, epiphany, john 1, bethel, genesis 28, testimony of jesus | Christ is the ladder which Jacob saw; He is the one who is "Bethel", the house (tabernacle) of God in the midst of His people. He is the one who confirms the covenant and fulfills His promises. |
The Church | Single Message | Ray Nethery | 01/25/2015 | the church, ecclesiology, body of christ | Guest message from Ray Nethery, President Emeritus of the Alliance for Renewal Churches. The body of Christ is one holy, universal and apostolic church. |
Introduction to the Continuity of Biblical Imagery | Old Testament Optimization | Greg Weis | 01/25/2015 | old testament, biblical imagery, reading the old testament, old testament and new testament, biblical continuity | Old Testament Optimization Series, Chapter 3. Old Testament word pictures and symbolism are directly and intentionally continued into the New Testament. |
A New Teaching | Epiphany 2015 | John Weis | 01/18/2015 | epiphany, mark 1, prayer, healing, miracles, deliverance | Jesus Christ, walking in the power of the Holy Spirit, shows us how we sustain our hearts in the love of God. |
The Biblical Duty of Tithing | Single Message | John Weis | 01/18/2015 | tithing, stewardship, 1 corinthians 9, 1 cor 9, levites, levitical priesthood, offerings, tithes and offerings | Paying the tithe is paying tribute to King Jesus. But this is not forced tribute, demanded by a tyrant conquerer. This is tribute given to the King whom you love. |
The Baptism of Jesus Christ | Epiphany 2015 | John Weis | 01/11/2015 | epiphany, mark 1, jesus' baptism, baptism of jesus, baptism in the holy spirit, christology | Though Christ was not guilty of any sin, as our High Priest and Kin, Jesus Christ receives water baptism, so that he would be the Head of a New People. Not only is He the Federal Head of this people by water, He also is baptized with the Holy Spirit to bestow the Spirit upon them. |
The Word Made Flesh | Advent & Christmas 2014 | John Weis | 01/04/2015 | john 1, word made flesh, logos, the word of god, word of god, creation, christmas | For John, the Incarnation is an act of immense proportions, illuminating how we understand the entire universe, physically, spiritually, and philosophically. |
Three Mindsets to See Jesus in the Old Testament - Part B | Old Testament Optimization | Greg Weis | 01/04/2015 | old testament, christ in the old testament, fulfilled prophecies, biblical types, types of christ | Old Testament Optimization Series, Chapter 1. All of the Old Testament points forward to Christ. Christ is not only revealed in the prophecies of the Old Testament, but also in the story of Israel, the Law of God, and the Wisdom Literature. |
A Light for Glory | Advent & Christmas 2014 | John Weis | 12/28/2014 | christmas, nunc dimittis, simeon, anna, presentation of jesus at the temple, dedication of jesus, dedication of the firstborn, luke 2 | Simeon and Anna show us the righteousness of Christ in their worship and praise the Lord at the sight of the Child. |
Three Mindsets to See Jesus in the Old Testament - Part A | Old Testament Optimization | Greg Weis | 12/28/2014 | old testament, christ in the old testament, fulfilled prophecies, messianic prophecies, biblical offices, old testament offices | Old Testament Optimization Series, Chapter 1. All of the Old Testament points forward to Christ. The first two ways to see Christ in the Old Testament are through the four Old Testament offices and through the prophecies that Christ fulfilled. |
Covenant Faithfulness | Advent & Christmas 2014 | John Weis | 12/28/2014 | God's promises, christmas, christmas eve, covenant promises, covenant, luke 2 | Christmas Eve Service. Celebrating Christmas without connecting to the covenant promises of God is not just ignorant of the Scriptures, but also spiritually damaging. |
Everlasting Kingdom | Advent & Christmas 2014 | John Weis | 12/21/2014 | 2 samuel 7, throne of david, advent, fourth sunday of advent, davidic covenant, promise of the messiah | Jesus Christ comes to fulfill the promises of God to David. He comes to establish an everlasting Kingdom in which we can truly live as redeemed mankind. |
John Mark | Search the Scriptures | Greg Weis | 12/21/2014 | john mark, new testament authors, search the scriptures, new testament, gospels, mark, gospel of mark, God's calling, fallen leaders | Search the Scriptures Series. The second author of the new testament, John Mark, shows how the gifts and call of God are irrevocable - God can restore the weak and fallen. |
The Ministry of Christ | Advent & Christmas 2014 | John Weis | 12/14/2014 | christian history, isaiah 61, the church, jesus' commission, christ's commission, the church, advent, third sunday in advent, gaudete sunday, restoration | God's aim in the sending of His Son is that through His people He would work in the earth to cause righteousness in all places. |
Matthew | Search the Scriptures | Greg Weis | 12/14/2014 | matthew, new testament authors, search the scriptures, new testament, gospels, levi | Search the Scriptures Series. The first author of the new testament, Matthew, teaches us two lessons - God's glorious intentions in calling and redemption and the ministry of Christ is on the other side of the cross. |
Comfort My People | Advent & Christmas 2014 | John Weis | 12/07/2014 | advent, second sunday of advent, isaiah 40, comfort, comfort my people, restoration, mortality | God desires to bring us back from our sins and by coming near, He has made sure it will happen. |
The Dominion Mandate | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 12/07/2014 | biblical themes, creation, dominion, dominion mandate | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3F. The dominion mandate has been and always will be God's purpose for His redeemed covenant people. |
Rend the Heavens | Advent & Christmas 2014 | John Weis | 11/30/2014 | advent, first sunday of advent, isaiah 64, god's mercy, rend the heavens, god's faithfulness | God has every right to renounce Israel and leave her in bondage, yet because of His great mercy, He will not give her up. |
Two People Groups (Reviewed) | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 11/30/2014 | the kingdom of god, biblical themes, people of light, light vs darkness, light vs dark, people groups, people of God, God's people | Another major theme of the whole Bible is the people of light vs. the people of darkness. The one is marked by their trust in God and His ways and the other is marked by their pride. |
Hope For All of Life | Single Message | John Weis | 11/23/2014 | romans 8, eternal hope, hope, spirit's groaning, hopelessness, blessed hope, resurrection | There is no situation which merits hopelessness. To live without hope is to live an active denial of eternity with God. |
Tools for Disciplined Living | Self-Discipline & Goal Setting | Jason Hale | 11/23/2014 | self-discipline, discipline, goal-setting, practical tools, scheduling, calendars | Four practical tools to use in establishing habits of discipline living. |
Humility | Single Message | John Weis | 11/16/2014 | humility, philippians 2, fear and trembling, work out your salvation, grumbling, complaining, thankfulness | God desires that we would consciously engage our will in a sustained effort against sin. |
Discipline | Self-Discipline & Goal Setting | Jason Hale | 11/16/2014 | self-discipline, discipline, goal-setting, perseverance, self-control | The purpose behind goal-setting and self-discipline ultimately should be the glorification of Christ. Recommended reading: The Disciplined Life by Richard Taylor. |
The Presence | Single Message | John Weis | 11/09/2014 | psalm 16, the presence of god, union with christ, joy of the lord, divine pleasure, oil of gladness, anointing with oil, lordship of christ | Through our union with Christ, mediated by the Holy Spirit, we are invited to live with the Lord always before us. |
Tools for Goal Setting | Self-Discipline & Goal Setting | Jason Hale | 11/09/2014 | goals, goal setting, goal-setting, self-discipline | A review of the principles of goal setting and a survey of three tracking tools to use in progressing towards your goals. |
Heavenly Encounter | Single Message | John Weis | 11/02/2014 | ezekiel 1, worship, hearing from God, throne room, vision, ezekiel, encountering god, heaven | Worship, and therefore all of life, is not neutral. Man becomes like what he beholds in worship. |
Naaman's Washing | Single Message | John Weis | 10/26/2014 | baptism, naaman, 2 kings 5, john 1, john the baptist, baptism of jesus, jesus' baptism | Like Naaman, we are like dead men, in need of cleansing and restoration. In Naaman's washing and later in John the Baptist's ministry we see our need of washing and the preeminent worth and beauty of the Lamb of God. |
Covenant Theology (Reviewed) | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 10/26/2014 | biblical themes, covenant theology, biblical covenant, federal headship, dispensationalism | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3D. Covenant theology is an interpretative paradigm by which one views all of Scripture in light of God's covenants within the Trinity and with mankind. |
Eternal Decree | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 10/26/2014 | the kingdom of god, biblical themes, eternal decree, isaiah 46 | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3B. God's Kingdom plan in Creation is and must be His ongoing, current and eternal plan. His attributes, purpose, law and ways never change. He, His plans and His administration are progressively revealed. |
