Acceptance as You Are, Empowerment to Grow

Grace Christian Fellowship is a congregation of believers seeking to serve people by providing a discipling community where individuals and families are equipped to know God deeply.


At Grace Christian Fellowship, we place a high value on living out a community lifestyle. We believe that biblical community involves far more than just seeing each other on Sunday mornings. As a family of families, we seek to pursue deep and lasting relationships with each other by sharing life’s joys, sorrows, and challenges. We worship throughout the week, serve together, gather in small group meetings, and celebrate important life events.


We believe that discipleship is foundational to the Christian life in that Christ called all of His disciples to make disciples and to teach them to observe all Jesus has commanded (cf. Matthew 28:18-20). We know this to be the goal of every disciple, not just of pastors or leaders. Because Christ has given us this high calling, we provide one-on-one discipleship for all members of the church. Discipleship happens when a Christian comes alongside another and helps them move forward in love for God and others. As part of this process of spiritual growth, we give counsel and support for all areas of life, including relationships, academics, and vocation.


At Grace Christian Fellowship, we see outreach as a primary ministry of the whole congregation. We believe that effective outreach includes both formal, structured programs and organic, moment-to-moment life situations. Our formal outreach opportunities are geared toward many groups, from elementary students (Kids ROCK House) and college students (ROCK Campus Fellowship) to moms’ groups and evangelistic discipleship groups. We see these ministries as expressions of our church family rather than divisions of it, encouraging creativity in the midst of structure. For each formal and informal ministry opportunity, we encourage members to invite friends, family, and acquaintances, fostering an atmosphere of hospitality.
Grace Christian Fellowship | 1645 Spaulding Rd.  Dayton OH  45432
Phone Number: (937) 930-4233
Sunday Bible Study @ 9:30 am | Worship Service @ 10:30 am
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