John Weis | August 25th, 2013
"Sola Deo Gloria" - Glory to God Alone. The last of the five Solas of the Protestant Reformation declares that God deserves all glory and honor. In Christ, glorifying God and enjoying Him are one and the same thing.
John Weis | August 25th, 2013
In response to the errors of their day, the Protestant Reformers held that Christian doctrine is formed "sola scriptura" - by Scripture alone. Scripture is authoritative, inspired, clear, efficient, and sufficient.
John Weis | August 25th, 2013
God's people are saved "solo Christo" - by Christ alone. There is no other salvation except through Christ, the sole mediator between God and man.
John Weis | August 25th, 2013
God's people are saved "sola fide" - by faith alone. It is not through good works or appearances that a person is justified before God; it is through faith in Christ alone.
John Weis | August 25th, 2013
God's people are saved "sola gratia" - by grace alone. There is nothing that a person can do to merit salvation; it is a gift granted by God.
John Weis | August 25th, 2013
The historical context of the Five Solas - the five summary statements of the Protestant Reformation.