Idols - No Other Gods | Single Message | John Weis | 10/19/2014 | law, god's law, biblical law, idolatry, first commandment, ten commandments, exodus 20, romans 6, antinomianism, law vs grace, old covenant, old testament law | Though we could never be justified to God by doing His law, His moral law still informs how we should live. |
Covenant (Reviewed) | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 10/19/2014 | covenant, covenant, theology, suzerainty treaties, biblical covenants | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3C. Common characteristics and eight ingredients of all Biblical Covenants. |
Baptism - Through the Waters | Single Message | John Weis | 10/12/2014 | exodus 14, baptism, parting of the red sea, exodus, deliverance | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3B Reviewed. God's Kingdom plan in Creation is and must be His ongoing, current and eternal plan. His attributes, purpose, law and ways never change. He, His plans and His administration are progressively revealed. |
Our Need for Grace | Single Message | John Weis | 10/05/2014 | grace, exodus 6, luke 24, hope, road to emmaus, deliverance, seeing God, seeing Christ, communion, breaking bread | God's deliverance is accomplished without precondition. God's saving grace comes before the giving of the law. And this amazing deliverance cannot be believed by man's ears or eyes alone. |
The Plenary Inspiration of Scripture | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 10/05/2014 | plenary inspiration of scripture, biblical themes, inerrancy, inspiration of scripture, eternal decree, history and the bible | The Kingdom of God, Chapter 3A. In preparation for reviewing the major themes contained in Scripture, a study of why major Biblical themes are important, that is, that all Scripture is written by one Author for one unfolding eternal decree. |
Signs of Moses | Single Message | John Weis | 09/28/2014 | exodus 4, signs of moses, types of Christ, prefiguring Christ | Every aspect of Moses' ministry, to one degree, prefigures Christ. Knowing this, we ought to read Moses looking for Christ, making connections where appropriate. |
The Kingdom of God Defined - Part C (Revised) | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 09/28/2014 | the kingdom of god, fulfillment, purpose, meaning of life, nation of God, God's people, city on a hill | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 2C. The remaining of twelve defining statements about the Kingdom of God. |
Hope for the World | Single Message | John Weis | 09/21/2014 | end times, eschatology, last days, latter days, post-millenialism, mustard seed, mustard tree, kingdom of god, daniel 4, mark 4 | God has not abandoned the earth up to futility, for the glory of the Lord will fill the whole earth. |
The Kingdom of God Defined - Part B (Revised) | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 09/21/2014 | the kingdom of god, God's glory, spiritual warfare, biblical covenant, progressive revelation | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 2B Revised. Five more defining statements about the Kingdom of God. |
Living in the Light of Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 09/14/2014 | colossians 3, christian living, gospel-informed, new self, the self | The exhortations of Colossians 3 are instructions for Gospel-informed living. Without Christ, we have no foundation or motivation for righteous living. |
The Kingdom of God Defined - Part A (Reviewed) | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 09/14/2014 | the kingdom of god, kingdom of heaven, dominion, reign, eternal purpose, 1 peter 2, exodus 19 | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 2A Revised. The first six of twelve defining statements about the Kingdom of God. |
The Primacy of the Kingdom | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 09/07/2014 | the kingdom of god, theme of scripture, motif, what the bible is all about | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 1 Reviewed - The Kingdom of God is the primary, prevailing topic throughout all of Scripture. A review of the Sunday School message "What Is the Bible All About?" (posted on February 5, 2014). |
Spiritual Warfare - The Nature of the Enemy | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 09/07/2014 | prayer, effective prayer, spiritual warfare, satan, demons, 2 cor 2:11, rev 2:24, eph 6:11 | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3G - Satan, the adversary, is opposite God in character and intention but not equal in divinity or power. We are encouraged by Scripture to be innocent in regards to the "deep things of Satan" (Rev. 2:24) but "not ignorant of his schemes" (2 Cor. 2:11). |
Spiritual Warfare - Reality, Geography & Legalities (Continued) | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 08/31/2014 | prayer, effective prayer, keys to prayer, spiritual warfare | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3F (Continued) - To engage in spiritual warfare, it is important to first understand what the Bible reveals about the source, geography and legalities of spiritual warfare. |
Spiritual Warfare - Reality, Geography & Legalities | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 08/31/2014 | prayer, effective prayer, keys to prayer, spiritual warfare | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3F - To engage in spiritual warfare, it is important to first understand what the Bible reveals about the source, geography and legalities of spiritual warfare. |
Five Types of Prayer - Great Model Intercessors of the Bible | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 08/24/2014 | prayer, corporate prayer, types of prayer, intercession, intercessory prayer, compassion, biblical examples of prayer | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3E - Seven key principles of intercession as exemplified by great models in the Bible - Jesus, Nehemiah, Moses and others. |
Five Types of Prayer - Principles of Effective Intercession | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 08/24/2014 | prayer, corporate prayer, types of prayer, intercession, intercessory prayer, compassion | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3D - Effective intercession begins with a burden from the heart of God given by the Holy Spirit. |
Five Types of Prayer - Petitions, Supplications & Requests with Thanksgiving | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 08/17/2014 | prayer, corporate prayer, effective prayer, petitions, supplication, thanksgiving, prayer tools | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3C - Petitions, supplications and requests are the most familiar types of prayer. It is important to couple these prayers with thanksgiving. |
Seven Keys to Effective Kingdom Prayer - Key 5 | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 08/10/2014 | prayer, effective prayer, righteousness, right relationships, correct attitudes, motivations for prayer, attitudes toward prayer, keys to prayer | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 2C. Another key to effective prayer is righteousness. What is righteousness? |
Seven Keys to Effective Kingdom Prayer - Keys 2-4 | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 08/10/2014 | prayer, effective prayer, faith, relational faith, humility, harmonious relationships, keys to prayer | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 2B. Relational faith, humility and harmonious relationships are three more keys to effective prayer. |
Seal of Authenticity | An Exposition of 1st John | John Weis | 08/03/2014 | 1 john, 1 john 5, false doctrines, doctrinal idols, sins leading to destruction | John has been talking about love of neighbor, trusting in Christ, walking in the light, and he caps it off with a "keep yourselves from idols." John is saying that false doctrines are idols which we exalt over and above the truth of Christ. We are to live, seeing through new eyes, keeping watch against the darkness. |
Seven Keys to Effective Kingdom Prayer - Key 1 | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 08/03/2014 | prayer, effective prayer, god's will, will of god, keys to prayer | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 2A. One of the first keys to effective prayer is to pray according to God's will. What is the will of God? |
Seven Inevitable Institutions of Government - The Church | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 07/27/2014 | the kingdom of god, the church, religion, religious institutions, government, institutions, society, governmental institutions, societal institutions | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 7A. All societies are structured with seven governmental institutions. The church is the third part of the "three-legged stool" upon which all institutions rest. |
Seven Inevitable Institutions of Government - Educational Systems | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 07/27/2014 | the kingdom of god, education, educational systems, dominion, restoration, government, institutions, society, governmental institutions, societal institutions | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 7B. There are four institutions of government that the Kingdom must take dominion over through Christians being salt and light in the world. The first of these is education. |
Seven Inevitable Institutions of Government - The Family | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 07/27/2014 | the kingdom of god, the family, family, government, institutions, society, governmental institutions, societal institutions | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 7A. All societies are structured with seven governmental institutions. The family is the second part of the "three-legged stool" upon which all institutions rest. |
