Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series

Paul's Eight Requests for Partners in Prayer

Greg Weis | July 12th, 2015

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 4A. Eight passages in the Apostle Paul's epistles where he requests partners in prayer.

Spiritual Warfare - The Nature of the Enemy

Greg Weis | September 7th, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3G - Satan, the adversary, is opposite God in character and intention but not equal in divinity or power. We are encouraged by Scripture to be innocent in regards to the "deep things of Satan" (Rev. 2:24) but "not ignorant of his schemes" (2 Cor. 2:11).

Spiritual Warfare - Reality, Geography & Legalities (Continued)

Greg Weis | August 31st, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3F (Continued) - To engage in spiritual warfare, it is important to first understand what the Bible reveals about the source, geography and legalities of spiritual warfare.

Spiritual Warfare - Reality, Geography & Legalities

Greg Weis | August 31st, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3F - To engage in spiritual warfare, it is important to first understand what the Bible reveals about the source, geography and legalities of spiritual warfare.

Five Types of Prayer - Great Model Intercessors of the Bible

Greg Weis | August 24th, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3E - Seven key principles of intercession as exemplified by great models in the Bible - Jesus, Nehemiah, Moses and others.

Five Types of Prayer - Principles of Effective Intercession

Greg Weis | August 24th, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3D - Effective intercession begins with a burden from the heart of God given by the Holy Spirit.

Five Types of Prayer - Petitions, Supplications & Requests with Thanksgiving

Greg Weis | August 17th, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3C - Petitions, supplications and requests are the most familiar types of prayer. It is important to couple these prayers with thanksgiving.

Seven Keys to Effective Kingdom Prayer - Key 5

Greg Weis | August 10th, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 2C. Another key to effective prayer is righteousness. What is righteousness?

Seven Keys to Effective Kingdom Prayer - Keys 2-4

Greg Weis | August 10th, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 2B. Relational faith, humility and harmonious relationships are three more keys to effective prayer.

Seven Keys to Effective Kingdom Prayer - Key 1

Greg Weis | August 3rd, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 2A. One of the first keys to effective prayer is to pray according to God's will. What is the will of God?

Five Types of Prayer - Communing with God in His Word (Continued)

Greg Weis | July 27th, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3A (Continued) - We can commune with the Living Word by reflectively reading His written Word.

Five Types of Prayer - Communing with God in His Word

Greg Weis | July 27th, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer Series, Chapter 3A - We can commune with the Living Word by reflectively reading His written Word.

The Catalyst to Visitation - Part A (Conclusion)

Greg Weis | June 29th, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer, Chapter 1A (Conclusion) - Effective corporate prayer is a spiritual catalyst to the initial, sustained and increasing corporate community-wide manifest presence of God, out of which His redemptive, miraculous, Kingdom purposes are birthed and established.

The Catalyst to Visitation - Part A (Continued)

Greg Weis | June 22nd, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer, Chapter 1A (Continued) - Effective corporate prayer is a spiritual catalyst to the initial, sustained and increasing corporate community-wide manifest presence of God, out of which His redemptive, miraculous, Kingdom purposes are birthed and established.

The Catalyst to Visitation - Part A

Greg Weis | June 8th, 2014

Effective Corporate Kingdom Prayer, Chapter 1A - Effective corporate prayer is a spiritual catalyst to the initial, sustained and increasing corporate community-wide manifest presence of God, out of which His redemptive, miraculous, Kingdom purposes are birthed and established.

Grace Christian Fellowship | 1645 Spaulding Rd.  Dayton OH  45432
Phone Number: (937) 930-4233
Sunday Bible Study @ 9:30 am | Worship Service @ 10:30 am
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