John Weis | October 2nd, 2016
Having demonstrated the Kingdom which God is bringing about, the writer of Hebrews shows how we are to live in that Kingdom.
John Weis | September 25th, 2016
We have come to something more real than what can be touched. We have come, by the mercies of God, to the True, Heavenly Gathering. Therefore, we should conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the calling.
John Weis | September 11th, 2016
In His infinite wisdom, God has considered those who have come before as righteous, but not "made perfect" until the time of Christ. This was so that Christ would be demonstrated as the Author of Salvation for all those who believe.
John Weis | September 4th, 2016
Hearing the univocal testimony of the Trinity, Christians ought to have every confidence before God in every situation, concern, and trouble.
John Weis | August 28th, 2016
Because Christ's blood was offered in the Heavenly Temple, we, as His people, have confidence that it will sanctify us.
John Weis | August 21st, 2016
The purpose of the Hebrew writer is to warn his hearers from apostasy, from reverting back to the shadows instead of looking on to Christ. Everything which you trust in, except for Christ, will pass away.
John Weis | August 14th, 2016
God's grace in the New Covenant is that He relates to us as those who, like Abraham, are recipients of the Promises, not those who continually break the covenant.
John Weis | August 7th, 2016
The eternal unchangeable counsel of God and His oath to perform it are the bedrock foundation upon which we know we can trust God.
John Weis | July 31st, 2016
Though Aaron was appointed as priest in the time of the Exodus, Christ is the eternal priest, designated by the Father to minister to all those who receive salvation.
John Weis | July 24th, 2016
Holding fast to our confession is how we enter the rest of God. Our confession is that standing before God we have a greater debt than we could ever pay, but Christ Himself stands with us, greater still.
John Weis | July 10th, 2016
The Hebrew writer shows Moses and Jesus as those who were given charge over the same house, God's house. The house of God is nothing other than the assembly of the faithful saints of God.
John Weis | July 3rd, 2016
Christ takes on flesh to experientially know human weakness, allowing Him to both be merciful to us and our High Priest.
John Weis | June 26th, 2016
The deity of the Son of God and the reign and victory of Christ as presented in Hebrews 1.