Testing and Love | An Exposition of 1st John | John Weis | 07/27/2014 | testing spirits, assurance of salvation, gospel assurance, perfect love, fear of the Lord, fear of judgment, 1 john 4 | The fear of the Lord causes us to come take refuge in Him (cf. Ps 31:19), whereas the fear of the Lord's judgment causes us to shrink back from Him (cf. Luke 23:30). In Christ, our fear of the Lord's judgment is cast out by perfect love. |
Five Types of Prayer - Communing with God in His Word (Continued) | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 07/27/2014 | prayer, corporate prayer, types of prayer, reading the bible, reading god's word, the bible, scripture | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3A (Continued) - We can commune with the Living Word by reflectively reading His written Word. |
Five Types of Prayer - Communing with God in His Word | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 07/27/2014 | prayer, corporate prayer, types of prayer, reading the bible, reading god's word, the bible, scripture | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3A - We can commune with the Living Word by reflectively reading His written Word. |
Children of God | An Exposition of 1st John | John Weis | 07/13/2014 | 1 john 3, assurance, brotherly love, children of god, signs of righteousness, gospel imperatives | If we who were formerly following Cain are loving our brothers, it must be because we are now following Christ. If we are keeping God's commandment, then we know that God abides in us by His Spirit. |
Seven Inevitable Institutions of Government - The Individual | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 07/13/2014 | the kingdom of god, individualism, self-government, government, institutions, society, governmental institutions, societal institutions | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 7A. All societies are structured with seven governmental institutions. The individual (self-government) is one part of the "three-legged stool" upon which all institutions rest. |
Antichrists | An Exposition of 1st John | John Weis | 07/06/2014 | 1 john 2, the last hour, antichrist, the antichrist, anti-christ, strange doctrines, strange worship, the sufficiency of Christ | The anti-Christ is not someone coming at the end of modern history to "end the world", but rather anyone coming against the doctrine of the apostles: that Jesus is the Christ, the Only Son of God, who has revealed righteousness. |
Seven Inevitable Institutions of Government - Introduction | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 07/06/2014 | the kingdom of god, government, institutions, society, governmental institutions, societal institutions | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 7. All societies are structured with seven governmental institutions: individuals, families, religious institutions, educational systems, economic organizations and systems, media and social mores, and civil government. |
The New Commandment | An Exposition of 1st John | John Weis | 06/29/2014 | 1 john, 1 john 2, brotherly love, christian walk | John identifies love for your brother as being a mirror of your spiritual state, such that hatred amounts to blindness and love light. |
Major Biblical Themes - Part D: Two People Groups (Continued) | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 06/29/2014 | the kingdom of god, biblical themes, cain and abel, light vs darkness, people of light, trust in god, pride | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3D. Since Cain killed Abel, there have been two people groups on the earth: People of Light (who trust in God) vs. People of Darkness (who are slaves to their pride). |
The Catalyst to Visitation - Part A (Conclusion) | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 06/29/2014 | kingdom of god, prayer, effective prayer, visitation of God, presence of God, catalyst | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer, Chapter 1A (Conclusion) - Effective corporate prayer is a spiritual catalyst to the initial, sustained and increasing corporate community-wide manifest presence of God, out of which His redemptive, miraculous, Kingdom purposes are birthed and established. |
Walk In The Light | An Exposition of 1st John | John Weis | 06/22/2014 | light, confession, confession of sins, christology, incarnation, 1 john 1 | Jesus shows the nature of God: God is light (1 John 1:5). We must examine our walk and see if it is in step with the light of God. |
Major Biblical Themes - Part D: Two People Groups | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 06/22/2014 | the kingdom of god, biblical themes, cain and abel, light vs darkness, people of light, trust in god, pride | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3D. Since Cain killed Abel, there have been two people groups on the earth: People of Light (who trust in God) vs. People of Darkness (who are slaves to their pride). |
The Catalyst to Visitation - Part A (Continued) | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 06/22/2014 | kingdom of god, prayer, effective prayer, visitation of God, presence of God, catalyst | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer, Chapter 1A (Continued) - Effective corporate prayer is a spiritual catalyst to the initial, sustained and increasing corporate community-wide manifest presence of God, out of which His redemptive, miraculous, Kingdom purposes are birthed and established. |
Man of Fire | Eastertide 2014 | John Weis | 06/15/2014 | revelation 1, ascension, pentecost, high priest, seven lampstands, revelation, apocalypse | Jesus Christ, the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit, is the same one who attends to the lampstands, moving back and forth among them, filling them with oil (the Spirit), and trimming them. |
Major Biblical Themes - Part C: Covenant Theology (Continued) | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 06/15/2014 | covenant theology, kingdom of god, old covenant, new covenant, eternal covenant | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3C. A continuation of the introduction to Covenant Theology with emphasis on the continuity between Biblical covenants, Jesus and the Eternal Covenant, and benefits of an Eternal Grace/One Covenant Theology. |
The Catalyst to Visitation - Part A | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series | Greg Weis | 06/08/2014 | kingdom of god, prayer, effective prayer, visitation of God, presence of God, catalyst | Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer, Chapter 1A - Effective corporate prayer is a spiritual catalyst to the initial, sustained and increasing corporate community-wide manifest presence of God, out of which His redemptive, miraculous, Kingdom purposes are birthed and established. |
Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer | Single Message | Greg Weis | 06/08/2014 | matt 6:10, james 5:16. prayer, the kingdom of god, effective prayer, temple, tabernacle | An overview of the theme (Matthew 6:10, James 5:16) and topics on prayer that will be covered over the course of this series. |
Origins and Covenants | Eastertide 2014 | John Weis | 06/08/2014 | pentecost, acts 2, day of atonement, giving of the law, baptism of the holy spirit, holy spirit, first fruits, biblical covenants | The promise of the Holy Spirit is not earned, nor merited, but rather, as grace of the gospel, freely given by God. |
Major Biblical Themes - Part C: Covenant Theology | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 06/08/2014 | the kingdom of god, covenant theology, biblical covenant, hermenutics, federal head, dispensationalism | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3C. An introduction to Covenant Theology - Covenant Theology as an interpretative paradigm, the two types of Scriptural covenants and Covenant Theology contrasted with Dispensationalism. |
Atonement - Completed in Ascension | Eastertide 2014 | John Weis | 06/01/2014 | easter, ascension, atonement, the day of atonement | The atonement was completed when Jesus sat down at the right hand of God, after His Ascension, demonstrating the finality of the lasting work of Christ. |
Major Biblical Themes - Part B: Covenant | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 06/01/2014 | history, biblical history, covenants, suzerain treaties, biblical covenants, major biblical themes, genesis 15, Isaiah 1 | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3B. An introduction to the Biblical view of history and the eight components of all Biblical covenants. |
Mission | Eastertide 2014 | John Weis | 05/25/2014 | luke 24, acts 1, the great commission, the church, the holy spirit, power from on high | The disciples will confirm the truth of the prophecies that have been fulfilled after the power from on high arrives. They will be the ones that will proclaim repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Christ's name. |
Major Biblical Themes - Part A: Eternal Decree | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 05/25/2014 | the kingdom of god, biblical themes, eternal decree, isaiah 46 | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 3A. God's Kingdom plan in Creation is and must be His ongoing, current and eternal plan. His attributes, purpose, law and ways never change. He, His plans and His administration are progressively revealed. |
Fear - Startled by the Resurrection | Eastertide 2014 | John Weis | 05/18/2014 | fear, amazement, the resurrection, mark 16 | In Mark, divine intervention often leaves people even more afraid, not less. And so even in the Resurrection, we see a need still remains. For us to be freed from fear, Christ will ascend to the Father and pour forth the Spirit, who will pour into us the love of God (Romans 5:5), for that is perfect love, which casts out all fear. |
The Kingdom of God Defined - Part B | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 05/18/2014 | the kingdom of god, christ's reign, god's government, matthew 6:10 | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 2B. Twelve defining statements about the Kingdom of God. |
The Kingdom of God Defined - Part A | The Kingdom of God | Greg Weis | 05/18/2014 | the kingdom of god, christ's reign, god's government, matthew 6:10 | The Kingdom of God Series, Chapter 2A. Twelve defining statements about the Kingdom of God. |
The Road to Emmaus | Eastertide 2014 | John Weis | 05/11/2014 | road to emmaus, luke 24, easter, resurrection, communion, experiencing God | The Word indicates, demonstrates, and teaches us of Christ, but it's at the Table where we recognize and experience Him. |
The Great Commission | Eastertide 2014 | John Weis | 05/04/2014 | differences in the gospels, resurrection, the great commission, eastertide | The Great Commission is to be done with the foundation of the Resurrected Jesus Christ. That is the reason for it, and the power of it. |
Seven Principles of All GCF Outreaches - Part F | Taking Him to the Streets | Greg Weis | 05/04/2014 | outreach, biblical conversion, five vital signs of life, fishing for men, discipleship, evangelism | Seven principles of GCF outreach originally presented at the 2014 ARC conference. The last two concepts, Pole Fishing vs. Net Fishing and Biblically Measuring Conversion, Growth, Health and Discipleship, are covered in this message. |
Fellowship - Restored in the Resurrection | Eastertide 2014 | John Weis | 04/27/2014 | john 21, restoration, jesus and peter, resurrection, eastertide, fellowship, feed my sheep | It's only after the meal that God tells Peter to feed His Lambs. Likewise, we only can minister out of the overflow of our relationship with God. The question "Do you love Me?" must be answered before you can be told to feed His lambs. |
Seven Principles of All GCF Outreaches - Part E | Taking Him to the Streets | Greg Weis | 04/27/2014 | new testament church, acts, church in jerusalem, church in Antioch, the next generation, Christianity and the university, generational christianity | Seven principles of GCF outreach originally presented at the 2014 ARC conference. The fifth concept, Paul's Modus Operandi, is covered in this message including the model of the Antioch church and the importance of the next generation. |
Easter - The Start of a New Creation | Eastertide 2014 | John Weis | 04/20/2014 | the gospel, the good news, song of solomon 3, song of songs 3, john 20, easter, resurrection, reconciliation with God | By rising from the dead, Christ has defeated death and opened up for us a way of salvation. While we scattered, Christ has sought us out, gathered us by His Spirit and proclaimed the Gospel to us: that in Christ, God has reconciled us to Himself, declaring peace to those who were far off. |
Seven Principles of All GCF Outreaches - Part D | Taking Him to the Streets | Greg Weis | 04/20/2014 | spiritual development, spiritual growth, pre-evangelism, pre-evangelized, conversion, becoming a Christian | Seven principles of GCF outreach originally presented at the 2014 ARC conference. The fourth concept, Belonging Before Converting, is covered in this message, with particular emphasis on the "prenatal" development of future disciples. |
Palms and Passion | Lent 2014 | John Weis | 04/13/2014 | palm sunday, spiritual blindness, light, atonement, following Jesus | The crowd that greets Jesus in Jerusalem is in darkness, because they cannot believe. And this is John's specific intention: to demonstrate that without Christ's atoning work, no amount of following after Him can ever produce the faith that leads to life. |
Seven Principles of All GCF Outreaches - Part C | Taking Him to the Streets | Greg Weis | 04/13/2014 | discipleship, spiritual development, belonging, acceptance, sinner's prayer, the gospel, history of israel | Seven principles of GCF outreach originally presented at the 2014 ARC conference. The third and fourth concepts, Decision Making vs. Disciple Making and Belonging Before Converting, are considered in this message. (See our Sermon of the Week podcast for Part B.) |
Seven Principles of All GCF Outreaches - Part B | Taking Him to the Streets | Greg Weis | 04/06/2014 | discipleship, sinner's prayer, the gospel, history of israel | Seven principles of GCF outreach originally presented at the 2014 ARC conference. The third concept, Decision Making vs. Disciple Making, is begun in this message. (See our Sunday School podcast for Part A.) |
Seven Principles of All GCF Outreaches - Part A | Taking Him to the Streets | Greg Weis | 04/06/2014 | fishers of men, discipleship, discipling, servant leadership, missional community, project based learning, outreach | Seven principles of GCF outreach originally presented at the 2014 ARC conference. The first two concepts (Fishing is Following and Going Before We Are Ready) are covered in this message. |
Rediscovering & Restoring His Pattern - Part C | Rediscovering and Restoring His Pattern | Greg Weis | 03/30/2014 | modern evangelicalism, paradigms, matthew 16, gates of Hades, the Church | Jesus' statement in Matthew 16:18 that He will build His Church and the gates of Hades will not overpower it means that the Church is meant to be on the offensive, not in retreat. |
Lifted Up | Lent 2014 | John Weis | 03/30/2014 | numbers 21, john 3, fiery serpents, nicodemus, bronze serpents, glorification of Christ | Not only is Jesus Christ glorified in His heavenly state, but Christ was also glorified by being lifted up on the cross. |
Lame Man Walking - The Power of the Son of God | Lent 2014 | John Weis | 03/23/2014 | jesus, healing, john 5, lame man, pool of bethesda, lord of the sabbath, resurrection | Those who hear the words of Jesus have come alive. Those who do not believe the words of Jesus are dead. But, hallelujah, He's in the business of raising the dead. |
Rediscovering & Restoring His Pattern - Part B | Rediscovering and Restoring His Pattern | Greg Weis | 03/23/2014 | pattern, restoration, rebuilding, bible, theologies, kingdom gospel, the gospel, kingdom of god | Two key areas of Biblical Emphasis that the Church needs to rediscover are a comprehensive understanding of the Word of God and a complete Gospel of the Kingdom of God. |
Resurrection - Our Great Hope in Christ | Lent 2014 | John Weis | 03/16/2014 | john 11, lazarus, jesus christ, resurrection, mary and martha | Not only did Jesus bring Lazarus back to life, but He healed him and reversed the decay of his flesh. Jesus Christ is making all things new, especially our hearts, which are in need of hearing His voice say "come alive." |
Rediscovering & Restoring His Pattern - Part A | Rediscovering and Restoring His Pattern | Greg Weis | 03/16/2014 | new testament church, acts, salt and light, pattern, restoration, rebuilding | A study on becoming salt & light in the world (Matthew 5:13-15) and building the church according to the Biblical pattern. |
Blindness - Our Need for the Light of the World | Lent 2014 | John Weis | 03/09/2014 | the healing of the blind man, john 9, legalism, blindness, light of the world | Only if we see our need for Christ will he be of any benefit to us. In this season of Lent, when we reflect on the darkness in our own lives, we must cry out all the more loudly, "Son of David, have mercy on me." |
A Tool for Fasting | Single Message | Greg Weis | 03/09/2014 | fasting, lent, corporate fasting | A review of the past few messages on fasting and Lent, as well as an explanation of how to use GCF Fasting Folders during this season. |
Seek the Lord | Single Message | Greg Weis | 03/02/2014 | matthew 6, romans 12, ash wednesday, lent, identity, fasting, Kingdom of God, prayer | Ash Wednesday 2014 - An exhortation to seek His face, heart and hand that we might be strengthened in our Godly identity and prepared for the work ahead. |
Overcoming Temptation - A Celebration of Lent | Lent 2014 | John Weis | 03/02/2014 | lent, psalm 32, matthew 4, liturgical seasons, wilderness, temptation of jesus, spiritual warfare | This year, as we celebrate Lent, let us do so knowing that the battle in the wilderness has already been won. Jesus overcomes the devil in the wilderness, which we celebrate in Lent, culminating in Jesus' Passion. |
Fasting 102 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 03/02/2014 | fasting, lent, daniel fast, partial fast, total fast, spiritual battles, corporate fasting | Practical things, including types of fasts, to consider before entering this season of GCF corporate fasting. |
Fasting 101 | Single Message | Greg Weis | 02/23/2014 | prayer, fasting, joel, isaiah 58, lent, humility, rewards | Four key passages of Scripture on fasting (the Sermon on the Mount, Psalm 35:13, Isaiah 58 and the Book of Joel) teach us the proper motives for fasting and the promised rewards. |
What Was God's Original Plan? - Part B | What On Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven? | Greg Weis | 02/23/2014 | kingdom of god, covenant, genesis 1, genesis 2, god's plan, Adam, Adamic covenant | What On Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven Series, Section 1, Chapter 3B - A survey of the covenantal history in the Scriptures, beginning with the Adamic covenant in Genesis 1-2. |
Forgiveness - Prerequisite to Discipleship | Single Message | John Weis | 02/16/2014 | forgiveness, justice, lord's prayer, forgive us our debts, matthew 6, matthew 18 | The freedom from your past debts is the justice which rolls down like water. You don't forgive to be forgiven, you forgive because you have been forgiven. |
What Was God's Original Plan? - Part A | What On Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven? | Greg Weis | 02/16/2014 | god's plan, kingdom of god, kingdom of heaven, covenant, covenantal history, suzerain treaties, lord and vassal | What On Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven Series, Section 1, Chapter 3A - God's original Kingdom plan is His ongoing, current and eternal plan. |
What In God's Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven? - Part B | What On Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven? | Greg Weis | 02/09/2014 | the kingdom of god, dominion, circumcision, baptism, god's reign | What On Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven Series, Section 1, Chapter 2B - A collage of twelve defining statements about the Kingdom of God. |
Gospel Suffering - Paul's Life in the Light of Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 02/09/2014 | colossians 1, suffering, maturity, spiritual maturity, cross of christ | God, who created men in His image and has redeemed men after the pattern of His Son, desires them to have full maturity after their elder Brother. |
What In God's Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven? - Part A | What On Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven? | Greg Weis | 02/02/2014 | the kingdom of god, dominion, circumcision, baptism, god's reign, | What On Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven Series, Section 1, Chapter 2A - A collage of twelve defining statements about the Kingdom of God. |
What Is the Bible All About? | What On Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven? | Greg Weis | 02/02/2014 | the kingdom of god, theme of scripture, motif, what the bible is all about | What On Earth is the Kingdom of Heaven Series, Section 1, Chapter 1 - The Kingdom of God is the central, comprehensive, and dominant theme of the Scriptures. |
Cultivating Three Types of Biblical Fruit | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 02/02/2014 | bearing fruit, biblical fruit, spiritual gifts, character, good deeds, good works, reproduction, genesis 1, spiritual growth | Employing God's Gifts, Chapter 12 - At the beginning of Genesis, God commands creation to be fruitful and multiply. An introduction to biblical fruit and how to cultivate it. |
Fathers First | Single Message | John Weis | 02/02/2014 | inheritance, abram, abraham, genesis 12, genesis 13, forerunner | What you work for, you keep, but even the ground you cover today becomes your children's possession. |
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple | Single Message | John Weis | 02/02/2014 | luke 2, presentation at the temple, simeon, nunc dimittis, salvation, Israel, Jesus Christ, deliverance | Simeon recognizes the Christ child as being that very salvation from the hand of God which would be the restoration of the glory of Israel. Just as God demonstrated His power over Egypt, the salvation brought about through Christ has world-wide impact. |
Epiphany | Single Message | John Weis | 02/02/2014 | jesus' baptism, wedding at cana, light of the world, ephesians 3, matthew 2 | The Light of the world has come, and has shown Himself to all, calling men to turn from their dark deeds and walk in the Light. |
Magi and Infants | Advent & Christmas 2013 | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | magi, three wise men, feast of the innocents, christmas | The events surrounding Christ's birth remind us of the destructive, temporary reign of unrighteous men and of the eternal reign of God which will one day be recognized by all. |
A Saviour - The Shepherd of Israel | Advent & Christmas 2013 | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | advent, christmas eve, nativity, savior, luke 2, the christmas story, shepherd | God did not just put the rulers of this world to open shame at the cross, He did it at the very beginning of His Son's life. |
Hope - Christ's Blessed Reign | Advent & Christmas 2013 | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | advent, hope, christ's reign, isaiah 2 | As we ready to celebrate the birth of our Lord, we remember that Christ is the Light of the world and that without Him, we would remain in darkness. |
Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Continued) | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | gifts of the spirit, 1 corinthians 12, spiritual gifts, holy spirit, healing, faith, miracles | Employing God's Gifts Series, Chapter 9C - A brief review of the Employing God's Gifts series, with emphasis on the three power gifts of the Holy Spirit - faith, healing, and the effecting of miracles. |
A Garden in the Wilderness | Advent & Christmas 2013 | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | israel, isaiah 35, advent, redemption, salvation, prophecy, garden in the wilderness | The salvation which makes the desert land that Isaiah describes into a garden is none other than Christ himself. |
Root of Jesse - Christ, the King of Israel | Advent & Christmas 2013 | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | root of jesse, advent, 1 kings 9, isaiah 11, christ the king, christ's reign | Unlike the other sons of Jesse (David and Solomon), Christ shall bear lasting fruit. The effect of His reign shall be life, not death. |
Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | gifts of the spirit, 1 corinthians 12, spiritual gifts, holy spirit, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, discernment of spirits, healing, faith, miracles | Employing God's Gifts Series, Chapter 9A - An introduction to the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit: tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, discernment of spirits, healing, faith, and the effecting of miracles. (see 1 Corinthians 12:4-11) |
Faithful - God's Righteous Dealings with Israel | Advent & Christmas 2013 | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | advent, isaiah 9, israel, the coming of Jesus | In the Advent season, we remember Israel's awaiting of the Messiah just as we now await the day when He will come to bring fullness to His Kingdom. |
Good Works - A Way of Living | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | good works, the christian life, psalm 11, eph 2 | We were created in Christ Jesus for the purpose of doing good works now, in this life, as a prophetic witness. We are to live as if the age to come is already at hand. |
Seven Gifts - Part 4 | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual gifts, service, 1 corinthians 12, ephesians 4, evangelism, evangelists, prophecy, prophets, apostles | Employing God's Gift Series, Chapter 8 - There are seven gifts God gives for ministry as detailed in 1 Corinthians and Ephesians. This week the last three are covered: the gifts of evangelists, apostles and prophets. |
Thanksgiving - A Christian Way of Celebrating | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | thanksgiving, celebration, psalm 84, colossians 3 | Thankfulness should not be confined to just our devotional and ministry activities, but in everything we do, we are to give thanks to God. |
Seven Gifts - Part 3 | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual gifts, service, 1 corinthians 12, ephesians 4, gift of helps, gift of administrations, administration, teaching, teachers, shepherds, shepherding | Employing God's Gifts, Chapter 7 - There are seven gifts God gives for ministry as detailed in 1 Corinthians and Ephesians. This week the first four are covered: the gifts of helps, administrations, teaching and shepherding. |
Three New Testament Offices (Continued) | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual offices, new testament offices, bishops, priests, priesthood, deacons, elders | Employing God's Gifts Series, Chapter 6B - Completion of the study of the three new testament offices: priests (the priesthood of all believers), elders and deacons. |
Three New Testament Offices | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual offices, new testament offices, bishops, priests, priesthood, deacons, elders | Employing God's Gifts Series, Chapter 6A - A study of the three new testament offices: priests (the priesthood of all believers), elders and deacons. |
Assurance - A Gift Through the Spirit | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | assurance, salvation, romans 8, hope, witness of the holy spirit | The deep assurance which comes from the witness of the Holy Spirit gives us confidence to withstand the attacks of the evil one. |
Seven Gifts - Part 2 | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | motivation, temperament, spiritual gifts, motivational gifts, romans 12, prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation, giving, leadership, mercy | Employing God's Gifts Series, Chapter 5 - Romans 12 lists seven motivational gifts: prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation, giving, leadership and mercy. |
Community - Unity in Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | community, unity, the church, prayer of Jesus, john 17, psalm 133 | Jesus Christ is the means and ends of our community because He is the source and purpose of unity among the brethren. |
Seven Gifts - Part 1 | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | motivation, temperament, spiritual gifts | Employing God's Gifts Series, Chapter 4 |
Anxiety - Killing the Unbelief that Fuels Worry | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | anxiety, worry, unbelief, matthew 6 | We cannot defeat our anxieties by trying to be or do better. Instead it is the renewal of our minds by Jesus' teaching that sets us free to trust Him. |
Biblical Gift Words - Continued | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual gifts, biblical words, motivational gifts, service gifts, charismatic gifts, greek words, 1 corinthians 12, | Employing God's Gifts Series, Chapter 4 - A word study of 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 helps to clarify the various categories of God's gifts. |
Discipleship - The Cost of Following Jesus | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | discipleship, parable of the wedding feast, the cost of following Jesus, luke 14, devotion | We are not defined by our jobs, possessions or family. We are defined only by our devotion to Jesus. |
Biblical Gift Words | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual gifts, biblical words, motivational gifts, edification, service, charismatic gifts | Employing God's Gifts Series, Chapter 2 - God has given the church many gifts for its edification. These gifts include motivational, service and charismatic gifts. |
Things We Must Practice - Part C | Spiritual Warfare | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual warfare, the church, unity, division, bitterness, reconciliation | Seasons of Spiritual Warfare, Part 2C - The phalanx principle of spiritual warfare and the importance of church reconciliation in overcoming the enemy's attacks. |
Things We Must Practice - Part B | Spiritual Warfare | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual warfare, matthew 4, temptation of Christ, accountability, temptation, prayer, fasting, confession, walk by the spirit, wilderness | Seasons of Spiritual Warfare Series, Part 2B - How to battle against spiritual attack and resist temptation through prayer, fasting, accountability and walking with the Holy Spirit. |
What is Man? | Single Message | Ray Nethery | 01/19/2014 | man, meaning of life, man's purpose, life purpose, image of God, imago Dei, Creator, creation, the Christian mind | There is one true center for all human beings that gives them purpose and meaning: God, man's Creator. Man is God's image-bearer. |
Things We Must Practice - Part A | Spiritual Warfare | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual warfare, the devil, sin, pride, rebellion, unbelief, division, fear, deception, satan, the enemy, murder | Seasons of Spiritual Warfare Series, Part 2A - Schemes and strategies of the enemy that we need to recognize and battle. |
Thirst - The Free Call of Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | john 7, promises, satisfaction, the gospel call, living water, feast of booths, life purpose | Christ invites us to come and be satisfied in Him. No one else has ever offered up a satisfying, fulfilling promise such as this and had the power to fulfill it. |
The Church of His Grace - Part A | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | grace, the church, ephesians 4, 1 corinthians 12 | Grace Upon Grace Series, Chapter 6A - An introduction to the third delivery system of God's grace, His Church. |
Excellency - The Supreme Worth of Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | Christ, philippians 3, hope, remembrance, the gospel | We have a tendency to forget, whether it be our successes, our failures or the Gospel itself. We must be reminded again of our great Hope. |
Things We Must Know | Spiritual Warfare | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual warfare, 2 corinthians 2, devil, satan, demons, temptation, spiritual attack, sin | Seasons of Spiritual Warfare Series, Part 1 - In order for us to be equipped for spiritual warfare, we need to be aware of our enemy, spiritual battlegrounds and the enemy's strategies. (2 Cor. 2:11) |
Rooted - Our Walk in Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | colossians 2, rest, restlessness, satisfaction, reconciliation to God | God has already reconciled us to Himself through Christ. To embrace and rest in the work of Christ done on our behalf is to glorify God. |
Getting Properly Oriented | Employing God's Gift Series | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | spiritual gifts, fruit, service, 1 peter 4:10 | Employing God's Gifts Series, Chapter 1 - 1 Peter 4:10 "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." An introduction to God's gifts to the church. There are three general classifications of God's gifts that are helpful to begin with: general gifts, fruit, and specific gifts for the edification of the church. |
Steadfast - Faith in the Midst of Persecution | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | steadfastness, persecution, faith, phil 1, the philippians | In Paul's letter to the Philippians, he encourages them to be a living testimony and a prophetic witness of God's deliverance. |
The Church of His Grace - Part D | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | grace, the church, restoration, biblical church, new testament church | Grace Upon Grace Series, Chapter 6D - The conclusion of the Grace Upon Grace series. A review of twenty-one areas of restoration for the Church to pursue. |
Disciples - Following Christ | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | discipleship, community, the Church, following Jesus, 1 cor 4, mature faith, personal growth | How are to we know that we are in a healthy way of life? Believers grow in maturity, following Christ by taking part in His Church. |
The Church of His Grace - Part C | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | grace, the church, 1 corinthians 1, creeds, sacraments | Grace Upon Grace Series, Chapter 6C - In 1 Corinthians, Paul exhorts the Church to be united and of "the same mind." There are many areas of the Church that need to be restored in order for it to be healthy and united. |
Rest - Staying Close to the Source | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | rest, mark 6, renewal, feeding the 5000, walking on the water | Christ's invitation to rest is the invitation to a renewal of our mind to see how God sees. |
The Church of His Grace - Part B | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 01/19/2014 | grace, the church, restoration, new testament church | Grace Upon Grace Series, Chapter 6B - Since the Church is one way that God delivers grace to us, we must begin to understand its value and role in our discipleship and sanctification. |
Samaritan - Who's Righteous? | Single Message | John Weis | 01/19/2014 | luke 10, the good samaritan, parable, childlike faith, Christ's suffering, righteousness, love thy neighbor | The parable of the good Samaritan isn't just about how to be a better person - it tells us about what Christ has done for us. |
Freedom - Subject to Christ | The Acts of the Apostles | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | acts 15, freedom, circumcision, judaizers | The Acts of the Apostles, Part 10 - The Apostles confront the burdens placed on the Christians by the Judaizers. |
Sent - Obeying the Spirit | The Acts of the Apostles | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | acts 13, jews, gentiles, Gospel, hardened hearts | The Acts of the Apostles, Part 9 - The hardening of the Jews' hearts against the Gospel and the Apostles' response. |
Risk - Daring to Reach Out | The Acts of the Apostles | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | acts 11, persecution, surrender | The Acts of the Apostles, Part 8 - Following Jesus isn't about certainty and security. |
Gentiles - No More Separation | The Acts of the Apostles | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | acts 10, jews, gentiles, evangelism | The Acts of the Apostles, Part 7 - All men - Jew and Gentile, slave and free, man and woman - are called to repentance and salvation. |
Authentic Conversion | The Acts of the Apostles | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | acts 9, saul, conversion, repentance, baptism, discipleship, fellowship, evangelism | The Acts of the Apostles, Part 6 - The account of Saul's conversion displays the fruit of a life marked with the revelation of Christ. |
Missional Movement | The Acts of the Apostles | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | acts 8, evangelism, missions, great commission, | The Acts of the Apostles, Part 5 - The Apostles begin to spread the message of the Gospel throughout the world, laboring with God to obey Jesus' Great Commission. |
Faithful to the End | The Acts of the Apostles | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | acts 6, acts 7, faithfulness, martyrdom, apostles, 70 ad, destruction of jerusalem, stephen | The Acts of the Apostles, Part 4 - Stephen's faithful witness unto death of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. |
Boldness For Witnessing | The Acts of the Apostles | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | acts 3, acts 4, boldness, witnessing, evangelism, gospel | The Acts of the Apostles, Part 3 - Effective and Christ-glorifying witnessing includes the preaching of a history-informed Gospel. |
Outcomes of Pentecost | The Acts of the Apostles | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | pentecost, acts 2, gen 11, restoration, Holy Spirit, Babel | The Acts of the Apostles, Part 2 - At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit comes to fulfill the promises of God from of old and to fix what had been broken. |
Implications of the Ascension | The Acts of the Apostles | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | ascension, acts 1, jesus, reign, kingdom, victory | The Acts of the Apostles, Part 1 - The ascension of Jesus Christ is the capstone of His crucifixion, death, and resurrection as it begins His reign and His ministry through His people on earth. |
Sola Deo Gloria | The Five Solas | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | sola deo gloria, glory, reformation | "Sola Deo Gloria" - Glory to God Alone. The last of the five Solas of the Protestant Reformation declares that God deserves all glory and honor. In Christ, glorifying God and enjoying Him are one and the same thing. |
Sola Scriptura | The Five Solas | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | sola scriptura, reformation, Scripture, Word of God, Bible, authority | In response to the errors of their day, the Protestant Reformers held that Christian doctrine is formed "sola scriptura" - by Scripture alone. Scripture is authoritative, inspired, clear, efficient, and sufficient. |
Solus Christus | The Five Solas | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | solus christus, solo christo, salvation, reformation, Christ, mediator | God's people are saved "solo Christo" - by Christ alone. There is no other salvation except through Christ, the sole mediator between God and man. |
Sola Fide | The Five Solas | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | sola fide, faith, justification, reformation | God's people are saved "sola fide" - by faith alone. It is not through good works or appearances that a person is justified before God; it is through faith in Christ alone. |
Sola Gratia | The Five Solas | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | grace, sola gratia, salvation, reformation | God's people are saved "sola gratia" - by grace alone. There is nothing that a person can do to merit salvation; it is a gift granted by God. |
An Introduction to the Protestant Reformation | The Five Solas | John Weis | 08/25/2013 | sola, protestant reformation | The historical context of the Five Solas - the five summary statements of the Protestant Reformation. |
The Spirit of His Grace - Part A | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 08/25/2013 | holy spirit, grace, restoration, historical christianity, power of the spirit, gifts of the spirit | Grace Upon Grace, Chapter 5A - God grants grace through the presence and ministry of His Spirit. The Church needs a restoration of the understanding and experience of the Spirit. |
The Word of His Grace - Part D | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 08/25/2013 | evangelicalism, theology, cessationism, scripture, interpretation, paradigms, grace, word of God | Grace Upon Grace, Chapter 4D - A completion of our review of the modern evangelical paradigms that have informed Scripture interpretation in the present day. |
The Word of His Grace - Part C | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 08/25/2013 | evangelicalism, theology, scripture, interpretation, paradigms, grace, word of God | Grace Upon Grace, Chapter 4C - Continued review of historical paradigms that inform modern evangelical interpretations of Scripture. |
The Word of His Grace - Part B | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 08/25/2013 | evangelicalism, theology, scripture, interpretation, paradigms, grace, word of God | Grace Upon Grace, Chapter 4B - Historical perspective on modern evangelical interpretation of Scripture. |
The Word of His Grace - Part A | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 08/25/2013 | scripture, word of God, Bible, history, great schism, interpretation, grace | Grace Upon Grace, Chapter 4A - God delivers His grace to us in three primary ways, one of which is His Word. In order to understand how our view of Scripture has been formed, we need some historical perspective. |
Three GCF Grace Resources | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 07/21/2013 | grace, resources, bible reading, book list, reading, bible study | Grace Upon Grace, Appendix II - A review of three resources available to encourage growth in grace, with emphasis on the value and importance of Bible study. |
Growing In Grace | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 07/21/2013 | growth, grace | Grace Upon Grace, Chapter 3 - Growth in greater grace is a free gift, but it does not happen automatically without effort. What is the cost of growing in grace? |
Our Journey to Grace Plus Grace | Grace Upon Grace | Edwin Kariuki, Jason Hale, John Gray, Leah Gray | 07/21/2013 | grace, testimony | Grace Upon Grace, Appendix I - Four members of Grace Christian Fellowship give their testimonies of grace upon grace. |
Grace Plus Theologies - Part B | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 07/21/2013 | grace, works, galatians | Grace Upon Grace, Chapter 2B - "Grace plus works" theology was the error that Paul addressed in his letter to the Galatians. What is the Gospel's account of grace? |
The Life of the World to Come | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 07/21/2013 | apostles' creed, 1 cor 15, eternity, heaven, resurrection | The Apostles' Creed, Part 13 - Having provided a summary of all of God's plan of redemptive history, the Creed moves to the final state of mankind: eternal communion with God. What will happen in the next age? |
The Resurrection of the Body | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 07/14/2013 | apostles' creed, 1 cor 15, death, resurrection, hope, grave | The Apostles' Creed, Part 12 - Modern society tends to shy away from death and the dying. Without the Gospel's promise of the resurrection of the body, there is no hope for man. Why is this doctrine so important to the message of the Gospel? |
The Forgiveness of Sins | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 07/14/2013 | apostles' creed, gal 3, forgiveness, sin, law, covenant, justification, abraham | The Apostles' Creed, Part 11 - No one can be justified before God by the Law given to Abraham. Why, then, was the Law given? How can our sins be forgiven? |
The Church of Saints | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 07/14/2013 | apostles' creed, baptism, ecclesiology, church, saints, communion of saints, john 4 | The Apostles' Creed, Part 10 - New believers are baptized into the Church - the body of Christ and the people of God. With all of the various churches that exist in this day, how can we claim, as the creed states, that there is "one holy universal church"? |
The Holy Spirit | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 06/30/2013 | apostles' creed, holy spirit, acts 3, pentecost, baptism, fire, dove, veil | The Apostles' Creed, Part 9 - The Holy Spirit's ministry has been active in the world from the very beginning of time. What is the nature and purpose of His actions both historically and today in the Church? |
The Final Judgment | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 06/30/2013 | apostles' creed, jesus, judge, judgment, 2 cor 5, rom 2, faith, works | The Apostles' Creed, Part 8 - The creed reminds us that a good Judge is coming who will take account of our actions. How important are good works in the life of a Christian who is saved by faith? |
Ascended and Seated | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 03/24/2013 | Apostles' creed, hope, acts 1, acts 2, Jesus, ascended, seated, right hand, mediator, Ascension | The Apostles' Creed, Part 7 - Christ now sits at the right hand of the Father, serving as our mediator. What sort of effect should the Ascension have upon our purposes and behaviors? |
Descended Then Risen | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 03/24/2013 | hell, descended, Apostles' Creed, Jesus, risen, 1 cor 15 | The Apostles' Creed, Part 6 - "He descended into hell" is a much debated portion of the Apostles' Creed. What does it mean and what is its Biblical support? |
Suffered and Crucified | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 03/24/2013 | Apostles' creed, mat 26, jn 19, suffered, crucified, Pontius Pilate, Jesus, crucifixion | The Apostles' Creed, Part 5 - The Apostles' Creed declares the historicity of Christ's crucifixion and death. How can Christians find encouragement in Christ's suffering? |
Conceived and Born | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 03/24/2013 | Apostles' creed, isa 59, luk 1, virgin birth, incarnation, Jesus, Mary, heresy | The Apostles' Creed, Part 4 - The creeds instruct the Church in truth about the life of Christ, beginning with His conception. Why was Christ incarnated? Why is the Virgin Birth a core tenet of the Christian faith? |
Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our Lord | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 03/24/2013 | Jesus, Christ, Lord, Messiah, Savior, Son, col 1, creed, Apostles' Creed | The Apostles' Creed, Part 3 - The second phrase of the Apostles' Creed declares the identity of Jesus as revealed in each of His names or descriptors - Christ, Son of God, Our Lord. The last title of "Lord" is of particular importance for understanding salvation. Why is it necessary for Jesus to be both Savior and Lord? |
God the Father Almighty | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 02/17/2013 | gen 1, rom 10, creed, Apostles' creed, monotheism, christianity, judaism, islam, father, creator | The Apostles' Creed, Part 2 - The Apostles' Creed begins by declaring the person and nature of God the Father. In order to understand the significance of these declarations, it is helpful to compare how they differ from the beliefs of other religions. |
Introduction to Creeds | The Apostles' Creed | John Weis | 02/17/2013 | ps 40, 1 cor 15, creeds, apostles' creed, creed, belief | The Apostles' Creed, Part 1 - GCF begins a new sermon series this week focusing on the Apostles' Creed. What is a creed? Why are creeds necessary? |
Grace Plus Theologies - Part A | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 02/17/2013 | grace, works, favor, john 1, rom 10, galatians | Grace Upon Grace, Chapter 2A - It is helpful to confront some misunderstandings about grace in order to better understand the Gospel. How are grace and works related? What is the importance of "sola gracia"? |
Grace in Perspective - Part B | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 02/17/2013 | grace, favor, john 1, deut 7, eph 2, covenant | Grace Upon Grace, Chapter 1B - In continuing to build a working definition of grace, it is also helpful to reflect on the effects of grace. What are the results of grace in a Christian's life? |
Grace in Perspective - Part A | Grace Upon Grace | Greg Weis | 02/17/2013 | grace, favor, john 1, deut 7, eph 2, covenant | Grace Upon Grace, Chapter 1A - Grace is an often misunderstood concept that is central to the Gospel. What is grace? Is it favor alone, or is there more to it? |
Saul: The Wicked King | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 02/17/2013 | Christology, expository, 1 sam 8, saul, samuel antitype, king, jesus, christ | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 16 - Saul, in contrast to the other examples in this series, serves as an antitype of Christ. His shortcomings and failures point to Christ as the only fulfillment of our need for a righteous king. |
Solomon: The Son of David | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 02/03/2013 | Christology, expository, 1 kings 3, 1 kings 4, david, solomon, jesus, christ, promise, kingdom | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 18 - The series closes with a look at Christ's fulfillment of the promise to David, first manifest in the blessings upon Solomon. Solomon's peaceful, prosperous, and wise reign only hints at the glory of the coming Kingdom of God. |
David Conquers the Giant | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 02/03/2013 | Christology, expository, 1 sam 16, 1 sam 17, david, goliath, jesus, christ, victory | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 17 - David's victory over Goliath points toward Christ's final triumph over every obstacle. It is not through imitation of David, but through faith in Christ that we partake in the victory. |
Boaz: The Kinsman-Redeemer | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 02/03/2013 | Christology, expository, ruth 1, ruth 4, boaz, ruth, jesus, christ, redeemer, narrative | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 15 - This week we explore the prophetic narrative held in the book of Ruth. Each prominent character foreshadows a role in God's plan for the redemption of the world, most notably Boaz as Christ the Redeemer. |
Samson: The Stronger Man | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 02/03/2013 | Christology, expository, judg 12, judg 16, samson, jesus, christ, idols | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 14 - Many of the events in Samson's life - his birth, his successes as a man of God, and his death - highlight him as an image of Christ. Listen as we learn about Christ through the life of the most famous (and infamous) of the Old Testament Judges. |
Joshua Leads to Victory | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, jos 1, jos 5, joshua, jesus, christ, christophany | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 13 - Joshua's successes serve as an image of Christ's victory while his failures remind us that we need someone greater than Joshua. Listen as we study revelations about Christ and His work as found in Joshua's life. |
Rock of Ages | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, ex 33, ex 34, jesus, christ, tabernacle, incarnation | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 12 - This week we turn again to the tabernacle and the tent of meeting to see how they point towards Christ and His Incarnation. What does it mean for Christ to be the Rock? |
Fire on the Mountain | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, ecclesiology, ex 19, ex 20, ex 32, symbols, jesus, christ, covenant | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 11 - Moses patterns the tabernacle after what he sees when he meets God on the mountain. What did Moses see? What does God have to say to the Church from the mountain? |
The Rock and the Water | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, ex 17, num 20, symbols, complacency, perseverance, jesus, christ, symbols, communion | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 10 - Moses strikes a rock and it pours forth water to quench the thirst and the grumblings of the Israelites. Listen as we look through this story towards Christ the Rock, from whom comes living water. |
Bread From Heaven | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, ex 16, john 6, bread, allegory, jesus, christ | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 9 - Even the food sent from heaven to feed the Israelites in the wilderness could not quench their hunger, which could only be satisfied by Christ. This week we study Christ as the Bread of Heaven and how He satisfies our hunger. |
In the Burning Bush | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, ex 3, john 5, angel, burning bush, jesus, christ, christophany | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 8 - The Angel of the Lord speaks to Moses from a burning bush. What he has to say reveals the very nature of God and the nature of Christ as deity. |
The Passover Lamb | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, ex 12, luke 22, lamb, passover, jesus, christ, symbols, communion | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 7 - For the first time in this series the foreshadowing of Christ that we focus on is not found in a person, but instead in the Passover lamb of Exodus. Hear what this account teaches us about the table of Communion. |
Joseph: Favored Son | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, gen 37, joseph, jesus, christ, dreams, symbols, judgment | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 6 - Joseph is a "type" of Christ in his role as the favored son of his father. This week we look at the fulfillment of Joseph's prophetic dreams both in Joseph's rise to power and in Christ's rulership. |
Jacob: Righteous Deception | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, gen 25, gen 27, jacob, jesus, christ, narrative, prophecy | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 5 - The favor of a father is demonstrated through his transfer of a birthright to his son. Jacob takes the birthright originally promised to his brother Esau. How does the story of Jacob's deception foretell of Christ's righteousness? |
Isaac: Shadow of the Bridegroom | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, gen 24, isaac, jesus, christ, bridegroom, narrative, prophecy | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 4 - Scripture's account of Isaac as the bridegroom functions simultaneously as an historical narrative and as prophecy. How should we, the Church, respond to the theology of Christ as the Bridegroom? |
Abraham: All Nations Blessed | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 12/30/2012 | Christology, expository, gen 12, gen 15, gen 22, abraham, jesus, christ, covenant, imago dei | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 3 - God's restoration of mankind is foretold in His declaration that through Abraham all nations would be blessed. The Gospel, the Good News, does not belong to the New Testament alone. Listen to the Gospel as it's displayed in the lives of Abraham and Isaac. |
Noah: Preacher of Righteousness | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 11/11/2012 | Christology, expository, gen 5, gen 6, gen 9, noah, jesus, christ, covenant | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 2 - This week we look at how Noah's life as a righteous man prefigured Christ's righteousness. Noah's role in God's redemptive judgment upon the world prepared the way for Christ's perfect work on the cross. |
The First and the Last Adam | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 11/11/2012 | Christology, expository, gen 1, gen 3, adam, jesus, christ, covenant, imago dei | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 1 - The first sermon of this series looks at the image of Christ seen in the creation and life of Adam. What does it mean for Adam to be a "type" of Christ? |
Elemental Christology | Christ in the Old Testament | John Weis | 10/28/2012 | Christology, expository, acts 2, peter, apostles, jesus, christ | Christ in the Old Testament, Part 0 - A brief introduction to some of the most common words in the Christian faith; we take a look at what the phrase "Jesus Christ" means in the context of the Early Church. When the Holy Spirit fell on the believers at Pentecost, why did Peter give what seems like a basic history lesson? |